
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2003 27巻4号

目 次
儀 礼 の 受 難
杉本 良男
庄司 博史
岸上 伸啓
長崎 広子
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』27巻 総目次





Sugimoto, Yoshio
A Genealogical Study of the Concept of Ritual in Sri
Shoji, Hiroshi
A New Phase in the Chinese Minority Language Policy
Kishigami, Nobuhiro
Notes on Studies of Food Sharing in Hunter-Gatherer
Nagasaki, Hiroko
Research Materials on the Religious Play“ Rāmlīlā” in

儀 礼 の 受 難
杉 本 良 男*
A Genealogical Study of the Concept of Ritual in Sri Lanka
Yoshio Sugimoto


This is a genealogical study of the concept of “ritual” in Sri Lanka from the colonial period under European rulers, Portuguese, Dutch and British, and in the post-colonial situation. Ritual, rites and ceremony had become dirty words by the eighteenth century. Ritual came to imply insincerity and empty formality.
The religions of the European powers which ruled Sri Lanka were Catholic (Portuguese), Protestant (Dutch), and Anglican (British) in that order. There was great rivalry and attack from the Dutch Reformed Church against Portuguese Catholicism in the seventeenth century. The main targets were “Idolatry” and “Ritualism.” The situation was relieved at the beginning of British rule. However, social and religious policy changed in the 1830’s under the infl uence of Evangelicals in Great Britain.
From the second half of the nineteenth century, Sri Lankan Buddhism underwent a gradual process of modernization, or civilization, under the infl uence of Evangelical Protestantism. The reformed Buddhism linked itself with Buddhist nationalism as part of its attempt to counter Western rules. This “Protestant Buddhism” departed from traditional Therevada Buddhism in promoting a Protestant-like this-worldly asceticism centering on the laity instead of other-worldly Buddhist monks and sangha.
The agenda of unifi ed “Protestant Buddhism” has played an important role in Sinhala Buddhist nationalism since 1956, the 2500th anniversary of Buddha’s nirvana. More than that, phenomena of magic and ritual have recurred in urban areas. These are the paradoxical consequences of the civilization of Sri Lankan “ritual.”
* 国立民族学博物館民族文化研究部
Key Words: Sri Lanka, ritual, Protestant Buddhism, nationalism, genealogy
キーワード: スリランカ,儀礼,プロテスタント仏教,ナショナリズム,系譜学
1 問題の所在
2 仏教国スリランカのキリスト教
2.1 仏教国スリランカ
2.2 聖トマス伝説
2.3 植民地支配とキリスト教
2.4 イギリス支配とキリスト教
3 宗教儀礼と王役制度
3.1 ウダラタ王国の土地所有制度
3.2 王役
3.3 王役制度のデモンストレーション
3.4 イギリス支配と王役制度
4 偶像崇拝と儀礼主義の排除
4.1 オランダ時代のキリスト教
4.2 イギリス支配と宗教
4.3 騒擾の儀礼と静寂の儀礼
4.4 禁酒運動
5 仏教改革
5.1 仏教僧団の改革
5.2 異教的な儀礼の排除
5.3 神智協会
5.4 ダルマパーラ
6 現代スリランカ仏教における呪術と儀礼
6.1 瞑想
6.2 仏教の再呪術化
6.3 菩提樹供養
6.4 文明化のパラドックス

庄 司 博 史*
A New Phase in the Chinese Minority Language Policy
Hiroshi Shoji


Since the foundation of the present socialist state China has upheld a ground principle for national minority language policies which is to guarantee the use and development of such languages. In practice this principle has mainly involved an attempt to establish a writing system for each language and to incorporate the languages into the basic school system for the minorities. At the same time, the realization of a common national language on the basis of Han has also been a mandatory task in the state’s agenda. In the 1980’s and onwards the schema that had controlled the Chinese minority language policies has apparently shifted to a new phase, with the emergence of critical phenomena where the interests of both sides prominently go against each other. One is the growing confl icts brought by the state’s urposive policy to emphasize the role of Han, and to rationalize attempts to develop minority languages. The other is the generalization of the theoretical notion of “bilingual education” among the language planners of Chinese minority languages, in the framework of which a foothold for mother tongue education is sought, against the pressure of Han. The author further examines several new factors affecting the present Chinese minority language policies.
* 国立民族学博物館民族社会研究部
Key Words: bilingual education, mother tongue education, China’s national minority, language policy, minority language
キーワード: 二言語教育 母語教育 中国少数民族 言語政策 少数民族語

1 はじめに
2 中国の少数民族言語・言語政策の概要
 2.1 少数民族言語の文字化方針の背景
 2.2 中国言語政策の意味――統合政策と
 2.3 民族政策の理念――社会主義国家
 2.4 言語と民族の扱い
3 民族言語政策の今日までの経過
 3.1 民族言語政策の具体的目的
 3.2 民族言語政策の始まり
 3.3 後退期
 3.4 復活期
4 民族言語と民族言語語政策の現状
 4.1 圧迫される民族言語
 4.2 民族言語文字化政策の停滞と合理化
5 漢語依存と漢語教育をめぐる対立と矛盾
 5.1 国家課題としての漢語普及政策
 5.2 民族言語にとって脅威としての漢語普及
 5.3 民族教育の効率化と国家への編入
6 双語教育政策と少数民族言語
 6.1 漢語教育とのかかわり
 6.2 温存される双語教育の二義性
7 民族言語を取りまくあらたな状況
 7.1 近代化にともなう諸現象
 7.2 国際的言語理論の援用
 7.3 世界的言語・民族運動への関心
8 おわりに――まとめと展望

狩猟採集民社会における食物分配 ―諸研究の紹介と批判的検討―
岸 上 伸 啓*
Notes on Studies of Food Sharing in Hunter-Gatherer Societies
Nobuhiro Kishigami


There are several studies on food sharing in hunter-gatherer societies. This short paper reviews hypotheses about sharing in socio-cultural anthropology, ecological anthropology, evolutionary ecology, and primate studies. Then, in relation to anthropological studies of Inuit food sharing, I make three basic proposals whose exploration may contribute to a better understanding of food sharing in hunter-gatherer societies in general. The first is to explore differences between food sharing practices in a small-scale camp group and those in a large sedentary community. The second is to explore temporal changes and continuity in the contemporary food sharing practices of a specific community. The third is to explore regional similarities and differences in Inuit food sharing practices from a historical perspective.
* 国立民族学博物館先端民族学研究部
Key Words: food sharing, hunter-gatherer societies
キーワード: 食物分配,狩猟採集民社会

1 はじめに
2 社会・文化人類学的研究
 2.1 狩猟採集民社会と食物分配
 2.2 食物分配をめぐる社会関係
 2.3 食物分配の社会的機能
 2.4 食物分配をめぐる心理
 2.5 食物分配と世界観
 2.6 食物分配と社会変化
3 生態人類学的研究 
 3.1 生態学的な適応手段としての食物分配
 3.2 生活の「シェアリング」と食物分配
4 進化生態学的研究
 4.1 偏差減少モデル(variance reduction
 4.2 血縁淘汰(kin selection)
 4.3 互恵的利他主義(reciprocal altruism)
 4.4 容認される盗み(tolerated theft)
 4.5 協同による獲得(cooperative acquisition)
 4.6 適応度ベネフィットとしての食物
    分配(adaptive benefits)
5 霊長類研究
6 研究成果と問題点の整理
 6.1 研究成果の整理
 6.2 イヌイット研究による狩猟採集民
7 結語

長 崎 広 子*
Research Materials on the Religious Play “Rāmlīlā” in Ramnagar
Hiroko Nagasaki

インドの聖地バナーラスの対岸にある町ラームナガルでは,毎年ラーマ物語の野外劇ラーム・リーラーが藩王によって開催され,これは北インドで最も壮麗な宗教劇として知られている。熱狂的な祭は1 ヶ月間続き,期間中ラーマ神をはじめとするヒンドゥー教の神々が町に滞在し,華麗な遊戯を繰り広げると考えられている。町全体が神々の世界をうつす劇場となり,ヴィシュヌ神の5人の化身を演じる少年は文字通り神として扱われる。本稿は,ラームナガルのラーム・リーラーの祭をとりあげ,そこにみられる演出,演技,劇空間,時空の特色,さらには祭の背景にある宗教的な教化の意味や藩王の支配力に関する研究資料として提供しようとするものである。

The annual Rāmlīlā - ‘Rama’s play’ - of Ramnagar is known as the grandest of the open-air religious plays in North India. Ramnagar is on the eastern bank of the Ganges opposite to Banaras, and this play is performed under the patronage of the Maharaja of Banaras. The performance extends over one month immersed in religious zeal, and during this period the deities of the Ramayana are considered to stay in Ramnagar, reproducing their holy play. The whole city is transformed into a theater which represents the divine universe, and the fi ve boys who play the roles of the deities are regarded as actual incarnations of the god Vishnu.
This paper fi rst describes the details of the play, in particular how it is produced and performed, and how the actors, staff, audience and patron take part in it. I then present research materials on the theatrical setting of the play and its religious symbolism, and the signifi cance of the play for the ruler and his subjects.
* 日本学術振興会特別研究員
Key Words: Ramayana, Ramcharitmanas, Ramnagar, Ramlila
キーワード: ラーマーヤナ,ラームチャリットマーナス,ラームナガル,ラーム・リーラー

1 序
2 宗教劇ラーム・リーラーの歴史
3 芝居のあらすじ
4 祭の期間
5 祭のプログラム
6 劇の舞台
7 藩王の観劇
8 劇の出演者
9 ヴャースの役割
10 ラーマーヤニーによる『ラームチャ
11 張子人形
12 劇終了時の献火
13 藩王の城での別れの儀式
14 ラームナガルのラーム・リーラー
15 結語