
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2003 27巻3号

目 次
藤井 麻湖




Yamanaka, Yuriko
“Alexander the Sacred” in Arabic and Persian Literature
Fujii, Mako
Twelve Heroes, or Hero Twelve in the Epic:
Reinterpretation of a Numeral in a Mongolian Epic

アラブ・ペルシア文学における アレクサンドロス大王の神聖化
山中 由里子*
“Alexander the Sacred” in Arabic and Persian Literature
Yuriko Yamanaka

本論文ではまず,アレクサンドロスが中世イスラーム世界においてこのように神聖視されるにいたった背景を明らかにするため,『コーラン』第18章「洞 窟」に登場する二本角(ズー・ル=カルナイン)とアレクサンドロス伝説との関連を指摘し,また,イスラームに先行する一神教であるユダヤ・キリスト教がその宗教説話の中にアレクサンドロスを取り入れた経緯を辿る。

Literary accounts concerning Alexander the Great in West Asia are inseparable from the Islamic faith. In Arabic and Persian literature, Alexander is depicted as a devout Muslim, a propagator of the true faith with special authority bestowed by God, a champion of the holy war, and even as a prophet.
This article first explores the background of how the figure of Alexander came to carry such a religious aura in the mediaeval Islamic world by point-ing out the link between the Alexander legend and the passage on Dhū 'l-qarnayn (the two horned) in Sūra 18 (“the Cave”) of the Ǫur'ān, and by tracing Jewish and Christian religious narratives which had already incorporated Alexander as a sacred figure before the coming of Islam.
Secondly, we will analyze specific texts in Arabic and Persian from different genres, such as Quranic exegesis, the tales of the prophets, historical narrative, and the Alexander epic. We shall see the subtle amalgamation of the religious symbolism of Dhū 'l-qarnayn and the historicity of the Macedonian conqueror in these various representations of Alexander.
Lastly, we will point out the existence of the Dhū 'l-qarnayn legend which was transmitted into Chinese and Japanese sources.
* 国立民族学博物館博物館民族学研究部
Key Words: Alexander the Great, Dhū 'l-qarnayn, Islamization, comparative literature, West Asia
キーワード: アレクサンドロス大王, 二本角(ズー・ル=カルナイン),イスラーム化,比較文学,西アジア
1 序論
2 「二本角のアレクサンドロス」
 2.1 『コーラン』第18章「洞窟」82-97節
 2.2 「二本角」の正体
 2.3 アレクサンドロスにまつわるシリア
 2.4 一神教とアレクサンドロス
3 イスラーム世界におけるアレクサンド
 3.1 タバリーの『タフシール』
 3.2 預言者伝集
 3.3 ディーナワリー『長史』
 3.4 ニザーミーのアレクサンドロス物語
4 結論

藤 井 麻 湖*
Twelve Heroes, or Hero Twelve in the Epic:
Reinterpretation of a Numeral in a Mongolian Epic
Mako Fujii

『ジャンガル』は,『元朝秘史』や『ゲセル』と並ぶモンゴル三大文芸作品のひとつに数えられているモンゴル英雄叙事詩であり,主として口頭で受け継がれてきた。その伝承地域は,新疆(中国),カルムイク(ロシア),モンゴル国である。ジャンガルは,この物語の舞台となるアル= ボムビーン= オロンの盟主であり,彼には“12勇者”の側近がいると語られている。“12勇者”の「12」という数詞は一般に「12人」という人数を表す数詞とみなされているが,実際には12人に満たないことが多く,それ以外にも疑わしい点が多々観察される。本論では,信頼できる資料をもとに“12勇者”の表現をすべて検討し,この“12勇者”が指示する勇者を特定することを目的とする。考察の結果,「12」は数詞ではなく,固有名詞として用いられている場合が認められる。そして,固有名詞として用いられる場合,次のような3つの意味を表しているものと考えられる。

Epic is a special genre of folklore among the numerous Mongolianspeaking peoples, one that plays an important role in investigating their culture, history, and mentality. The epic, or epic song cycle, about , the leader of an imaginary state or region called “Aru-Bumba-yin-Orun”, is widespread mainly among the western Mongols called Oyirat. It is regarded as a literary work on a par with the Secret History of the Mongols or the Geser epic.
is accompanied by “arban qoyar”, fighting foreign or alien enemies by his side. “Arban qoyar” is generally taken to mean “twelve heroes”, and the number twelve has been widely accepted as the actual number of heroes. But there are few statements about their names in the introduction of the seating order of the heroes in the many versions of the epic known to us. In fact, often, the names of fewer than twelve heroes are referred to. Usually, not only the number, but also the actual names, as well as the seating order of the heroes differ from one version to another.
In this respect, the 17-chapter- text transcribed by Taya from the words of Arinpil, a famous epic performer in today’s Xinjiang, attracts our attention, for it contains precisely the twelve names of the twelve heroes in the fi rst chapter. The 17-chapter- text is the most reliable of the Xinjiang texts at the moment, so this fact is signifi cant. However, careful observation shows that one name is repeated. In actual fact, only eleven heroes are presented.
In this paper, I would like to examine what exactly “arban qoyar” indicates. For this purpose, all the passages in the 17-chapter- text that contain “arban qoyar” are scrutinized. This is followed by a detailed examination of the ways in which “arban qoyar” is used in various contexts. It is concluded that the number “twelve” in “arban qoyar” can be taken both as a numeral and as a proper noun. Scholars usually recognize “twelve” as a numeral, but they have not yet examined it as a noun.
The usage of “twelve” as a proper noun has three meanings as follows:
1. a group called “the twelve heroes” consisting of twelve warriors or less. The actual number is fundamentally irrelevant,
2. a group called “the twelve heroes” who may or may not be under the command of Altan čeeǰi,
3. a hero called “Hero Twelve”, referring to Altan čeeǰi (one of ’s heroes).
If we extend this examination to the Kalmyk or the 25-chapter text, the most reliable of the Kalmyk _ang_ar texts, it is observed that the expression “six thousand and twelve heroes” is used more frequently than “arban qoyar”. This fact makes us aware that not only “arban qoyar” but also “eight thousand and twelve heroes” appears in the 17-chapter- text. It is true that xpressions of “eight thousand heroes” are used in the 17-chapter text separately from “arban qoyar” for the most part, but this phenomenon shows the fact that the “arban qoyar” is treated as a numeral by the performer of the 17-chapter- text.
From the Kalmyk or the 25-chapter- text, however, we cannot derive the second and the third meanings of “arban qoyar” mentioned above. Nonetheless, it is possible to read a hint of Altan čeeǰi in the expression of “arban qoyar” if we follow the analysis of the 17-chapter- text advanced in this paper.
We can understand why Altan čeeǰi is used metaphorically, especially if compared with the number “thirteen”. An examination of the usage of “thirteen” in the 17-chapter- text suggests that this number “thirteen” is used as a metaphor for Qongɣur or Güzeen-gümbe, the main warriors in the epic. On the one hand, Altan čeeǰi seats himself in the first or the most estimable seat on the right-hand side of at all times, and on the other hand, warriors labeled “thirteen” are seated either in the first seat on the left-hand side of or in the second seat on the right-hand side.
In Mongolian culture, the right-hand side is usually more respected than the left. Therefore, according to this tradition, it seems that Altan čeeǰi is superior to Qongɣur. But the arrangement of two numbers in order of decreasing size allotted to the two worriors indicates that Altan čeeǰi is inferior to Qongɣur. Such metaphorical uses are designed to conceal from listeners the reversed order of daily routine or accepted order in the explicit narrative of the epic.
* 国立民族学博物館外来研究員
Key Words: “”, “twelve heroes”, “Hero Twelve”, “arban qoyar”, Kalmyk , Xinjiang , numeral, proper noun, altan čeeǰi, Qongɣur
キーワード: ジャンガル“12勇者”,カルムイクジャンガル,新疆ジャンガル,数詞,固有名詞,アルタン・チェージ,ホンゴル

1 序論
1.1 喫茶文化史における魏晋南北朝期の評価
1.2 従来の研究成果
2 魏晋の風流と喫茶
2.1 魏晋の風流
2.2 喫茶の風流
3 茶の精神―倹
3.1 茶と茶宴の倹約
3.2 茶の価格
4 宮廷・官僚の喫茶
4.1 宮廷の喫茶と御用茶園の成立
4.2 最高の飲料とされる茶
4.3 喫茶史料に関する考察
4.4 北朝の喫茶
5 道士・僧侶・庶民の喫茶
5.1 道士・僧侶の喫茶
5.2 商品化される茶
5.3 供え物と喫茶
6 結論