

国立民族学博物館研究報告 2018 42巻4号





42巻3号 All 43巻1号






 本稿の第一の目的は,台湾原住民族の1 集団であるサキザヤ族がエスニシティを可視化するための一つの手段として,特定の民族への帰属を見るものに感じさせる新たな衣服を作り出した過程を紹介することである。そのうえで,民族の衣装の生成に関わる社会関係,民族間関係,政治性,真正性に関わる当事者の意識,経営性について考察を試み,エスニシティという観点からの衣服の機能論を示す。

1 目的
  1.1 衣服におけるエスニシティの表現
2 原住民族と正名運動
3 サキザヤ族の「正名」運動
4 新たな衣服の創作過程
5 衣服の構成と配色の含意
6 衣服におけるアミ族との関係性とサキザヤ族エスニシティ
7 考察
  7.1 民族間関係の中の衣服
  7.2 衣服の歴史性と真正性 8 結び

* 国立民族学博物館






1 Objet de recherche
2 Biographie de Pétis de La Croix
3 Document inédit à propos des ouvrages de Pétis de La Croix
  3.1 Le rédacteur du document: l’Abbé Philippe Drouyn
  3.2 Texte critique
4 Référence pour comparaison
5 Pour la réhabilitation de Pétis de La Croix

* Musée national d’ethnologie




アレックス・デ=ヴート, 太田心平**, ジョーナス・W・B・ラング***

 Museums are organizations that, depending on their size, each have a unique combination of workers. Typically included are employees whose duties are concerned with visitors, the public raison d’être of a museum. Collections and exhibits require academically trained specialists while the organization as a whole needs administrators and managerial staff. In addition, there are possible for-profit activities, such as museum shops and restaurants, in an otherwise mostly non-profit environment. This situation may be further complicated by volunteer, temporary, part-time, long-term or even tenured contracts for the people involved.
 The unique and complex combination of workers of a museum is commonly housed in a singular building, a space in which all people may interact or encounter each other daily. As a result of the organic relationships among all staff members, the organization is still a whole, i.e., a museum, and not a combination of unrelated practices.
 When employees of organizations are studied within management or organizational psychology disciplines, this diversity among employees is often absent. Non-profit organizations are already less often studied but especially part-time and non-managerial workers are rarely included in surveys that seek to understand organizational behavior (Bergman and Jean 2015).
 The following study of people working at the National Museum of Ethnology, or Minpaku, a Japanese institution with the largest ethnographic collections in Japan, includes a wide array of employees. They were provided with a one-page questionnaire on work ethic to confirm or contrast results from previous research elsewhere. Where the findings contradict earlier studies, recommendations are made for future research in which studies on museum organizations can play a pivotal role to address the needs in fields of management and organizational psychology.

1 Work Ethic
2 Theoretical Ideas about the Changes in Work Ethic
3 Setting and Contexts
4 Preliminary Ethnographic Study
5 Method and Measures
6 Results for the Minpaku
7 Discussion

* Department of Economics and Business, Drew University
** Department of Cross-Field Research, National Museum of Ethnology
*** Department of Personnel Management, Work, and Organizational Psychology, Ghent University





1 はじめに―本報告の目的と背景
  1.1 近年における人種主義の再燃
  1.2 人類学および博物館の役割
  1.3 フランスとアメリカにおける展示会の試み
2 【事例1】フランス,人類博物館による展示会
  2.1 展示会の概要紹介
  2.2 展示会のおもな特徴
3 【事例2】アメリカ人類学会による展示会
  3.1 展示会の概要紹介
  3.2 展示会のおもな特徴
4 フランスとアメリカの展示会を比較して
  4.1 両展示会の共通点
  4.2 両展示会の相違点
5 おわりに―同時代における意義と課題,今後への示唆
  5.1 同時代におけるふたつの展示会の意義
  5.2 残された諸課題
  5.3 日本における今後への示唆

* 愛知県立大学



42巻3号 All 43巻1号