
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2008 32巻4号

目 次
岸上 伸啓
楊 海英
『国立民族学博物館研究報告』32巻 総目次


Kishigami, Nobuhiro
A Cultural Anthropological Study of Subsistence Activities with Special Focus on Indigenous Hunting, Fishing and Gathering in the Arctic Regions
Fukui, Eijiro
The Aged who "do not Know the Tradition": The Present Situation of the Aged on Aneityum Island, Vanuatu, and a Critique of Social Constructionism
Yang, Haiying
"Return of the Army in Triumph" by Badaraqu, Ordos,Yeke Juu League


岸上 伸啓*
A Cultural Anthropological Study of Subsistence Activities with Special Focus on Indigenous Hunting, Fishing and Gathering in the Arctic Regions
Kishigami, Nobuhiro
文化人類学では,狩猟採集や園耕,牧畜,農耕などの食糧生産を生業活動としてカテゴリー化し,社会を分類することが行われてきた。本論文では狩猟採集をめぐって「生業」概念や研究アプローチがどのように展開されてきたかを整理,検討する。そのうえで,極北地域の先住民の生業活動の特徴およびイヌイットのシロイルカ猟を検討することを通してイヌイットの狩猟漁撈採集活動にかかわる生業モデルを提案する。イヌイット型(もしくは北極型)の生業では,捕獲から加工・処理,分配・流通,(廃棄),消費,廃棄へといたる一連の活動系とそれに関連する儀礼の活動系からなり,その2 つの活動系には,(1)行動的側面,(2)社会的側面,(3)技術・道具的側面,(4)イデオロギー的側面,(5)知識的側面が存在している。すなわち,生業活動とは,この2 つの活動系とそれらに関連する文化的・社会的・物質的要素からなる経済システムである。このモデルは,特定の社会的な脈絡の中で狩猟採集活動を調査する視点を提供するのみならず,比較研究に利用することができる。

As subsistence activities, food production systems such as hunting and gathering, horticulture, pastoralism and agriculture have been used to classify and characterize human societies in cultural anthropology. In this paper, the author first discusses several meanings of the concept "subsistence" or "subsistence activity" and the development of anthropological approaches to hunting and gathering as a subsistence activity. He then proposes a model of Inuit subsistence by examining the characteristics of arctic hunter-gatherer subsis- tence activities, including beluga whale hunting. In this model of Inuit subsistence activities, there is a series of activities such as harvesting, processing, sharing/distribution, consumption and disposal, in addition to various types of ritual or ceremonial corresponding to these activities. Each of these activities has behavioral, social, technology/tool, ideological and knowledge aspects. That is, subsistence activities are economic systems consisting of several associated cultural, social and material aspects. This definition or model of a subsistence activity may be useful in conducting research on hunting and gathering activities in a particular social context and in comparative studies of hunting and gathering activities in human societies.
Key Words: anthropological studies, subsistence activities, hunter-gatherers, hunting, fishing, arctic regions, subsistence model

1 問題提起
2 文化人類学における「生業」概念について
2.1 「生業」の一般的用法と法的用法,文化人類学における用法
2.2 狩猟採集社会研究者による定義
2.3 諸定義の共通性と差異
3 狩猟採集社会研究と先住民研究における生業と生業活動
3.1 生態人類学的アプローチ
3.2 様式論的アプローチ
3.3 先住民の生業活動に関する研究
3.4 生業研究の争点
4 北アメリカ極北地域における生業活動の特異性と生業モデル
4.1 北アメリカ極北先住民の生業研究と生業の位置づけ
4.2 カナダ極北地域における生業活動としてのシロイルカ猟の場合
4.2.1 活動系としてのシロイルカ猟
4.2.2 シロイルカ猟と食料資源
4.2.3 シロイルカ猟と技術・物質文化
4.2.4 シロイルカ猟と環境的知識
4.2.5 シロイルカ猟と社会関係
4.2.6 シロイルカ猟と世界観
4.2.7 シロイルカ猟とハンターの意識
4.2.8 生業活動とイヌイット社会,国家,国際社会
4.2.9 生業と毛皮交易
4.2.10 シロイルカ猟からみたイヌイットの生業活動の特徴
4.3 シロイルカ猟を基にした極北型生業モデルの提案とその活用
5 結語


The Aged who "do not Know the Tradition": The Present Situation of the Aged on Aneityum Island, Vanuatu, and a Critique of Social Constructionism
Fukui, Eijiro
その老年人類学における新たな視点として,本稿ではジェンダー論の議論を援用しつつ,社会構築主義―つまり「老人」というカテゴリーやそこに付随する社会的な規範は社会的,言説的,歴史的に構築されているという考え方 ―の再考を行いたい。社会構築主義では,ある概念やカテゴリーは,パフォーマティヴィティを破綻させることで変化するという前提が存在している。この前提は本当に妥当なのだろうか。

  In this paper, I present a new perspective on the anthropology of aging. Studies on the anthropology of aging usually view the aged only from the perspective of "tradition". However, the lifestyle of the aged is now becoming more diverse with the influence of rapid modernization. I discuss how these aged people maintain their social positions in a society which has undergone drastic modernization.
  To present the new perspective, I rethink social constructionism,and claim that "the aged" as a category and the social role of the aged are social, discoursive or historical constructions. Social constructionism has the theoretical assumption that a given concept or category may be changed if "performativity" breaks down. We need to examine the validity of this assumption in detail.
  The idea that the aged should know their own tradition is commonly shared among the people on Aneityum Island, Southern Vanuatu. However, some people are recognized as having little knowledge of tradition because they have spent most of their lives outside Aneityum society. Generally speaking, many of the aged have little knowledge of their tradition, that is to say the performativity of the aged has already been compromised. However young people hold them in great esteem. The only reason for this is just that they are older. I point out that the reality of the aged firmly exists because "growing old" is inevitable.
Key Words:the aged, anthropology of aging, tradition, social constructionism, Vanuatu

1 問題の所在
1.1 人類学における老人研究
1.2 社会構築主義
2 ヴァヌアツ・アネイチュム島の老人
2.1 アネイチュムの老人カテゴリー
2.2 老人の居住パターンと日常生活
2.3 老人の権威
3 「伝統を知らない」老人
3.1 カストムの弱さと歴史的経験
3.2 「伝統を知らない」老人とは誰か
3.3 「知らない」ということと知識の真正性
3.4 「伝統を知らない」老人への処遇
4 考察
4.1 社会的ポジション
4.2 「伝統を知らない」老人とエリート
4.3 パフォーマティヴィティの破綻
4.4 宿命的な行為
4.5 老人のリアリティ


楊 海英*
"Return of the Army in Triumph" by Badaraqu, Ordos, Yeke Juu League
Yang, Haiying
劉福堂とバダラホ王の二人は協力し合って陝西北部の回民反乱軍を鎮圧した。反乱鎮圧後,バダラホ王は劉福堂の本『圖開勝跡』のなかに「凱旋圖」を書き添えて,自分の戦功をアピールした。「凱旋圖」にはオルドスの7 つの旗内にある寺院や遊牧民の天幕と家畜群,それに王(ジャサク,札薩克)の住む宮殿が活写されている。本論文ではまず「凱旋圖」が成立した歴史的な背景を解説し,その上で同圖が伝えるオルドス7 旗の歴史的・民族学的情報を抽出し整理する。バダラホ王の「凱旋圖」は19 世紀末のオルドス・モンゴルの政治と社会を研究するのに欠かせない重要な資料であることが明らかになった。
In the early phase of the Guangxu ( 光緒) era, during the Qing dynasty, a Chinese administrator called Liu Futang ( 劉福堂, also known as Liu Houji 劉厚基), who came from Hunan province, was engaged in the compilation of a historical book titled "Tukai Shengji" ( 圖開勝跡). This book was written

in Chinese. Liu Futang served the renowned Chinese statesman and military leader Zuo Zongtang ( 左宗棠). Zuo Zongtang is famous for his allegiance and distinction in his political and military career. He saved his country from civil wars and conflicts against foreign powers, thus re-establishing the power of the Qing dynasty, which had been suffering from serious crises undermining Chinese sovereignty. The compilation of the book was carried out in Yulin ( 楡林), a fortress town in Shanxi province, where Liu Futang and his troops were stationed. Included in the book are not only many epitaphs collected near Yulin around the end of the Qing dynasty, but also paintings and drawings depicting military expeditions along the frontier regions of China. The book also contains maps and paintings of Ordos, Mongolia. Furthermore, it is worth noting that it includes a collection of writings in the Manchurian language, written by Jasagh Badaraqu (1808-1883) of Ordos Mongolia. "Tukai Shengji" is an excellent collection of historical materials vividly describing the circumstances of Shanxi and Ordos around the end of the 19th century, when the Hui Rebellion broke out, spreading over a vast region of north west China and the eastern part of Central Asia. As far as I know, however, no in depth research of this book has been presented in the academic circles of Mongolian studies before. Liu Futang and Jasagh Badaraqu coordinated their military efforts and together calmed the Hui rebellion in north Shanxi. After successfully suppressing the Hui uprising, King Badaraqu had several picture scrolls titled the "Return of the Army in Triumph" incorporated into "Tukai Shengji", which was being compiled by Liu Futang. It is understood that, by doing so, King Badaraqu was pursuing publicity for his military distinction. Graphically depicted in these scrolls are temples in the seven Ordos banners in those days, tents and livestock owned by nomad tribes, the palace of Jasagh and other items. This paper extracts, streamlines and presents historical as well as ethnological information about the seven Ordos banners that is incorporated into these seven picture scrolls. Based on that information, this paper discusses the historical background against which the scrolls were produced, thus analysing the specific nature of the paintings. It has been proved that these picture scrolls, the "Return of the Army in Triumph", are indispensable historical materials for us to understand Ordos Mongol politics and society around the end of the 19th century.
Key Words:Ordos Mongols, Prince (Jasagh) Badaraqu, "Return of the Army in Triumph", the Hui Rebellion, Liu Futang, Yulin

1 はじめに―地圖と絵画研究の重要性はじめに
2 湘勇が夢見た「中外一家」
3 凱旋圖作成の背景
4 奏凱圖の詳細
4.1 オルドス右翼前旗(ウーシン旗)
4.2 オルドス右翼中旗(オトク旗)
4.3 オルドス右翼後旗(ハンギン旗)
4.4 オルドス右翼前末旗(ジャサク旗)
4.5 オルドス左翼前旗(ジュンガル旗)
4.6 オルドス左翼中旗(ジュワン旗)
4.7 オルドス左翼後旗(ダラト旗)
5 おわりに―奏凱圖の特徴