
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2007 31巻3号

目 次
杉本 良男
Minorities “in between” China and Japan:
Complexity of legal status and identity
CHEN, Tien-shi


Sugimoto, Yoshio
A Genealogical Study of St. Thomas in South India
CHEN, Tien-shi
Minorities “in between” China and Japan:
Complexity of legal status and identity


杉本 良男*
A Genealogical Study of St. Thomas in South India.
Yoshio Sugimoto
小稿は,南アジアに広く受けいれられている聖トマス伝説について,1)現在の状況の概要,2)聖トマス伝説の形成と展開およびその歴史的背景,3)ヒンドゥー・ナショナリズムとの関係のなかでの現代的意義,とりわけ2004 年末のスマトラ沖大地震・インド洋大津波をめぐる奇蹟譚の解釈をめぐるさまざまな論争と問題点,について人類学的に考察しようとするものである。問題の根本は,インド・キリスト教史の出発点としてつねに引き合いに出される聖トマスによる開教伝説の信憑性をめぐる論争そのものの政治的な意味にある。南インドには,聖トマスの遺骨をまつるサントメ大聖堂をはじめトマスが隠棲していた洞窟などが聖地として人びとの信仰を集めている。その根拠とされるのは新約聖書外典の『聖トマス行伝』であり,これを信ずるシリア教会系のトマス・クリスチャン(シリアン・クリスチャン)がケーララ州に400 万の人口を数えている。聖トマス伝説はポルトガル時代にカトリック化され,また聖トマスが最後ヒンドゥー教徒の手で殉教した,とも伝えられる。これが,さきの地震・津波災害のおりには,反キリスト教キャンペーンのターゲットにもなっていた。2 千年のときを経て聖トマスはいまも政治的,宗教的な文脈のなかで生きているのである。

This is an anthropological genealogical study of the apostle St. Thomas in South India. The apostle Thomas has occupied an important place in the imagination of Indian Christianity, mainly in Kerala and Tamilnadu in South India. According to local narratives, Christianity was brought there in 52 A.D. by St. Thomas. The apostle founded the Syrian Christian Church, but was killed by fanatic local Brahmans in 72 A.D. This story was resurrected and embellished by Portuguese Jesuit missionaries in sixteenth century when they catholicized the local Syrian Nestorian tradition. Stephen Neill has warned us that “the story can only be called Thomas romances.” Whatever the historical truth may be, the tale attracted many medieval travelers such as Marco Polo, kings, missionaries and other travelers in the Age of Discovery. The legend of the “slain” Hindu Brahmans still has great impact in the context of recent Hindu religious nationalism in India. After the catastrophic “tsunami” disaster on 26th December, 2004, the combination of traumatic events and dramatic, “even melodramatic,” reporting helped create a new Age of Miracles. One of the most popular miracle stories is the one of how the miraculous pole of St Thomas kept the invading waves away, sparing the newly renovated San Thome Cathedral in Mylapore, Chennai. The Cathedral has an underground tomb chapel of St Thomas, its main attraction for many devotees and tourists. The story caused much controversy between Hindu and Christian nationalists. The apostle St. Thomas is still very much alive in the context of religious nationalism in India.
* 国立民族学博物館先端人類科学研究部
Key Words:St. Thomas, India, Christianity, Hindu nationalism, miracle, Tsunami

序 漁民を見捨てた聖トマス
1 トマスを探せ
1.1 使徒聖トマス
1.2 トマス行伝
1.3 聖トマスの聖地
1.4 トマス・クリスチャン
2 聖トマス変奏曲
2.1 聖トマス伝説
2.2 祭司ヨハネスの手紙
2.3 聖トマスの呪縛

2.4 聖トマス対聖ペトロ
3 恩讐の彼方に
3.1 人殺しの聖者
3.2 寺院の破壊
3.3 聖トマスのポールの奇蹟
3.4 奇蹟譚のポリティクス
結 生きてゐるトマス
補論1 天草の「サントメ経」
補論2 インドのキリスト教徒


Minorities “in between” China and Japan:
Complexity of legal status and identity1)
CHEN, Tien-shi*
陳 天璽
Nation states classify their nations and foreigners by nationality, and integrate people by unifying their languages and cultures. They also territorialize individual identity by granting nationality. The themes of nation state and nationality were rather a minor issue in anthropology until recently. This is because studies in anthropology mainly focus on primitive or tribal societies which existed much earlier before the birth of nation states. Therefore, the term minority is often used to describe aborigines or groups of people who share ethnic and cultural characteristics, and who often have a firm identity base on these. This article, rather, pays attention to nation states, and focuses on the minorities who cross borders or transfer their nationality due to political events occurring among the nation states related to them. In particular, I study three groups of people who have been affected by Sino-Japanese relations. These are stateless overseas Chinese, Taiwanese, and war orphans resident in Japan, whom I term “minorities in between China and Japan.” The historical transitions causing them to be minorities will be described, and the complexity of their nationalities and identities will be analyzed.

* National Museum of Ethnology, Department of Advanced Studies in Anthropology
Key Words:minorities “in between”, stateless overseas Chinese, imperial subjects, war orphans, subjective identity, perceived identity

1 Introduction
2 Complexity of Identity
3 Chinese Migrants in Japan
 : transitions of history and population
4 Taiwanese who were once Imperial Subjects
 of Japan
5 The “Two Chinas” and the Shift in Japan’s
 Diplomatic Policy
6 Living as Stateless Overseas Chinese in Japan
7 Japanese War Orphans
8 Conclusion