Senri Ethnological Studies (SES)
Senri Ethnological Studies presents individual works, article collections, and annotated bibliographies regarding specific peoples, regions, or themes, with the goal of publicizing in Japan and overseas the results of research conducted by the Museum. An occasional publication.
No.112 New Perspectives on the Early Formation of the Andean Civilization
Chronology, Interaction, and Social Organization
- Edited by
Yuji Seki - Published March 15, 2023
back numbers
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- No.112 New Perspectives on the Early Formation of the Andean Civilization
- No.111 Etnografía Andina : Recorrido y Valoración Cultural
- No.110 Rethinking History
- No.109 Heritage Practices in Africa
- No.108 Fijian Languages, Cultures, and Their Representation
- No.107 Minpaku Sign Language Studies 2
- No.106 Hunter-Gatherers in Asia : From Prehistory to the Present
- No.105 Music and Marginalisation: Beyond the Minority-Majority Paradigm
- No.104 World Whaling Historical and Contemporary Studies
- No.103 Environmental Teachings for the Anthropocene: Indigenous Peoples and Museums in the Western Pacific
- No.102 Conservation of Cultural Heritage in a Changing World
- No.101 Minpaku Sign Language Studies 1
- No.100 The Spread of Food Cultures in Asia
- No.99 Research and Activism among the Kalahari San Today: Ideals, Challenges, and Debates
- No.98 Let’s Talk about Trees: Genetic Relationships of Languages and Their Phylogenic Representation
- No. 97 Anthropological Perspectives on History, Culture and Museum : Theoretical Practice in Japan and China