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Staff Members


Department of Cross-Field Research

Research Specialization Social Anthropology; China
Individual Research Projects Anthropological Research on Society, History and Symbols

Academic Qualifications

  • B.A. Jilin Univ. 1983
  • M.A. Jilin Univ. 1986
  • M.A. Univ. of Tokyo 1989
  • Ph.D. Univ. of Tokyo 1993

Research Keywords


Publications (English publications only)

2015 Using Multiple Languages to Make Japanese Anthropology More Relevant to the World. The 2nd JASCA International Symposium, Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 16:121-130. Tokyo:Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology.
2013 Chinese Society and Ethnicity: Anthropological Frameworks and Case Studies. MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 36:10-11.
2009 A Political Analysis of the Anthropological Studies on China in Japan: From the Perspective of a Joint Research Team in the Japanese National Museum of Ethnology. Journal of Zhejiang University: Humanities and Social Sciences 39 (4): 109–119.
2008 Tourism and Representing Local Culture in Heshun. MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 27: 1–3.
2001 Social Change and Continuity in a Village in Northern Anhui, China: A Response to Revolution and Reform. Senri Ethnological Studies 58. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology
2001 The Meaning of Mao in Mao Tourism of Shaoshan. In Tan Chee-Beng, Sidney C.H.Cheung and Yang Hui (eds.) Tourism, Anthropology and China, pp.215–236. White Lotus Press.
1997 Tourism in Shaoshan, Mao Zedong’s Home Village: From Revolutionary Memorial to Multi- Purpose Tourist Attraction. In S. Mayashita, K. H. Din, and J.S. Eades (eds.) Tourism and Cultural Development in Asia and Oceania, pp.141–163. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
1995 Brides, Bachelors and Brokers: The Marriage Market in Rural Anhui in an Era of Economic Reform (with J.S. Eades), in Modern Asian Studies, pp.841–869. Cambridge University Press.
1995 The Revival of Tradition in Northern Anhui–A Response to the Social and Economic Change. In M. Suenari, Eades, and J. C. Daniels (eds.) Perspectives on Chinese Society: Views from Japan, pp.67–91. Center for Social Anthropology and Computing, University of Kent, in association with the Institute for the Study of the Languages and Cultures of Asia and of Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.


1992 “Chinese Peasant Women under the Responsibility System.” American Anthropological Association 91st Annual Meeting. San Francisco. U.S.