

記憶の倉庫  2011年7月22日刊行
ピーター J.マシウス

私は若いころから多くの博物館を訪れたが、なかでも、故郷ニュージーランドにあるオークランド戦争記念博物館と交通科学博物館はお気に入りである。前者で はニュージーランドにおけるマオリの記憶と出会い、後者では近代産業社会の胎動期の感動的な瞬間に触れることができた。私にとって博物館は記憶の倉庫であ り、タイムマシンでもある。そこでは時間と空間を自由に行き来することができるのだ。





I have visited museums since I was young, and my two favourites in Auckland, New Zealand, were the Auckland War Memorial Museum and the Museum of Transport and Technology. In the first I encountered memories of the Maori past in New Zealand, and in the second I seemed to be touching moments at the beginning of the modern industrial world. A museum for me has always been both a storehouse of memories, and also a kind of time machine, a place where my thoughts can travel across time and space.

Here at Minpaku, I am especially fond of the Maori storehouse, or pataka, that stands in the New Zealand section of the Oceania Gallery. Such a storehouse today is a treasured part of Maori community meeting places, where people gather for talking, singing, celebrations, and also for mourning. A highly decorated storehouse is often used to keep treasures from the community past - photographs, carvings, and other objects that are important to the people. So the pataka in our museum is almost like a museum inside a museum. A storehouse of memories inside the storehouse of memories.

If we look carefully, we can see a rare treasure inside the pataka displayed at Minpaku: an early 20th century photograph of a storehouse where a valuable food was kept, the meat of birds, stored in their own fat, inside bottlegourds. Storehouses were also needed for food, not just memories.

ピーター J.マシウス(民族社会研究部准教授)

標本番号:(上)H0008069 / 標本名:パータカ


