
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2009 34巻2号

目 次
太田 心平
津曲 真一
Vol.34 No.2 2009

Sasaki, Komei
Research on the Ethnogenesis of the Japanese People: Review and Outlook
Ota, Shimpei
Blood and Occupation: on Scholar-Bureaucrat Identity And Its Modern Change in Korea
Sketches of Hagiography: From the Deeds of the Guiding Beings to the Final Realization


Research on the Ethnogenesis of the Japanese People: Review and Outlook
Komei Sasaki
 本稿は岡正雄・柳田国男の所説に始まり,民博の「日本民族文化の源流の比較研究」をへて,日文研を中心とした「日本人及び日本文化の起源の研究」に至る,戦後の日本民族文化起源論の展開の大要とその間にみられた諸学説の変遷を大観し,あわせてこの種の起源論の直面するいくつかの問題点を指摘したものである。結論として次の4 点を摘記することができる。

 This paper outlines the development of post-war era research concerninghe ethnogenesis of the Japanese people, beginning with theories advocated by Masao Oka and Kunio Yanagita, the “Comparative Analyses of Japanese Ethnogenesis,” undertaken by the National Museum of Ethnology, up to the “Interdisciplinary Study on the Origins of Japanese Peoples and Cultures,” led by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. This paper also summarizes how theories concerning ethnogenesis have changed over the years and points to some problems pertaining to research on this theme. In conclusion, this paper presents the following four observations:
1. Through continued research on this topic, we have come to share the recognition that Japanese culture cannot simply be defined as a single, homogeneous, rice-growing one. Instead, it is a combination of several cultures with different origins and is multi-dimensional and multi-layered in nature.
2. The evolution of archaeology, anthropology, genetics, and other relevant sciences, as well as cooperation with researchers specializing in these fields, has contributed to remarkable progress in ethnogenetic research. While such a cooperative approach will take on greater importance in the future, successful implementation of comprehensive multi-disciplinary research of this kind requires high-caliber personnel capable of coordinating research efforts, as well as large-scale research organizations that can support such activities.
3. In Japan, the efforts of researchers committed to exploring the identity of the Japanese people have been the driving force behind the development of research on the ethnogenesis of this group. Against the backdrop of recent globalization, there has been growing demand for this type of ethnogenetic research within society, and it is the responsibility of the academic community to address this demand.
4. However, what makes us most anxious at the moment is not the problem of organization, but the problem of personnel. As Taryo Obayashi has already remarked, the decreasing interest among younger ethnologists in the formation of Japanese culture is a serious problem. In what manner will Japanese ethnologists address the subject of ethnogenesis and other historical, anthropological issues in the future?
Key Words:Ethnogenesis, Historical ethnology, Identity of Japanese, Multi-disciplinary resarch

1 岡正雄と柳田国男の日本文化起源論
2 日本文化形成論へのいくつかのアプローチ
3 日本民族文化の源流の比較研究―民博を中心とした学際研究
4 日本人及び日本文化の起源の研究―人類学を中心としたプロジェクト
5 日本民族文化起源論の課題と展望


太田 心平*
Blood and Occupation: on Scholar-Bureaucrat Identity and Its Modern Change in Korea
Shimpei Ota
 「両班」は韓国・朝鮮における高貴な無職の特権階層と学術的・社会的に定義・認識されてきた。だが、この「両班」の定義は、朱子学派の( 旧) 在地士族層という偏った事例の表象をもとに、日本版のオリエンタリズムを通して近代以降に創られたものである。本稿は、先行研究が乏しい非/脱・朱子学派の(旧)在京士族層の事例を紐解くことで、「両班」および韓国・朝鮮の伝統の学術的・社会的認識に再考すべき点があることを示す。

 Yangban is academically and socially defined as well as recognized as aKorean noble privileged class without any occupation. However this definition was invented through a series of case representations of Neo-Confucians and the scholar-gentry (rural sajok) class, and reflected the modern Japanese style of Orientalism. On the other hand, I here describe the family history of the anti/non Neo-Confucian scholar-bureaucrat (urban sajok) class which has been hardly referred to before, and insist on the importance of rethinking the yangban concept and even the academic and social recognition of Korean tradition.
 It is concluded that to work as bureaucrats in higher ranking positions was one of the most important requirements for the urban sajok class to maintain their privileges. Therefore although academically and socially we made light of occupation, it is suggested that the core of sajok identity might consist of occupational status as much as the descent status which we usually make so much of. Moreover the process through which the contemporary urban sajok class came to be unemployed, becoming conscious of the invented requirements of the yangban class, demonstrates an important problem of reflexive knowledge. Recently the academic and social knowledge of the sajok reflects the sajok identity of the people concerned, and changes their life courses.
Key Words:anthropology, Korea, yangban (sajok class), tradition, reflexive knowledge

1 問題の所在
1.1 両班および士族層とは
1.2 地域と思想による分類
1.3 「両班研究」の光と陰
2 歴史的展開
2.1 李氏朝鮮期の西渓公派
2.2 地政と思想による特徴
3 四代の宗孫たち
3.1 身をやつせど,ただ静かに
―第10 代宗孫
3.2 風采とは動くことと見たり
―第11 代宗孫
3.3 述べて作らず,矩を踰えず
―第12 代宗孫
3.4 職業としての宗孫のゆくえ
―第13 代宗孫
4 士族層における血と職とアイデンティティー


津曲 真一*
Sketches of Hagiography: From the Deeds of the Guiding Beings to the Final Realization
Shin'ichi Tsumagari
 本稿は,中国青海省のポン教寺院,ポンギャ寺で実施された調査を通じて収集された51 枚の宗教画(タンカ)のうち,ポン教の聖者トンパ・シェンラプ・ミボチェ〔ston pa gshen rab(s) mi bo che〕の生涯の後半部分を描いた6 枚のタンカについて,ポン教の代表的な聖典の一つである『セルミク』を所依とし,その図像の記述・解説を試みるものである。ポン教は嘗て西チベットを支配したとされるシャンシュン〔zhang zhung〕王国で興隆したとされる宗教伝統であり,同国が7 世紀中葉に古代チベット王国(吐蕃)によって併合された後は,多数派である仏教勢力の背後に隠れながらも,チベット古来の精神伝統を脈々と伝え,独自の発展を遂げた。現在,ポン教を信奉する人々は,チベット自治区全域,四川省,甘粛省,青海省,雲南省,ヒマラヤ南麓などの広範囲に分布しており,トンパ・シェンラプ・ミボチェは今なお,彼らの篤い信仰を集めている。
 ポンギャ寺で蒐集されたトンパ・シェンラプ・ミボチェの生涯を描いたタンカは12 枚存在し,そのうち,前半部分の6 枚については,既に拙稿「聖伝の素描―ポン教の聖者シェンラプ・ミボの降臨から子息の誕生まで」(『国立民族学博物館研究報告』33 巻4 号,2009 年,pp. 661_739)において,その記述・解説を行った。本稿で取り扱う後半部分の6 枚のタンカには,トンパ・シェンラプ・ミボチェの生涯譚が描かれているだけでなく,ポン教の神々や儀礼の所作等に関する描写も見られることから,本研究はポン教のタンカに関する図像学上の意義を有するばかりでなく,パンテノンや儀礼の基礎を知る上でも有意義なものになると思われる。

 Bon is a religious tradition which originated in Olmo Lungring, a region west of modern day Tibet; it then spread east to the Zhang Zhung kingdom and finally, to Tibet where it took root. Since the Zhang Zhung kingdom was incorporated into the Tibetan empire in the 7th century, the Bon religion, while receiving influences from the Buddhist tradition, has developed on its own and carried on the tradition of ancient spirituality in Tibet. Shenrab Mibo (hereinafter called “Shenrab”) is regarded as the most sacred person by the followers of the Bon tradition living in the Tibet Autonomous Region, Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan province in China, and the southern foot hills of the Himalayas.
 The National Museum of Ethnology (Japan) houses fifty-one religious paintings (Thangkas) of the Bon tradition that have been collected through the research of the Bon brGya monastery in Qinghai, China, and twelve of them illustrate Shenrab's life history. I have already explained the first six of twelve paintings in: “Sketches of Hagiography: From the Descent of Shenrab Mibo to the Birth of his Sons” (Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology, vol. 33, no. 4, 2009). The aim of this paper is an attempt to explain the other six pictures, which illustrate the second half of Shenrab's life on the basis of descriptions in gZer Mig, one of the principal scriptures in the Bon tradition. The present study should be significant not only for Iconographical Research but also for the study of the pantheon and rituals in Bon tradition because these paintings depict various kinds of ritual articles, images of Gods, and mandalas.
Key Words:Tibet, Bon Religion, gShen-rab-mi-bo, gZer-mig, Thangka

1 ダンツェトゥン城の悲劇
1.1 付属文書と和訳
1.2 図像詳解
1.2.1 王子と下僕
1.2.2 バルウェー・ドンマチェン王の告白
1.2.3 儀軌の説示
2 悪魔キャプパ・ラクリンの挑戦
2.1 付属文書と和訳
2.2 図像詳解
2.2.1 9つの神変を示す
2.2.2 魔軍の攻撃
2.2.3 新たな作戦
2.2.4 チベットに至る
3 輝ける湖上の寺
3.1 付属文書と和訳
3.2 図像詳解
3.2.1 コンサー・ティチャムとの結婚
3.2.2 幻術の王
3.2.3 賽子を振る
3.2.4 海獣の襲来
4 出家
4.1 付属文書と和訳
4.2 図像詳解
4.2.1 家を捨てる
4.2.2 出家と受戒
5 苦行と遁世
5.1 付属文書と和訳
5.2 図像詳解
5.2.1 苦行
5.2.2 魔たちの帰依
5.2.3 戒律の遵守
6 入滅
6.1 付属文書と和訳
6.2 図像詳解
6.2.1 衰弱と回復
6.2.2 無常を説く
6.2.3 葬礼
6.2.4 ムチョ・デムドゥクの降臨