A database is a system that allows you to search and browse information resources such as magazine articles, academic papers, and books.
The Minpaku Library subscribes to the following databases.
Generally, access is granted only to computers connected to the Minpaku network.
AIO(Anthropological Index Online)
This is an anthropology-related literature information resource provided by the British Museum. You have access to anthropological documents from 4,000 journals. (1957~)
Anthropology Online
This database brings together a wide range of written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior the world over. It will contain more than 100,000 pages of material at completion, including tens of thousands of pages of previously unpublished material from major archives.
CiNii (NII Academic Paper Information Navigator)
Provided by the National Institute for Infomatics (NII), this searchable database covers academic association publications, university research bulletins, and the National Diet Library index, among others.
You have access to it from anywhere. If you search from inside Minpaku, you have free access to the “flat-rate pricing” articles of this fee-based online service.
Reference: Quick Guide Details
CNKI: China National Knowledge Infrastructure@CAJ
This is the biggest academic online service in China, which holds approximately 20 million articles published in 9,000 Chinese academic journals. (1994~) You can browse the following areas.
环境科学与资源利用、中国语言文字、音乐舞蹈、地理、文化、史学理论、世界历史、中国通史、中国民族与地方史志、中国古代史、中国近现代史、考古、人物 传记、宗教、社会科学理论与方法、社会学及统计学、民族学、人口学与计划生育、档案及博物馆、旅游
The number of users who may use it at the same time is limited. When you are finished using it, please log out immediately.
This is the web version of the Human Relations Area Files (HRAF).
Ethnographic Video Online (Ethnographic Video Collection of the World)
This online video collection visually shares the culture and behavior patterns of ethnic groups from around the world. It is the most comprehensive resource for the study of cultural and social anthropology. You have access to 750 hours of streaming video.
18c House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (HCPP, Database of the United Kingdom House of Commons)
You have access to a collection of 18th century House of Commons papers and documents. These are primary and indispensable data for the study of the history, society, politics, economics, and foreign policy of the UK, its colonies, and neighboring nations.
19-20c House of Commons Parliamentary Papers(HCPP、Database of the United Kindom House of Commons)
You have access to a collection of 18th century House of Commons papers and documents. These are primary and indispensable data for the study of the history, society, politics, economics, and foreign policy of the UK, its colonies, and neighboring nations.
Index Islamicus
The Index Islamicus database offers more than 420,000 articles published in over 3,000 academic journals, books, and reviews on Islam and the Muslim world. (1906~)
Reference: Guide Details
KISS(Korean Studies Information Service System)
You can search academic journals (369 in the social sciences) published in Korea from the first to the most recent issues. Its data are usually updated within one week to 15 days. You also have access to PDF files. KISS includes headlines of the Chosun Ilbo and the Dong-a Ilbo as well.
Those who do not belong to Minpaku need to access this database from the Minpaku library. Please note that the maximum number of users of this database is five persons per day.
Reference: User’s Manual Details(N-Online)
The Making of the Modern World(MoMW)
This online library offers instant access to the theories, practices, and consequences of economic and business activity in the West, from the last half of the 15th century to the mid-19th century. It combines the Goldsmiths’ -Kress Collection and provides full-text searching.
ProQuest : The New York Times
This database provides the full text of the New York Times. (1980~)
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses A&I
This database covers more than 2.7 million theses and dissertations in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences from over 1,000 universities worldwide, mainly from North America. (1637~)
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Times of India
ProQuest Research Library
This database offers over 4,730 titles in a wide range of academic journals, industry magazines, newspapers, and other publications in the humanities and social sciences as well as natural sciences. (1971~)
Full text is provided for 3,315 titles.
RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
This database includes 600,000 academic papers, books, and other works on music and its related fields. (1967~)
SciVerse Scopus
Provided by Elsevier, this is the world’s largest abstract and reference database, encompassing over 19,000 science, technology, medicine, and sociology periodicals from 5,000 publishers worldwide. (1966~)
Reference: Usage Guide Details
External Information Searches ※Use is limited to the Library Counter.
Nikkei Telecom 21
This Nihon Keizai Shinbun business information service offers over 20 years’ worth of articles from almost 100 newspapers and magazines, including the Nihon Keizai Shinbun itself.