
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2016 40巻3号

目 次
The Role of Meals in the Well-being of American and Japanese Elderly: Meal Programs at Senior Centers and Senior Day-service Centers
Mariko Fujita-Sano
Vol. 40 No.3 2016

Ishii, Yuka
The Cultural and Social Participation Strategies of Asian Migrant Professionals in Australia: Focusing on the Autobiographical Writings of One Writer and Her Cultural and Social Activities
Literature Reviews
Tsukada, Shigeyuki
Trends and Problems in Studies of Nong Zhigao, a Zhuang "Ethnic Hero"
Research Notes
Sawayama, Mikako
Folk Remedies Used in the Edo Period to Protect the Lives of Mothers and Infants
Fujita-Sano, Mariko
The Role of Meals in the Well-being of American and Japanese Elderly: Meal Programs at Senior Centers and Senior Day-service Centers


石 井 由 香*
The Cultural and Social Participation Strategies of Asian Migrant Professionals
in Australia: Focusing on the Autobiographical Writings of One Writer and Her
Cultural and Social Activities
Yuka Ishii
 本論文は,カンボジア出身の華人系移民の第2 世代で,弁護士,作家として活動するアリス・プンの自叙伝および編著書の内容とオーストラリア社会における反響,およびプンの文化・社会活動の分析を通じて,2000 年代以降のアジア系専門職移民の文化・社会参加の状況を考察することを目的とする。アジア系専門職移民は,経済重視の多文化主義において「好まれる」移民である。しかし,「オーストラリア市民」であるアジア系専門職移民の中には,経済的のみならず,政治的,社会的にも主流社会に深く関わり,単純なマジョリティ,マイノリティの二分法を越えようとしている人々がある。本論文は,アジア系専門職移民にとっての多文化主義,またホスト社会へのアジア系オーストラリア人としての主体的な参加戦略の一つのあり方を,アジア系(カンボジア出身の華人系)というエスニシティ,ミドルクラス,若い世代という特質をもつ作家の事例から検証する。
 This paper will consider the cultural and social participation of Asian migrant professionals in Australia since the 2000s through an analysis of Alice Pung's autobiography, Unpolished Gem, and a book that she edited, Growing Up Asian in Australia, also looking at the feedback to her books in Australia, as well as her cultural and social activities. Pung is a second-generation Chinese-Cambodian immigrant who is both a lawyer and writer.
 Asian migrant professionals are the 'preferred' immigrants in Australia under the policy of economically-oriented multiculturalism. As Australian citizens, they have been participating in the mainstream both politically and socially as well as economically, overcoming an oversimplified dichotomy between majority and minority. A broad variety of ethnic, class, and generational backgrounds can be seen among Australian immigrants and ethnic minorities. Not surprisingly, their recognition of and reaction to multiculturalism depends on their backgrounds.
 The paper's analysis examines Australian multiculturalism and the proactive participation strategy of Asian Australians in the host society from the perspective of immigrants of Asian (Chinese-Cambodian) ethnicity, articularly those who are middle-class members of a relatively younger generation.
*静岡県立大学 国際関係学部
Key Words:Asian Australians, migrant professionals, cultural and social participation, autobiography,Alice Pung
キーワード:アジア系オーストラリア人,専門職移民,文化・社会参加,自叙伝,ア リス・プン
1 多文化主義の「変容」とアジア系専門 職移民の市民社会への参加の拡大
2 オーストラリア文学におけるアジア系 オーストラリア人の文学
3 アリス・プンの略歴と文化・社会活動
4 Unpolished Gem(2006)とオーストラリア社会の反応
5 編著Growing Up Asian in Australia(2008)と移民の語りの「一般化」
6 多文化主義の今後への示唆―結びに代えて

塚 田 誠 之*
Trends and Problems in Studies of Nong Zhigao, a Zhuang "Ethnic Hero"
Shigeyuki Tsukada
 本稿では,宋朝,11 世紀半に大規模な蜂起を起こし,チワン(壮)族の「民族英雄」とされている歴史的人物儂智高(1025–1055 ?)に関する,現代中国における研究動向を検討した。あわせて,従来研究されてこなかった諸問題をも検討した。
 1950 年代後半から1960 年代に,マルクス主義的発展段階論にそった論争が展開された。ついで1979 年の中越戦争以降,儂智高の国籍問題が論じられ,儂智高中国人説が有力となった。1990 年代後半,「民族英雄」としての評価が出現し,2000 年以降定着した。愛国主義思想の普及にともない儂智高の「愛国者」としての位置付けが定着した。また,雲南や東南アジア大陸部に研究の地域的な広がりが見られるようになった。さらに,メディアが論争に参入した。 2000 年代,ウエブサイトの普及により一般の市民を巻き込んだ,新たな論争が展開されるようになった。地方からの論評が続々と出現し研究の裾野が広がった。
 This article analyzes trends in current Chinese studies on Nong Zhigao (1025–1055?), who led a revolt against the Song dynasty during the mid-11th century. It also takes up several problems not traditionally researched.
 Starting in the late 1950's and into the 1960's, discussions primarily centered on the representation of Nong's rebellion as a developmental stage of Marxism. After the Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979, though, the debate shifted to a focus on the issue of his nationality, with the theory becoming prevalent that he was Chinese. In the late 1990's, however, it was proposed that he was instead an ethnic hero of the Zhuang, a minority in China, and that opinion became reinforced after the year 2000. The positioning of Nong Zhigao as a patriot thus strengthened with the spread of ethnic nationalism in China. In addition, the debate spread to China's Yunnan Province and continental Southeast Asia, with the media also participating.
 In the first decade of the 21st century, websites emerged that saw the general public enter the debate. Comments successively appeared from various regions, broadening the debate.
 In China today, various interpretations have already been developed concerning Nong's life, and the trend seems to be for new ones still to emerge.
Key Words:Nong Zhigao, Zhuang, China, Song dynasty, ethnic hero

1 はじめに
2 日本における先行研究の概要
2.1 歴史学的研究
2.2 人類学的研究
3 儂智高に関する記述の変遷
3.1 1949 年以前
3.2 1950 ~ 60 年代
3.3 中越戦争と1980 年代
3.4 1990 年代後半以降2000 年代前半まで
3.5 近年における動向
4 分析されてこなかった問題点
4.1 儂智高軍の問題点
4.2 儂智高の経済基盤
4.3 羈縻州対宋朝の権利義務関係の制度 史的分析
5 整理


沢 山 美果子*
Folk Remedies Used in the Edo Period to Protect the Lives
of Mothers and Infants
Mikako Sawayama
  本稿では,江戸時代,とくに女と子どものいのちを救うための努力がなされていった18 世紀後半以降の民間療法に焦点をあてる。歴史人口学の研究成果によれば,江戸時代,女性が出産でいのちを失う率は高く,また乳児死亡率も高かった。「家」の維持・存続を願う人々にとって,女と子どものいのちを守ることは,重要な課題であった。そのため,江戸時代には,人々の生活経験をもとにした様々な民間療法が生みだされていた。ここでは,仙台藩の上層農民の家に写本として残された民間療法,その支藩である一関藩の在村医が書き残した民間療法を手がかりに,江戸時代の人々は,身体という内なる自然に起きる危機としての妊娠,出産にどのように対処し,母と赤子のいのちを守ろうとしたのか,そこには,どのような自然と人間をめぐる人々の認識や身体観が示されているかを探った。
 This paper focuses on folk remedies in the Edo period. During this period, especially from the late 18th century, people were concerned with how to protect the lives of mothers and babies, and the remedies were made to do that.
 According to historical demographic research, the mortality rate of infants was high during the Edo period, with many mothers losing their lives in childbirth. For those who hoped to continue their family line (Ie), protecting the lives of mothers and babies was an important issue. Therefore, during that period, a variety of folk remedies emerged based on everyday experience and knowledge.
 My study looks into two cases based on local materials drawn from the Sendai Han ('clan') of Japan's Tohoku region. First, upper-class farmers in the Sendai clan wrote prescriptions for various cures to be used in difficult childbirth. Second, in the Ichinoseki clan (a branch of the Sendai clan), a local physician left a manuscript of folk remedies for dystocia (=difficult birth).
 The medical treatments show how dangerous pregnancy was for the lives of mothers and babies. In other words, for the people of that period, pregnancy was a crisis that happened to a woman's body. Through these primary resources, I want to explore how people viewed the relationship between life and the body and recognized its inner nature.
 The following became clarified as a result of my consideration. The folk remedies that represented the accumulation of wisdom gained through daily lives were widely available through transcribed copies. The prescriptions related to pregnancy and childbirth, particularly refractory dystocia, using plants, animals, products of nature, and excreta from purified human bodies. That was an attempt to transform nature that was threatening into nature that gave blessings, restoring the healthy state by integrating nature and humans, thereby removing the hardships manifested in the body. It clearly shows how people in the Edo period viewed humans and nature as inseparable.
Key Words:Edo period, infants, mothers, life, folk remedies

1 女と子どもをめぐる民間療法
1.1 民間療法への視点
1.2 女・子どもをめぐる処方
2 在村医の民間療法への関心
2.1 千葉理安と民間療法
2.2 自然と人間の一体性回復の試み
3 藩医の診察記録にみる女と子ども
3.1 建部清庵塾の診察記録―「医方随筆」と「聴看記」
3.2 女・子どものいのちへの関心の高まりと医療


The Role of Meals in the Well-being of American and
Japanese Elderly: Meal Programs at Senior Centers and
Senior Day-service Centers
Mariko Fujita-Sano
 Meals are essential for everyone to survive. However, as people's health and mobility decline, their access to meals becomes problematic, especially for the elderly living alone. Based on field research conducted in the United States and Japan, this paper examines various innovative ways in which meals have been used to ensure the well-being of the elderly.
 The paper first examines various barriers imposed upon access to meals for the elderly in super-aging societies. Then, it turns to an examination of the roles of senior centers and senior day-service centers in that respect. One of the most important services for the elderly in American senior centers is the congregate meal program, which ensures a nutritionally-balanced meal at least once a day, thus helping them maintain independent lives, and provides opportunities for them to socialize with other seniors. The paper also looks at a similar case of Japan, with a discussion of one particular senior day-service center and its creative ways to channel participants toward really "working" in a rehabilitation program without feeling forced to do so.
 The third section of the paper examines efforts and programs to support seniors who are homebound. Going shopping and getting daily goods such as food are serious problems for the elderly living in depopulated villages with limited public transportation. Also, many seniors suffer from chronic illnesses that impose dietary restrictions. The paper discusses meal-delivery services in the United States, as well as a community-based collaborative model involving various actors, including local governments, corporations, social agencies, and neighborhood associations in Japan.
 This paper argues that merely helping the elderly gain access to meals is not enough to ensure their well-being. The measures taken must also contribute to the following:
■ Maintaining independent living at home.
■ Ensuring that meals are nutritionally-balanced and respect dietary restrictions.
■ Providing opportunities for the elderly to socialize with other people, at little cost.
■ Facilitating opportunities for the elderly to find meaningful lives in their old age through meal-related activities.
*Graduate School of Integrated Arts & Sciences, Hiroshima University
Key Words:Aging society, Meals, Accessibility, Well-Being

1 欧米におけるチベット・イメージ
2 Meals at senior centers and senior day-service
2.1 A congregate meal program at a U.S.senior center
2.2 A congregate meal program at a Japanese senior day-service center
2.2.1 Physical Environment
2.2.2 Self-selected and self-determined programs
2.2.3 Buffet-style meals
2.2.4 Yume money used at the center
2.2.5 Assigning responsibility: From carereceivers to care-givers
3 Meals and the home-bound elderly
3.1 Home-delivered meals in the United States
3.2 Home-delivered meals in Japan
4 Meals and the well-being of the elderly