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Staff Members


Center for Cultural Resource Studies

Research Specialization Ethnoarchaeology, material culture, Austronesian cultures; East Asia, Formosa
Individual Research Projects A cross-cultural study of the dietary habits of hunter-gardeners

Academic Qualifications

  • B.Sci. Univ. of Tokyo 1992
  • M.Sci. Univ. of Tokyo 1994
  • Ph.D. The Graduate University for Advanced Studies 2003

Research Interests

Material Ethnography on Concepts of the Nature.

Current Research Topics

I have specialized ethnoarchaeology. The purpose of it is to investigate the formation process of archaeological site and materials. I have been interested in the site formation process of subsistence activities and done my ethnoarchaeological research on that of farming houses or transformation of hunting activity of wild boar to material evidences. The results of them suggested that farmers might leave the variety of sites as the result of their activities. They also showed farmers has developed their own hunting culture. I have come to be interested in the relationship between human and the nature. I am currently interested in that between human beings and animals. It might be effected by surroundings, religion, economics and social and historical background. I try to pursuit the relation ship between them not only at the viewpoint of economy or ecology, but also at that of cultural or sociological context.

Research Keywords

Taiwan, China, Taiwan Natives, Ethnoarchaeology, Material Ethnography

Publications (English publications only)

2023 Indigenous Exhibits at the Museum: A Device of Tourism to Bring Awareness to the General Public. In Pei-Lin.Yu, T.Lertcharnrit and G. Smith (eds.) Heritage and Cultural Heritage Tourism, pp.111-122. Switzerland: Springer.
2023 Comment on ‘Sources of Ambivalence, Contagion, and Sympathy: Bats and What They Tell Anthropology’ Current Anthropology, 64(3): 338-339. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
2022 Nobayashi, Atsushi (ed.) Making Food in Local and Global Contexts: Anthropological Perspectives. Singapore: Springer.
2022 How we can exhibit the “other” culture: The process of understanding Indigenous Taiwanese peoples in a Japanese museum. In Scott E. Simon, Jolan Hsieh and Peter Kang (eds.) Indigenous Reconciliation in Contemporary Taiwan: From Stigma to Hope, pp.228-242. Oxon/NY: Routledge
2022 Introduction: Making Food in the Cultural and Civilized Contexts. In Nobayashi, Atsushi (ed.) Making Food in Local and Global Contexts: Anthropological Perspectives, pp.1-12. Singapore: Springer.
2022 Interdisciplinary Research and the Info-Forum Museum. MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 54: 8-9. (Summer 2022).
2021 (Francesca Bigoni, Hideyuki Tanabe, Kazunobu Ikeya and Atsushi Nobayashi) Integrated Anthropology: a dialogue between subdisciplines and museums. Museologia Scientifica 15: 89-95.
2021 (Yujie Peng and Atsushi Nobayashi) Cross-cultural Research Comparing the Hunting Tools and Techniques of Hunter-gatherers and Hunter-gardeners. In K. Ikeya and Y. Nishiaki (eds.) Hunter-Gatherers in Asia: From Prehistory to the Present (Senri Ethnological Studies 106), pp.75-92. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
2020 A. Nobayashi and S. Simon (eds.) Environmental Teachings for the Anthropocene: Indigenous Peoples and Museums in the Western Pacific (Senri Ethnological Studies 103). Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
2020 The Diversity of Taiwanese Indigenous Culture Seen in Bead Products. In A. Nobayashi and S. Simon (eds.) Environmental Teachings for the Anthropocene: Indigenous Peoples and Museums in the Western Pacific (Senri Ethnological Studies 103), pp.51-63. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
2020 A milestone in the construction of the exhibits in National Museum of Ethnology, Japan: Japan World Exposition «Osaka 70 Expo» and its ethnographic collection. Archivio per I’Antropologia e la Etnologia, Vol.CL, pp.129-146. Firenze: Societa Italiana di Antropologia e Etnologia.
2020 (Yasuo Ihara, Kazunobu Ikeya, Atsushi Nobayashi, Yosuke Kaifu) A demographic test of accidental versus intentional island colonization by Pleistocene humans. Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 145. Elsevier Ltd.
2020 Introduction. A. Nobayashi and S. Simon (eds.) Environmental Teachings for the Anthropocene: Indigenous Peoples and Museums in the Western Pacific (Senri Ethnological Studies 103), pp.1-8. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
2018 ‘Social and cultural change in the indigenous population after contact with colonizers:Historical ecology of Taiwan’s people in the 18th-20th century’PaleoAsia 2018 The International Workshop “ Cultural History of PaleoAsia-Integrative Research on the Formative Processes of Modern Human Cultures in Asia”, pp.36-37. Kyoto: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature
2018 ‘The Human and Natural History in Food Production’ “MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter” 47: 1
2018 ‘The Authentic Change of Material Culture of the Indigenous People in Taiwan’“Proceedings of Session A6 State Governance and Identity Politics:Perspectives from Taiwanese Indigenous People ,The 3rd World Congress of Taiwan Studies”,Taiwan: Academia Sinica
2018 ‘(Yujie Peng , A. Nobayashi)‘Cross-cultural perspective of the technology and technique for hunting and gathering from the ethnographic data’CHAGS12“Comparative studies of hunter-gatherers in Asia:from nomadic to sedentary lifestyles for long-term periods”, p.118. Penang:Universiti Sains Malaysia
2018 ‘Beads for Islanders-Austronesian Perspectives’“Ecological and Cultural Approaches to Taiwan and Neighboring Islands, Info-Forum Museum for Cultural Resources of the World ,The Spotlight Taiwan Project,International Symposium”, p.11. Osaka:National Museum of Ethnology
2018 ‘Evoking the memory and creating a new lineage in the museum: handicraft of Taiwan indigenous peoples’“The Twenty-Third“Sciences in Japan”ForumーMemory and the Museum” , pp.16-17. Washington,D.C:Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
2018 ‘A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection:Expo’70 Ethnological Mission’ “MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter” 46: 13
2018 ‘Hornet’“ Beads in the world ”, p.22. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology
2018 ‘Tradition of beads remaining in indigenous peoples’ culture’“Beads in the world ”, pp.82-83. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology
2017 ‘Taste or cuisine:changes in “authentic ”Taiwanese indigenous culinary practices’“A joint inter-congress/conference of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) and Canadian Anthropology Society(CASCA)”, p.142. Canada: University of Ottawa
2017 ‘Size of hunting area and the techniques of hunter-gatherer groups for hunting games using ethnographic data’“ The 2nd Conference on Cultural History of PaleoAsia”, pp.10-11. Aichi: Nagoya University
2016 Rewiring Museum Information: Mobile and Cloud. In Naoko Sonoda(ed.) New Horizons for Asian Museums and Museology, pp.89-96. Singapore: Springer.
2016 ‘Culinary Entanglement of Taste and Health in Postindustrial Asia’“The 6th Asian Food Study Conference (AFSC) Exchange and Dynamism of Food Culture in Asia-Past,Present and Future”, p.40. Kyoto: Ritsumeikan University
2016 ‘Preference for Sweet Beverages and Changing Values of Health in Taiwan’“The 6th Asian Food Study Conference (AFSC) Exchange and Dynamism of Food Culture in Asia-Past,Present and Future”, p.42. Kyoto: Ritsumeikan University
2015 ‘The Significance of Museum Materials in the Name Correction Movement of the Pingpu Peoples of Taiwan’ In K.Hirai (ed.) “Social Movements and the Production of Knowledge” (Senri Ethnological Studies 91) , pp.101-119. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology
2014 ‘A hunting practice of ‘Ryoyukai’: the relationship between hunters in voluntary organization in Japanese local society’ IUAES Inter-Congress 2014 with JASCA “Hunting, animal welfare, and defense against wildlife attack” ,pp.94-95. Chiba: Makuhari Messe
2012 ‘Designing Inclusive Environments and Services for Lifelong Learning and Care’ “MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter” 34: 17.
2006 ‘The different function of bone tools: the implication of the accessories in the ethnographic context’“International Council for Archaeozoology 10th Conference” , pp.136-137. Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia
2003 ‘Physical Anthoropology in Wartime Japan’ In A. Shimizu and J. van Bremen (eds.) “Wartime Japanese Anthropology in Asia and the Pacific” (Senri Ethnological Series65 ), pp.143–150. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology
2002 ‘An Ethnoarcheological Study of Chase Hunting with Gundogs by the Aboriginal Peoples of Taiwan’In L.M. Snyder and E.A. Moore (eds.)“9th ICAZ Conference, Durham,UK,2002 Dogs and People in Social,Working,Economic or Symbolic Interaction”, pp.77–84. Oxford: Oxbow books
1998 ‘Hunting Strategy and Bone Refuse: Ethnoarchaeological Research on Paiwan (Taiwan) Trap Hunting’“ 8th International Conferenceon Hunting and Gathering Societies”, p.87. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology


2024 Pei-Lin Yu and Atsushi Nobayashi “Island Horticultural Technology Wooden and Woven : An Ethnoarchaeological Case from Taiwan.” Society for American Archaeology 89th Annual Meeting “Tools, Technology, and Crafting in Asia”, New Orleans, Louisiana.(2024.4.19)
2024 “Comment : Ethnography & Archaeology.” Hunter-Gatherer Studies of the World and Senri Ethnological Studies (SES), National Museum of Ethnology,Osaka.(2024.2.22)
2023 “Formosa Indigenous Peoples and Millet in Ethnohistory.” International Workshop“Food as a window to the past: Africa, Asia and the Pacific”, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo.(2023.9.25)
2023 “Toolkit of horticulturalists: the linking the natural environment to hunting and gardening.” International Workshop “Thinking Hunter-Gardeners: Anthropological and Archaeological Approaches”, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.(2023.4.24)
2023 “The scope of Taiwanese archaeology in the Japanese colonial period: A preliminary examination of its relationship with Japanese archaeology.” Indigenous Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in Asia-Pacific Institute of Archaeology, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan.(2023.3.15)
2019 “Historical Ecology of Bird Augury in Austronesian Culture,”Human-bird Entanglements in the Pacific Anthropocene, AAA/CASCA Annual Meeting, Vancouver Convention Center, Canada.(2019.11.20)
2019 “Introduction of the symposium” Making Food in Human and Natural History’ Minpaku (National Museum of Ethnology) Special Research Project Series 2 ‘Human and Natural History in the System of Food Production, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan.(2019.3.18)
2019 “Short Introduction” Making Food in Human and Natural History’ Minpaku (National Museum of Ethnology) Special Research Project Series 2 ‘Human and Natural History in the System of Food Production, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan.(2019.3.18)
2018 ‘Social and cultural change in the indigenous population after contact with colonizers:Historical ecology of Taiwan’s people in the 18th-20th century’PaleoAsia 2018 The International Workshop “ Cultural History of PaleoAsia-Integrative Research on the Formative Processes of Modern Human Cultures in Asia” Research Institute for Humanity and Nature, Kyoto(2018.12.17)
2018 ‘The Authentic Change of Material Culture of the Indigenous People in Taiwan’“Proceedings of Session A6 State Governance and Identity Politics:Perspectives from Taiwanese Indigenous People ,The 3rd World Congress of Taiwan Studies” Academia Sinica, Taiwan (2018.9.6-8)
2018 ‘Research on Cultural and Social Change in Halmahera:Preliminary Ideas’ Universitas Hein Namotemo, Indonesia(2018.8.27)
2018 (Yujie Peng , A. Nobayashi)‘Cross-cultural perspective of the technology and technique for hunting and gathering from the ethnographic data’CHAGS12“Comparative studies of hunter-gatherers in Asia:from nomadic to sedentary lifestyles for long-term periods” Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang(2018.7.25)
2018 ‘Beads for Islanders-Austronesian Perspectives’“Ecological and Cultural Approaches to Taiwan and Neighboring Islands, Info-Forum Museum for Cultural Resources of the World ,The Spotlight Taiwan Project, International Symposium” National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka(2018.7.20)
2018 ‘Evoking the memory and creating a new lineage in the museum: handicraft of Taiwan indigenous peoples’“The Twenty-Third“Sciences in Japan”ForumーMemory and the Museum” Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian, Washington,D.C. (2018,6,15)
2017 (Mitsuhiro Nakamura , Atsushi Nobayashi)‘Detecting correlations between cultural factors in Paleoasian populations’International workshop “Theoretical Models of Cultural Evolution during Modern Human Dispersals” Meiji University, Tokyo(2017.11.28)
2017 ‘Taste or cuisine:changes in “authentic ”Taiwanese indigenous culinary practices’“A joint inter-congress/conference of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) and Canadian Anthropology Society(CASCA)”University of Ottawa, Canada(2017.5.2-7)
2017 ‘Size of hunting area and the techniques of hunter-gatherer groups for hunting games using ethnographic data’“ The 2nd Conference on Cultural History of PaleoAsia”Nagoya University, Aichi(2017.2.11)
2016 ‘Culinary Entanglement of Taste and Health in Postindustrial Asia’“The 6th Asian Food Study Conference (AFSC) Exchange and Dynamism of Food Culture in Asia-Past,Present and Future” Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto(2016.12.4)
2016 ‘Preference for Sweet Beverages and Changing Values of Health in Taiwan’“The 6th Asian Food Study Conference (AFSC) Exchange and Dynamism of Food Culture in Asia-Past, Present and Future”Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto(2016.12.4)
2015 ‘Ethnicity of Indigenous Peoples Visualized in Material Culture’in The 12th Annual Conference of the Europian Association of Taiwan Studies, Jagiellon University, Krakow, Poland(2015.4.9)
2015 ‘An ethno-archaeological approach to hunting: a comparative study of hunting techniques among Taiwanese indigenous groups.’ Lecture at the University of Ottawa, sponsored by the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies and the Chair in Taiwan Studies(2015.2.26)
2015 ‘Rewiring Museum Information – Mobile and Cloud’ International Symposium“New Horizons for Asian Museums and Museology” National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka(2015.2.20)
2014 ‘Beyond Repatriation: A Sustainable Relationship Between Source Community and the Ethnological Museum.’“Negotiating Identities- – A Role or a Challenge for the Museum?” in The 113th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington,D.C.(2014.12.05)
2014 ‘A hunting practice of ‘Ryoyukai’: the relationship between hunters in voluntary organization in Japanese local society’IUAES Inter-Congress 2014 with JASCA“Hunting, animal welfare, and defense against wildlife attack”Makuhari Messe, Chiba (2014.5.17)
2014 ‘The Role of Museum Materials on Name-Correction Movement of ‘Ping-pu’ Peoples in Taiwan’“International Symposium Social movements and the production of knowledge: politics, identity and social change in East Asia”National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka(2014.2.22-23)
2009 ‘Familial Collaborations in a Museum’ In T. Hope, Y. Nakamura, T. Takahashi, A. Nobayashi, S. Fukuoka, M. Hamasaki, and T. Nishimura (eds.) “Proc. of CHI2009”,USA: Boston
2006 ‘The different function of bone tools: the implication of the accessories in the ethnographic context’“International Council for Archaeozoology 10th Conference”Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia, Mexico(2006.8.23-28)
2002 ‘An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Chase Hunting with Gundogs by the Aboriginal Peoples of Taiwan’In L.M. Snyder and E.A. Moore (eds.) “9th ICAZ Conference, Durham,UK,2002 Dogs and People in Social,Working,Economic or Symbolic Interaction”University of Durham, UK (2002.8.23-28)
1998 ‘Hunting Strategy and Bone Refuse: Ethnoarchaeological Research on Paiwan (Taiwan) Trap Hunting’“ 8th International Conferenceon Hunting and Gathering Societies”National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka(1998.10.28)


2019 ‘“Making Food in Human and Natural History, Minpaku(National Museum of Ethnology) Special Research Project Series 2‘Human and Natural History in the System of Food Production”National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka(2019.3.18-20)
2018 ‘“Ecological and Cultural Approaches to Taiwan and Neighboring Islands, Info-Forum Museum for Cultural Resources of the World ,The Spotlight Taiwan Project,International Symposium”National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka(2018.7.19-20)
2017 ‘Taste in motion:movement,placement,and localization of new food and beverages in the past and present’“ A joint inter-congress/conference of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) and Canadian Anthropology Society(CASCA)” University of Ottawa, Canada(2017.5.2-7)
2016 ‘Culinary Entanglement of Taste and Health in Postindustrial Asia’“The 6th Asian Food Study Conference (AFSC) Exchange and Dynamism of Food Culture in Asia-Past,Present and Future”Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto(2016.12.3-5)
2014 IUAES Inter-Congress 2014 with JASCA “Hunting, animal welfare, and defense against wildlife attack”Makuhari Messe, Chiba(2014.5.15-18)