SUZUKI Hideaki
Staff Members
SUZUKI Hideaki
Associate Professor
Department of Globalization and Humanity
Research Specialization | History |
Individual Research Projects | Western Indian Ocean World in Move |
Research Topics
Indian Ocean history, Slavery and Slave trade, Abolition of slavery and slave trade, African diaspora, Gujarati mercantile community, Medieval Arab geography, Japanese Kanga,
Academic Qualifications
- B.A., Gakushuin University, 2001
- M.A., Keio University, 2003
- Ph.D. The University of Tokyo, 2010
Publications (in English only)
2020 | “The Birth of A Node: Nosy Be as a French Protectorate and Trade Networks,” The Memoirs of the Toyo Bunko 77(2020): 1-20. |
2019 | “African Diaspora in Asia,” in David Ludden, et al. (eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Asian History, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 28pp. |
2018 | “Agency of Littoral Society: Reconsidering Medieval Swahili Port Towns with Written Evidence,” The Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies 2 (2018): 73-86. |
2018 | “The Making of the Joasmee Pirates A Relativist Reconsideration of the Qawasimi Pirates in the Persian Gulf,” in Atushi Ota, ed., In the Name of the Battle against Piracy: Ideas and Practices in State Monopoly of Maritime Violence in Europe and Asia in the Period of Transition, Leiden: Brill, pp.69-96. |
2018 | “Kanga Made in Japan: The Flow from the Eastern to the Western End of the Indian Ocean World,” in Pedro Machado, Sarah Fee and Gwyn Campbell, eds., Textile Trades, Consumer Cultures, and the Material Worlds of the Indian Ocean: An Ocean of Cloth, New York: Palgrave, pp.105-132. |
2018 | “Environmental Knowledge and Resistance by Slave Transporters in the 19th Century Western Indian Ocean,” Gwyn Campbell, ed., Bondage and the Environment in the Indian Ocean World, New York: Palgrave, pp.187-204. |
2017 | “The ‘Banian’ in Port Town: A Case Study of the Kachchhi Bhatiya in Nineteenth-Century Zanzibar,” Awet T. Weldemichael, Anthony A. Lee, and Edward A. Alpers, eds., Changing Horizons of African History, Trenton and Asmara: Africa World Press, pp.149-172. |
2017 | Slave Trade Profiteers in the Western Indian Ocean: Suppression and Resistance in the Nineteenth Century, New York: Palgrave. Winner of Japan Association of African Studies Award (2018) and Winner of The Japan Consortium for Area Studies Award for Prominent Scholar (2019) 2016 Abolition as A Global Experience, Singapore: NUS Press. |
2017 | “Kaiiki-Shi and World/Global History: A Japanese Perspective,” in Manuel Perez Garcia and Lucio De Sousa, eds., Global History and New Polycentric Approaches: Europe, Asia and the Americas in A World Network System, Singapore: Palgrave, pp.119-133. |
2017 | “Distorted Variation: A Reconsideration of Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Swahili Society from the Master’s Perspective,” Alice Bellagamba, Sandra E. Greene, and Martin A. Klein, eds., African Slaves, African Masters: Politics, Memories, Social Life, Trenton and Asmara: Africa World Press, 221-236. |
2016 | “Abolitions as a Global Experience: An Introduction,” in Hideaki Suzuki, Abolition as A Global Experience, Singapore: NUS Press, 1-24. |
2015 | “Africans in the Early 20th Century Persian Gulf,” in Katsuhiko Kitagawa (ed.), Africa and Asia: Entanglements in Past and Present: Bridging History and Development Studies, Osaka: Faculty of Economics, Asian and African Studies Group, Kansai University, pp.9-16. |
2015 | “Shadow of History: Reconsidering Vietnamese Whale Worship from a Historical Perspective,” Cultural Interaction Studies of Sea Port Cities 13(2015): 1-20. |
2015 | “Circulation, Memory, Landscape: Kachchhi Bhatias in Mundra and Bhadreshwar,” in Sara Keller and Michael Pearson, eds., Port Towns of Gujarat, Delhi: Primus Books, pp.285-304. |
2013 | “Baluchi Experiences under Slavery and the Slave Trade of the Gulf of Oman and the Persian Gulf, 1921-1950” The Journal of the Middle East and Africa 4-2(2013): 205-223. |
2013 | “To trace the ways they passed: Slave accounts in the 19th Century western Indian Ocean,” in Alice Bellagamba, Sandra E. Greene, Martin A. Klein, eds., African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp.307-318. |
2012 | “Enslaved Population and Indian Owners along the East African Coast: Exploring the Rigby Manumission List, 1860-1861” History in Africa: A Journal of Method 39-1: 209-239. |
Presentations at Academic Conferences (in English only)
2020 | “Japanese Kanga in the Context of the Indian Ocean World,” Oceanic Circularities: The Indian Ocean in the Modern World, George University Qatar (Doha: Qatar), 17 February 2020. |
2019 | “Network and Kaiiki: Node=network and Flow=network,” Categories at Work, Warwick University (Warwick: UK), 17 October 2019. |
2019 | “Borderless World and Global History,” International Symposium: Why Do We Need Global History?, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo: Japan), 4 September 2019. |
2019 | “African Diaspora in the 20th Century Persian Gulf: Preliminary Observations with Slave Narratives,” 56th Annual Conference of Japan Association of African Studies, Kyoto Seika University (Kyoto: Japan), 18 May 2019. |
2019 | “Bonded labour in the first half of the 20th century Persian Gulf: A quantitative approach,” Colloque international “Capture, Bondage, and Forced Relocation in Asia (1400-1900)”, ENS de Lyon – Institut d’Asie orientale-IAO (Lyon: France), 14 March 2019. |
2019 | “The Rise of Nosy Be: Conjunction between Indian Ocean network and imperial expansion,” International Conference: Maritime Monsoon Asia in the Early Modern Period: Global Trade and Early European Colonial Cities, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo: Japan), 19 January 2019. |
2018 | “The Kachchhi Bhatiyas and the Rise of Zanzibar in the 19th Century: Circulation in Two Ways,” Kaimin Kenkyukai, Kwansei Gakuin University (Osaka: Japan), 8 July 2018. |
2017 | “Not Migration but Circulation: the Kachchhi Bhatiya in the Indian Ocean World Context,” JSPS-ICSSR Joint Seminar: Commodities, Markets and Merchants in the Indian Ocean World, 1500-1860, The University of Tokyo (Tokyo: Japan), 18 March 2017. |
2016 | “East Africa and the Indian Ocean: Ensemble of Seasonalities,” ASA Annual Meeting (Washington, DC: USA), 2 December 2016. |
2016 | “Abolitions as a Global Experience,” Global History in Chile and Japan, Facultad de Letras, Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica de Chile (Santiago: Chile), 4 November 2016. |
2016 | “Global History, World History, Gurobaru hisutori, … and beyond,” Global History in Chile and Japan, Facultad de Letras, Pontificia Universidad Cat?lica de Chile (Santiago: Chile), 4 November 2016. |
2016 | “Whose Pearls? Resource, Local Power Politics and Global Competition in the Early Twentieth Century Gulf of Aden,” International Congress of Maritime History, Murdoch University (Perth: Australia), 30 June 2016. |
2015 | “Historicity of Vietnamese Whale Worship,” The 11th International Symposium for Seaport Cities Studies and the 5th International Conference of the World Committee of Maritime Culture Institutes, Academia Sinica (Taipei, Taiwan), 24 April 2015. |
2015 | “Suppression of Slave Trade and Establishing the Informal Empire in the Persian Gulf, 1820-1950,” Asian Association of World Historians, Nanyang University (Singapore), 30 May 2015. |
2015 | “Logics of Bonding and Protection in the Early Twentieth Century Persian Gulf,” Free/Unfree Labor: Local Constraints and Global Dynamics, Africa, Europe, Asia, 16th Century to Present Days, EHESS (Paris, France), 9 June 2015 |
2015 | “Africans in the Early 20th Century Persian Gulf,” Africa and Asia Entanglements in Past and Present: Bridging between History and Development Studies, Kansai University (Osaka: Japan), 31 July 2015. |
2014 | “Reconsidering the Western Indian Ocean World: A New Approach with Seasonalities and Commonalities,” GeoSpectives Speaker Series, McGill University (Monreal: Canada), 10 February 2014. |
2013 | “To Listen to Them: Bondage, British Informal Empire, and Diasporas through the Narratives of Bonded Population in the Persian Gulf, 1906-1950,” Tubman Institute Speaker Series 2013, York University (Toronto: Canada), 24 October 2013 |
2013 | “Sovereignty over Maritime Sphere in the Indian Ocean World,” The University of Tokyo (Tokyo: Japan), 5 October 2013 |
2013 | “Kaiiki-shi, Its Potential and Limits towards New World History: Compartmentalization, Foveal and Extra-foveal Visions,” Universita di Napoli Orientale (Naples: Italy), 1 September 2013 |
2013 | “East Asian Maritime History towards New World History: Potential and Limits,” Free University of Berlin (Berlin: Germany), 22 June 2013 |
2013 | “Persian Gulf Perl Fishery and Slaves in the 1st Half of the 20th Century: A Long Term Trend,” Sea Stories, University of Sydney (Sydney: Australia), 12 June 2013 |
2013 | “Circulation of the Kachchh? Bhatiy?: Its Path and Transition,” Queen’s University (Kingston: Canada),26 September 2013 |
2013 | “Port City, Networking and ‘the Baniyan’:The Kachchhi Bhatiya in Nineteenth-Century Zanzibar,” IOWC Speaker Series, McGill University (Montreal: Canada), 2 May 2013 |
2013 | ““Banian” in Port Town: A Case Study of the Kachchh? Bhatiy? in the Nineteenth Century Zanzibar,” Migration and Sociopolitical Mobility in Africa and the African Diasporas: International Conference Honoring Edward Alpers, UCLA (Los Angeles: U.S.A.), 12 April 2013 |
2013 | “Encounter of Seasonalities: towards World/Global History from the Indian Ocean World,” McGill University (Montreal: Canada) 17 February 2013 |
2012 | “Circulation, Memory, Landscape: Kachchhi Bhatiya in Mundra and Bhadreshvar,” Port Towns of Gujarat Symposium, Daman, India, 16 December 2012 |
2012 | “Making of Slave Ground: A Case Study of the Nineteenth Century East African Coast,” The Dimensions of the Indian Ocean World Past: Sources and Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Work in the Indian Ocean World History, 9th-19th Centuries, The Western Australian Maritime Museum (Fremantle: Australia), 12-14 November 2012 |
2012 | “Abolition of Slavery as A Global Experience,” International Conference Abolition of Slavery as A Global Experience, at the University of Tokyo (Tokyo: Japan), 18 November 2012 |
2012 | “Kanga Made in Japan: A Connection between the Eastern End and the Western End of IOW in the Twentieth Century,” Textile Trades and Consumption in the Indian Ocean World, from Early Times to the Present, McGill University (Montreal: Canada), 3-4 November 2012 |
2012 | “Baluchis and Baluchistan in the context of human trafficking network in the early 20th century,” Workshop on Baluchi Identity and Culture, Pond Inlet, Brock University (St. Catharines: Canada), 8-9 September 2012 |
2012 | “Atlantic Experience in the Anti-Slave trade Campaign in the 19th Century Western Indian Ocean,” Maritime Exchanges, Multipolar Entanglements: Forgotten Flows of Commoditiies, People, and Experiences across the Atlantic and Indian Ocean Worlds, Session for the XVIth World Economic History Congress, Ou Hoof gebou, Stellenbosch University (Stellenbosch: South Africa), 10 July 2012 |
2012 | “’Slaver’ Hunting in the Western Indian Ocean: Royal Navy in between Atlantic Experience and Dhow Trade,” the International Conference Crossroads between Empires and Peripheries: Knowledge Transfer, Product Exchange and Human Movement in the Indian Ocean World, Ghent University (Ghent: Belgium), 23 June 2012 |
2011 | “Dual Protection on the Eve of Pax Britannica: A Case Study of Indian Residents along the East African Coast,” Patterns of Trans-Asian Integration: Diasporas and Hegemonies in Maritime Eurasia from the 13th to the 19th Centuries, session for the 2012 Annual Conference of The Association for Asian Studies, Sheraton Centre Toronto (Toronto: Canada), 15 March 2012 |
2011 | “Making of the Joasmee Pirates: A Relativist Reconsideration of the Qaw?simi piracy in the Persian Gulf,” International Workshop Globalizing Violence, Emerging Modernity: Piracy and Anti-Piracy Campaigns in Eurasia, c. 1600-1900, Gakushuin Women’s University (Tokyo: Japan), 10 December 2012. |
2011 | “Kachchhi Bhatiya’s Commercial Activities and their Networks in the 19th Century,” Migration History around the Indian Ocean World since the Seventeenth Century, Panel for the 24th Annual Conference of Japan Association of South Asian Studies, Osaka University (Osaka: Japan), 1 October 2011. |
2011 | “Nosy Be and the Western Indian Ocean World,” Workshop on Madagascar, McGill University (Montreal: Canada), 2 May 2011 |
2011 | “Transactions continue: Quantitative Analysis on Slavery and Slave Trade in the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, 1906-1950” International Conference Enslavement, Bondage and the Environment in the Indian Ocean World, McGill University (Montreal: Canada), 29 April 2011 |
2011 | “Standing on the borderline: the Indian Merchants in the Nineteenth Century East Coast of Africa,” Conference Empires and Networks: Maritime Asian Experiences, 9th to 19th Centuries, Singapore National University, 22 February 2011 |
2011 | “Standing on the borderline: the Indian Merchants in the Nineteenth Century East coast of Africa” Pre-Conference Workshop on Empires and Networks: Maritime Asian Experiences, 9th to 19th Centuries, Ritsumeikan Asia-Pacific University (Oita: Japan), 9 January 2011. |
2010 | “Slave Raiders, Plantation, Anti-slave trade Patrol in the West Indian Ocean, c. 1820-1860,” International Conference Asian Piracy in Historical Perspective, University of Macau Piracy, 26 November 2010. |
2009 | “French protection at Nosy Be in 1841 and its influence over the Indian Ocean Trading Network,” the 1st Conference of Association of Asian World Historians, Osaka University (Osaka: Japan), 30 May 2009 |
2009 | “Behind the numbers: the realities of slave trade in the 19th Century western Indian Ocean basing on tales of slaves,” The Conference on Tales of Slavery, University of Toronto (Toronto: Canada), 23 May 2009 |
2009 | “The Deep-structure of Hundred Horizons in the Indian Ocean”、 Monthly seminar of Kaiiki Ajiashi Kenkyukai, Osaka University (Osaka: Japan), 18 April 2009. |
2009 | “True Colours of “Slavers”: the Reality of the Slave Trade in the 19th Century Western Part of the Indian Ocean,” Workshop Discussing History and Representation: Remembering and Reconstructing the Experiences of Slavery and the Slave Trade, Panel for The 123rd Annual Meeting of American Historical Association, Hilton Hotel (New York City: U.S.A.), 2 January 2009 |
2008 | “Formation of Slave Raiders: British Anti-Slavery Activity and Slave Raiding, 1820s-1860s,” Panel Non-State Violence and Informal Trade, panel for The 20th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia, Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi: India), 15 November 2008 |
2007 | “Chains of Reselling: Slave Trade in 19th Century Western Part of the Indian Ocean,” Wilberfore Institute of Slave Emancipation Conference Slavery: Unfinished Business, University of Hull (Kingston upon Hull: U.K.), 17 May 2007 |