
国立民族学博物館研究報告 2002 27巻1号

目 次
大村 敬
三島 禎子
The Umialiit-Kariyit Whaling Complex and
Prehistoric Thule Eskimo Social Relations
in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
James M. Savelle
田和 正孝



Hirose, Kojiro
The Historical Significance of “Universal Love
and Brotherhood” Movement
Omura, Keiichi
Beyond the Myth of Inuit ‘Traditional Ecological
Knowledge’: A Theoretical Attempt to Revitalize
Ethnography as a Crossroads of Cultures
Mishima, Teiko
Soninke Diaspora: Migration to Asia and Economic
Savelle, James M.
The Umialiit-Kariyit Whaling Complex and Prehistoric
Thule Eskimo Social Relations in the Eastern Canadian
Tawa, Masataka
Notes on Stone Tidal Weirs

広瀬 浩二郎*
The Historical Significance of “Universal Love and Brotherhood” Movement
Kojiro Hirose


Onisaburo Deguchi, one of the founders of Omotokyo, is a great thinker in the field of Japanese new religions. I would like to analyze the “Universal Love and Brotherhood” movement through its fine arts, martial arts, agriculture, and Esperanto activities. Few scholars have taken notice of the book, “Stories from the Spiritual World” written by Onisaburo. I want to elucidate the essence of this book, namely, its post-modern theory of human freedom. In addition to this, I give accounts of the suppression of Omotokyo and the relationship between new religions and Modern Japan.
* 国立民族学博物館民族文化研究部
Key Words: new religion, Omotokyo, Universal Love and Brotherhood, post-modern, Stories from the Spiritual World
キーワード: 新宗教,大本教,人類愛善,脱近代,霊界物語
1 民衆宗教と新宗教
2 大正期の大本教と『霊界物語』
3 王仁三郎の「超国家主義」と愛善苑の理想
4 おわりに

Beyond the Myth of Inuit ‘Traditional Ecological Knowledge’:
A Theoretical Attempt to Revitalize Ethnography as a Crossroads of Cultures
Keiichi Omura


The purpose of this paper is to review previous studies concerning the traditional knowledge and worldview of the Inuit in Arctic anthropology in order to reveal the theoretical problems with these studies, and to look for a way to solve them, based on certain theories, such as the ‘theory of practice’, which propound to solve the problem of ‘essentialism’. First, I shall review the studies on the traditional knowledge and worldview of the Inuit in Arctic anthropology since the latter half of 19th century. In this section, it is shown that the studies on Inuit ‘Traditional Ecological Knowledge’ since the 1970’s, which rectified the ethnocentric viewpoint of ‘ethnoscience’ studies before the 1970’s, presenting a ‘relativistic’ perspective and describing the knowledge and worldview of the Inuit from the Inuit view point, can nevertheless be criticized as ‘essentialistic’. These studies failed to grasp the effect of the Inuit individual on ‘traditional ecological knowledge’ and froze Inuit ‘traditional ecological knowledge’ as an unchanging knowledge system. Then, I try to find a way to rectify the ‘essentialistic’ perspective of Inuit ‘traditional ecological knowledge’ studies, based on the methodology proposed by Jean Lave (1995), a ‘theory of practice’ theorist. Furthermore, based on my examination of Lave’s methodology, I redefine ‘traditional ecological knowledge’ as a dynamic process of dialectical interaction between culture and the individual. Finally, based on this definition, I propound a method to revitalize the ethnography of ‘traditional ecological knowledge’ as a crossroads of cultures.
* 大阪大学言語文化部
Key Words: Inuit, traditional ecological knowledge, ethnoscience, essentialism, theory of practice, ethnography
キーワード: イヌイト,伝統的な生態学的知識,民族科学,本質主義,実践の理論,民族誌

1 はじめに―問題の所在
2 伝統的な生態学的知識―近代科学と対等なパラダイム
 2.1 伝統的な生態学的知識の定義
 2.2 「伝統的な生態学的知識」と「民族科学」
3 「未開の科学者」としてのイヌイト―極北人類学にお
 3.1 極北人類学における民族科学研究の展開
 3.2 民族科学研究の成果と問題点
4 イヌイトの世界理解のパラダイム―極北人類学におけ
 4.1 極北人類学における伝統的な生態学的知識の諸研
 4.2 「イヌア」のルート・メタファー
 4.3 相対主義的視点―伝統的な生態学的知識の諸研究
 4.4 先住民運動への寄与―伝統的な生態学的知識の諸
 4.5 「伝統的な生態学的知識」という名の神話―本質
5 統合的な文化分析―本質主義を克服する鍵
 5.1 統合的な文化分析の必要性
 5.2 統合的な文化分析の試み―実践の理論の展開
 5.3 日常的実践の実相―「本質主義=機能主義」から
6 構成的体制と日常世界の弁証法―レイヴの分析モデル
 6.1 レイヴの分析モデルの概略―社会と文化と個人の
 6.2 開かれた文化分析―レイヴの分析モデルの可能性
 6.3 交差点としての民族誌―民族誌の政治性を超えて
7 社会・文化の創造的な再生産と変化―伝統的な生態学
 7.1 伝統的な生態学的知識の再定義―記号体系と信念
 7.2 伝統的な生態学的知識の制度的側面―記号体系と
 7.3 伝統的な生態学的知識における個人の創造性―実
8 おわりに―交差点としての民族誌を目指して

Soninke Diaspora: Migration to Asia and Economic Activities
Teiko Mishima


The Soninke people have featured in international migration studies since the great movement to France from their “home ground” in West Africa during the latter half of the twentieth century. Their migration was always considered to be the labor migration. That approach overlooked the whole dynamism of Soninke migration.
The Soninke have always had a tradition of migration in their ethnic culture. The migrants still belong to the “home ground” even when they are outside. Migration is an act recommended by family and society in order to make a name in society. It is a cultural activity and also a source of economic vitality.
Soninke migration has extended to Asia since the 1980s. This paper reports on their migration tendency. The main source of information is narrative data collected in field researches. Here, I describe the itineraries of their migration and their economic activities in order to compare with the concept of “diaspora”.
* 国立民族学博物館民族社会研究部
Key Words: Africa, Soninke, international migration, diaspora, economic activity, Asia
キーワード: アフリカ,ソニンケ民族,国際移動,ディアスポラ,経済活動,アジア

1 はじめに―移動する人びとを理解する分析枠
2 調査の概要
3 移動の概念
3.1 O.C.氏の移動史
 3.2 D.B.氏の移動史
4 アジアへの移動
 4.1 西アフリカからアフリカ大陸各地へ
 4.2 アフリカ大陸からアジアへ
 4.3 M.D.氏の移動史([1]アフリカ大陸内の移動を経由)
 4.4 M.C.氏の移動史([1]アフリカ大陸
 4.5 B.S.氏の移動史([3]留学を経由)
 4.6 E.D.氏の移動史([4]アジアの先進資本主義国を経由)
 4.7 A.F.氏の移動史([5]故郷から直接に移動)
5 アフリカとアジアをつなぐ「ビジネス」
 5.1 ソニンケにとっての「ビジネス」
 5.2 「ビジネス」の構造
 5.3 「ビジネス」の規模
6 おわりに―ディアスポラ概念との比較において

The Umialiit-Kariyit Whaling Complex and Prehistoric Thule Eskimo Social Relations in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
James M. Savelle*

The investigation of social relations amongst prehistoric Thule Eskimo bowhead whaling societies in the eastern Canadian Arctic has traditionally been based upon ethnographic analogies drawn from historic Eskimo societies in this region. However, these historic Eskimo societies engaged in comparatively little bowhead whaling, and were generally much smaller, more mobile, and less logistically and institutionally organized than we can expect Thule whaling societies to have been. Accordingly, it is suggested that the North Alaskan Eskimo umialiit-kariyit whaling complex provides a far more appropriate analogy. This paper describes the umialiit-kariyit whaling complex as ethnographically documented in northern Alaska, defines its associated archaeological correlates, and applies these correlates to three Thule whaling sites on Somerset Island in the eastern Canadian Arctic.


*Department of Anthropology, McGill University, Canada
  Visiting Scholar, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka
Key Words: Thule Eskimo Culture, social relations, Umialiit-Kariyit, prehistoric whaling
キーワード: チューレ文化,社会関係,船長=儀礼用家屋,先史捕鯨

1 Kariyit and the North Alaskan Whaling Complex
2 Material Correlates of Kariyit and the
   Umialiit-Based Whaling Complex
3 Application to Eastern Canadian Arctic
   Prehistoric Thule Eskimo Contexts
4 Implications for Thule Archaeology

Notes on Stone Tidal Weirs
Masataka Tawa


A stone tidal weir is a traditional kind of fishing gear that is constructed on seaward or lagoonward slopes. It takes advantage of the fluctuations of tidal movement. Many types of stone weir are found in East Asia, Southeast Asia and the South Pacific areas. However, during the past few decades most of them have gone out use with the introduction of more effective and modernized fishing gear. It is, therefore, an urgent task for researchers to study the state of stone weirs in local fisheries and the process of their disappearance. The aim of this essay is to provide basic and general illustrations of stone weir fishing by referring to ethnographic and other writings on fisheries around the world. In the course of discussion the structure and forms of ownership of stone weirs will also be examined from an ecological viewpoint. The most important contributions of this essay are given as follows. (1) The construction of stone tidal weirs has a close relationship to tidal range and (2) a variety of forms of ownership and utilization patterns of stone tidal weirs are found in various parts of the world.

Key Words: stone tidal weir, tide, tidal flat, coral reef, ownership, utilization pattern, Asia and the Pacific regions
キーワード: 石干見,潮汐,干潟,サンゴ礁,所有権,利用形態,アジア・太平洋

1 はじめに
2 世界各地の石干見
 2.1 東アジアの石干見
   2.1.1 日本
   2.1.2 韓国
   2.1.3 台湾
 2.2 東南アジアの石干見
   2.2.1 フィリピン
   2.2.2 その他
 2.3 太平洋の石干見
   2.3.1 メラネシア
   2.3.2 ミクロネシア
   2.3.3 ポリネシア
   2.3.4 オーストラリア
 2.4 その他の地域
3 石干見の形態と構造
4 石干見の所有と用益
 4.1 個人所有の石干見とその用益
 4.2 共同所有の石干見とその用益
5 おわりに