
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2015 40巻1号

目 次
Special Issue
Japan in Global Circulation: Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics
Blai Guarné and Shinji Yamashita
Transnational Families in a Global Circulation Context:
The Case of Cross-border Marriages between Japanese Women and Pakistani Migrants
Masako Kudo
Micro-politics of Identity in a Multicultural Japan: The Use of Western Colonial Heritages among Japanese Filipino Children (JFC)
Taichi Uchio
Transnational Labor Migration in Japan: The Case of Korean Nightclub Hostesses in Osaka
Haeng-ja Chung
A Ruptured Circuit: The Economic Crisis and the Breakdown of the Dekassegui Migration System
Koji Sasaki
Japan in Global Circulation: Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics
Glenda S. Roberts
Vol. 40 No.1 2015

Hidaka, Shingo
A Study of Rescue Projects for Tangible Cultural
Properties at Times of Large-scale Disasters: I look back on the rescue operations of the Great East Japan Earthquake
Special Issue
Guarné, Blai
Yamashita, Shinji
Japan in Global Circulation: Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics
Kudo, Masako
Transnational Families in a Global Circulation Context: The Case of Cross-border Marriages between Japanese Women and Pakistani Migrants
Uchio, Taichi
Micro-politics of Identity in a Multicultural Japan: The Use of Western Colonial Heritages among Japanese Filipino Children (JFC)
Chung, Haeng-ja
Transnational Labor Migration in Japan: The Case of Korean Nightclub Hostesses in Osaka
Sasaki, Koji
A Ruptured Circuit: The Economic Crisis and the Breakdown of the Dekassegui Migration System
Roberts, Glenda S.
Japan in Global Circulation: Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics
Tanaka, Masataka
A Study of the Media in the Public Sphere in Africa: The Case of Call in Radio Shows in Modern Benin


日 髙 真 吾*
A Study of Rescue Projects for Tangible Cultural Properties
at Times of Large-scale Disasters:
I look back on the rescue operations of the Great East Japan Earthquake
Shingo Hidaka
 わが国において,全国規模で展開した文化財レスキューは,1995 年の阪神・淡路大震災を契機とする。それから約15 年のときを経た2011 年に,東日本大震災に遭遇してしまった。そして,東日本大震災ではこれまで経験したことのない大量の被災文化財に対して,阪神・淡路大震災からは2 度目となる文化財等レスキュー事業がおこなわれた。2011 年度から2012 年度の2 年度にわたっておこなわれた本事業は,阪神・淡路大震災の経験はもちろん,それ以降の災害において実践されてきた文化財レスキューの経験を活かし,大きな成果を上げたと評価できる。一方で,東日本大震災での文化財等レスキュー事業は,次の災害を想定した場合,活動体制やその方法についての課題も明らかになった活動でもある。
 Rescue operations on a nationwide scale for tangible cultural properties damaged by disaster in Japan began with the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake of 1995. About 15 years later, we suffered the Great East Japan Earthquake.
 In the Great East Japan Earthquake, rescue operations for tangible cultural properties damaged to an unimaginable degree were carried out for the second time. Of course these operations, over two fiscal years 2011 to 2013, could take advantage of the experiences of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and later disasters. They have been considered a great success.
 However problems became apparent with the activities and methods used in the rescue operations, which must be addressed before the next disaster.
 In this paper, I have explained the activities and the problems of the rescue operations in which I took part, and have pointed out other methods of rescue for damaged tangible cultural properties in order to prepare for the
next disaster.
 I have also made it clear that rescue operations for tangible cultural properties cannot be considered complete with rescue, temporary storage, emergency treatment, but that those properties should be displayed in exhibitions, and must be connected to the reconstruction activities and regional revitalization of the affected areas. In addition, I also point out the problems of carrying over to the next generation the conservation of the damaged tangible cultural properties. However, we still have little experience of such rescue operations, and I think that we need more case studies obtained from future activities.
*国立民族学博物館 文化資源研究センター
Key Words:disaster, Great East Japan Earthquake, cultural properties, rescue operations for tangible cultural properties, conservation science
キーワード :災害,東日本大震災,文化財,文化財レスキュー,保存科学

1 はじめに
2 わが国における文化財レスキュー
2.1 文化財レスキューの初動
2.2 東日本大震災における文化財レスキューの体制
2.3 救援委員会の活動内容とその対象
2.4 東日本大震災でおこなわれた文化財レスキューの進め方
2.5 文化財保護法にみる文化財レスキューの位置づけ
3 文化財レスキューにおける救出活動
3.1 東日本大震災での救出活動
3.2 救出活動で必要な装備と心構え
3.3 救出活動の体制
4 文化財レスキューにおける一時保管と整理・記録の活動
4.1 一時保管の活動
4.2 一時保管の作業からはじまる整理・記録の作業
4.3 一時保管場所の環境
5 文化財レスキューにおける応急措置活動
5.1 応急措置作業の概要
5.2 東日本大震災での応急措置活動
6 結論―文化財レスキュー後の活動


Special Issue
Japan in Global Circulation:
Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics
Blai Guarné* and Shinji Yamashita**
 The collection of papers in this volume was prepared for a panel session at the 109th American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting held in New Orleans (USA), 2010. The starting point for that conference was the notion of "circulation" as a theoretical device for explaining the movement of people, commodities and cultural meanings in a globalized world.The idea of circulation embodies a complex interaction that entails both continuity and dislocation in relation to the traditional notions of "culture" and "identity." This paradoxical dynamic has resulted in a worldwide scenario where connections and disjunctions simultaneously reinforce and undermine cultural and national boundaries. Taking Japan as an ethnographic focus, the papers reunited here consider this question through a twofold approach, focusing on transnational migration and multicultural politics. In this sense, this special issue sheds light on the main drivers of these two related topics, raising important questions about the use of cultural resources in transnational families, identity representation among the children born from international marriages, transnational migration in multi-exploitative circles, and economic crisis and migrant workers return in a transnational system of flexible production. In so doing, the authors explore how transnational migration and multicultural politics interplay, with the ultimate goal of reaching a better understanding of the transnational interactions, migration processes and multicultural dynamics that inscribe contemporary Japan in a global circulation context.
*Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
**Teikyo Heisei University, The University of Tokyo
Key Words:multicultural politics, transnational migration, global circulation, Japan

1 A Context of Global Circulation
2 Cultural-historical Approach
3 Multicultural Politics
4 Transnational Migration
5 Japan in Global Circulation


Transnational Families in a Global Circulation Context:
The Case of Cross-border Marriages between Japanese
Women and Pakistani Migrants
Masako Kudo*
工 藤 正 子
 An increase in the number of cross-border marriages since the 1980s has added a new element to the growing cultural diversity in Japanese society. This paper focuses on the case of cross-border marriages between Japanese
women and Pakistani migrants. Following the rapid rise in the number of Pakistani migrants during the late 1980s, the number of marriages between the migrants and local women increased. What are the challenges and dilemmas
these mixed couples face during the process of raising the next generation and how do they try to overcome the difficulties in their given contexts? Of particular importance is the emergence of the transnational family in which the Japanese wives and their children move to Pakistan or a third country while their Pakistani husbands remain in Japan to continue their businesses. This phenomenon exemplifies a form of transnational practice that emerged in the global circulation context that characterizes the contemporary world. The paper sheds light on the processes in which families are formed transnationally with attention to the cultural resources utilized in such processes. The following discussion will first outline some of the basic socio-economic features observed among the Pakistani community in Japan after the late 1980s and then explore the differences in the meaning of Islam for the Pakistani husbands and their Japanese wives. This paper will then go on to examine an emerging pattern of transnational family and explore how the cultural resources utilized to enable such a form of transnationalism are intertwined with the on-going processes of their identity building.
*Kyoto Women's University
Key Words:cross-border marriages, Japan, Pakistan, Islam, transnational family, culturaln resources

1 Introduction: Transnational Families in Global Circulation
2 A Pakistani Community in Japan
3 The 1990s' Transformation: From Migrant Worker to Transnational Entrepreneur
4 Forming a Network as "Pakistanis": Intersection of Religion, Nationality and Economic Activities
5 Crafting Religious Selves: The Discourse of "True Islam" among Japanese Wives
6 The Process of Family-making across National Boundaries
7 A Case Study: Mr. Naeem and His Family
8 Discussion
9 Concluding Remarks


Micro-politics of Identity in a Multicultural Japan:
The Use of Western Colonial Heritages
among Japanese Filipino Children (JFC)
Taichi Uchio*
Japanese Filipino Children(JFC)による西洋植民地主義遺産の活用法
内 尾 太 一
 In an era of global circulation, the creation and emergence of Japan as a truly multicultural society is not only the result of the increasing presence of foreign residents; the increase in children born to international marriages between Japanese and non-Japanese nationals also plays a significant role. This paper looks at this process through the ethnographic analysis of the micro-politics of identity among Japanese Filipino Children (JFC), and its articulation in the broader context of Japanese society, where the negative stereotyping of Filipinos has prevailed. JFC seem to have learnt by experience the need to develop specific mechanisms for addressing the Japanese ethnic majority's prejudices, and imagine and create a different and favorable impression by using their multiple inherited cultural backgrounds. With this aim, JFC proudly exhibit the European origin of their family names and their command of English—deriving from the Spanish and American colonial rule of the Philippines, respectively. In configuring the JFC identity, these vindicated colonial vestiges are taken out of their historical context of domination and transnationally used to different ends in contemporary Japan. In so doing, JFC find in their Philippines' Western heritage a symbolic
resource, beyond time and space that empowers their individual and collective identity, reversing derogatory depictions and subverting negative stereotypes of them.
 グローバルな循環の時代にあって,日本における多文化社会の到来は,単に外国人居住者数の増加だけでなく,日本人と外国人の間に生まれた子どもの数の増加によってももたらされている。本稿は,その一例としてJapanese Filipino Children(JFC)に注目し,フィリピン人に関する特定のネガティブなステレオタイプが根強く残る日本社会における彼らのアイデンティティの表象をめぐるマイクロレベルのポリティクスについての民族誌的分析を行う。JFCは,そうした偏見に対処するための方法を磨き,自らの多様な文化的背景を用いて異なるより好ましい印象をつくり上げることの必要性を経験的に学んでいる。そのために,彼らの中には,自身のアイデンティティの一部として,フィリピンの中に見出せる西洋的性質,つまりスペイン帝国やアメリカの植民地時代の産物であるヨーロッパとの混血や英語の能力,を積極的に強調するものもいる。この場合,これらの植民地主義遺産は被支配の歴史からは脱文脈化され,現代日本における異なる目的のためにトランスナショナルに用いられることになる。そのようにしてJFCは,時間と空間を超える形でその遺産を,自らを力づけ,偏見をかわすための象徴的資源として有効活用しているのである。
*Bunkyo University
Key Words:multiculturalism, micro-politics of identity, Japanese Filipino Children (JFC),the Philippines, Japan.
キーワード:多文化主義,アイデンティティのマイクロ・ポリティクス,Japanese Filipino Children(JFC),フィリピン,日本

1 Introduction: JFC in a Multicultural Japan
2 Filipino Mothers: Stereotyping and Prejudice
3 Facing JFC Stereotyping
4 Micro-politics of Identity among JFC
5 The Use of Western Colonial Heritages
6 Conclusion: Reversing the Negative Stereotype


Transnational Labor Migration in Japan:
The Case of Korean Nightclub Hostesses in Osaka
Haeng-ja Chung*
鄭   幸 子
 Although there was no visa category for "hostess" in Japan, this was one of the most common occupations for immigrant women until the United States intervened in the mid-2000s. How they dealt with this contradictory
situation and what the personal, social and economic costs were the research questions that guide the studies outlined in this paper. By the 2000s in Osaka, thirty-three Korean clubs operated in the district called Minami, where, typically, South Korean-born women served Japanese-born men. I conducted participant observation as a paid hostess at one of them between 2000 and 2001, discussing the questions above with one entertainer, two hostesses and one associate mama (senior-status hostess with management responsibilities) as main informants. Drawing on the ethnographic data gathered during fieldwork and the study of hundreds of pages of club management documentation from the summer of 1997 to the fall of 2000, this paper shows how the contradiction between the demand for immigrant hostesses and the lack of an appropriate visa category converts them into legally vulnerable persons, leaving them prey to economic exploitation and psychological suffering.
*Okayama University
Key Words:Korean clubs, transnational migrant hostesses, hospitality workers, visa policy, Japan

1 Introduction: Transnational Migrant Hostesses
2 Korean Hostesses in Japan
3 Korean Clubs: A Circular Migration System
4 Hospitality Workers: Entertainers and Hostesses
5 Club Rose: Entertainers, Hostesses and Associate Mamas
5.1 Entertainer: Depending on a Temporary Agency
5.2 Hostesses: Between Contractor and Employee
5.3 Associate Mamas: Between Hostess and Manager
6 Conclusion: A Multi-exploitative Circle


A Ruptured Circuit: The Economic Crisis and
the Breakdown of the Dekassegui Migration System
Koji Sasaki*
 The Brazil-Japan labor migration (dekassegui) that started in the late 1980s used to be regarded as a classic case of circular migration. While it created a large-scale Portuguese-speaking community (310,000 in 2007) in Japan, many migrants continued to move back and forth between the two states, thereby affecting the more established Japanese community in Brazil (1.5 million today). However, the economic turbulence since 2007 has led to the irreversible breakdown of this transnational system of migration. Japan's economic downturn caused massive job cuts throughout the manufacturing industry, crippling the network of agencies employing temporary workers, the core mechanism of the migration system. This not only left tens of thousands of Portuguese speakers jobless, but also deprived them of their housing. The children of unemployed parents were forced out of private Brazilian schools, while community newspapers went out of business. In a bid to "support" the Brazilian residents, the Japanese government implemented a highly controversial repatriation aid program in April 2009, in which it subsidized the expensive airfares (up to US$2,700) for those wishing to return to Brazil. The massive return migration revealed the vulnerability entailed in transnational labor in flexible production. Based on the statistics, fieldwork accounts, and community media reports in Japan and Brazil, this paper illustrates the breakdown of the transnational migration system and analyzes its immediate cultural and political consequences.
*The University of Tokyo
Key Words:Brazilians in Japan, economic crisis, transnationalism, return migration, nikkeijin

1 Introduction: The Breakdown of the Dekassegui Migration System
2 From Financial Crisis to Manufacturing Crisis and Employment Crisis
3 Consequences of the Economic Crisis
4 Policy Shift in the Japanese Government
5 Conclusion: A Rupture in Global Circulation


Japan in Global Circulation:
Transnational Migration and Multicultural Politics
Glenda S. Roberts*
*Waseda University

田 中 正 隆*
A Study of the Media in the Public Sphere in Africa:
The Case of Call in Radio Shows in Modern Benin
Masataka Tanaka
  本稿は,西アフリカ,ベナンにおけるラジオのオーディエンスの活動の実態を明らかにする。近年,アフリカでは携帯電話が広く普及し,人々のコミュニケーションに大きな変化が見られる。携帯端末はラジオ・テレビが受信でき,移動中や外出先でも放送へ人々がアクセスするのが容易となった。1990 年の民主化をへて,1997 年から新政権は放送電波の非独占化を施行した。以降,多くの民営放送局が誕生し,娯楽性と視聴者参加型の番組を特徴として,市民の声を放送に広く取り入れるようになった。民営局は国営局に比べて視聴者の参加番組が多く,人々が日々の暮らしで感じる不満を電話で話すというものがある。番組は表現の自由があるのだから,思うことを話し,ベナンのデモクラシーが進歩するようにしようと呼びかける。本稿は,こうした番組の常連の参加者の実態を示し,彼らの生活史を比較検討することで,アクティヴ・オーディエンスの特質を明らかにする。メディアが広げる人々の相互交流は公共圏の典型とみなされてきた。今日,彼らはパーソナルな携帯を用いてパブリックな場に参加する。オーディエンスによる役所や政治家の不正告発は,権威への対抗や暴露欲求と結びついている。メディアによる公共圏がどのようなデモクラシーをベナンに根づかせるのかを報告する。
 The aim of this paper is to clarify the activity of radio audiences, based on research in the Republic of Benin, West Africa. People in Africa have recently come to use mobile phones, which have greatly changed the way they communicate. They can listen to the radio and watch TV with their phones, which make programs more easily accessible than ever. After the democratic turn of 1990, the new government enforced the demonopolization of radio frequencies. Since then, many private stations have launched entertainment and participatory programs, enabling people to talk publicly. They broadcast participatory programs, so called "Call in Radio," much more often than the state-owned station. There are many programs in which audiences call in to express their complaints about everyday life. The programs appeal to the audiences and allow them to say whatever they want to say as there is freedom of speech, which has empowered the development of democracy in Benin. The paper shows the actual situations of frequent callers and compares their life histories to elucidate the characteristics of an active audience. The communicative interaction, which is created and extended by the media, has been seen as in the public sphere. Nowadays, people participate in it with a personal mobile phone. Audiences which accuse government offices and politicians of injustice desire to criticize and rebel against authority. The paper reports on how the public sphere of the media is entrenching a vernacular democracy in Benin.
Key Words:media,public sphere,call in radio show,democracy,nuhountolé

1 はじめに
1.1 アフリカンメディアとオーディエ ンス
1.2 公共圏
2 ベナンにおける民主化とメディア
2.1 放送周波の民主化
2.2 人々のラジオ聴取と参加
3 民営放送と参加型番組
3.1 参加型番組
3.2 番組で不満を叫ぶ
4 電話で参加する人々
5 電話参加の実際
5.1 H 氏事例
5.2 G 氏事例
5.3 M 氏事例
5.4 考察
6 おわりに:メディアとオーディエンスにおける公共圏