A Methodological reflection for the practice of Photo-Ethnography
Research period:2023.10-2026.3
IWATANI Hirofumi
photo images, ethnography, methodology
The development of the visual technology in contemporary society is enhancing the presence of the visual not only in our everyday lives but also in various academic fields, such as anthropology. Focusing on photography among the visual media, the main purpose of this research project is to theoretically examine, articulate and formulate the practice of photo-ethnography centering on photography as one method of utilizing the photographic materials generated or collected through field research. Regarding ethnography (the process of collecting, arranging, editing and managing materials to create research materials and expressing the results through systematic organization) as a research method, this research project carries out (1) reconsideration of ethnography; (2) exploration of the positioning of photographs in ethnography; and (3) investigation of the methods of photographic visual expression as a form of knowledge. Based on the knowledge that we applicants have acquired through our research activities up to the present, while broadening and deepening the practice of photo-ethnography, we examine methodologically the process of reconstructing researchers’ field experiences through the organization of photographic materials.