
Senri Ethnological Studies (SES)

No.15 Africa 3


Edited by Shohei Wada, Paul K. Eguchi



YUJI ANKEI: Fish as “Primitive Money”: Barter Markets of the Songola
TAKAKO YAMADA: Nyindu Culture and the Planet World: The Dynamic Relationship between the Knowledge on Plant Use and the Change in House From
FUJIKO UEDA: Ukuu Ritual: Death and Sexuality among the Kamba
YASUTOSHI YUKAWA: On the Nature of the Accent of Kamba Nouns
TORU KOMMA: The Womens's Self-help Association Movement among the Kipsigis of Kenya
SHOHEI WADA: Female Initiation Rites of the Iraqw and the Gorowa
PAUL KAZUHISA EGIUCHI: “Let us insult Pella”: a Fulbe MbookuPoem
JUN MORI: The Pottery-forming Techniques in Bamessing and Vicinity, West Cameroon
SOH BEJENG PIUS: The Signification and Role of Royal Symbols on Grassfields Politics
YOSHIHITO SHIMADA: Dynamique politique des Etats traditionnels sous l'Indirect Rule: du pouvoir à l'autorité ―étude de cas du Lamidat de Rey-Bouba―