Staff Members
Deputy Directors-General, Center for Cultural Resource Studies
Research Specialization | Cultural anthropology, Inuit studies; North America |
Individual Research Projects | An Ethnological Study of Socio-Cultural Changes among the Haida People in the Northwest Coast of North America |
Personal website
Academic Qualifications:
- B.A. Waseda Univ. 1981
- M.A. Waseda Univ. 1983
- Ph.D., Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Sokendai), 2006. March 24
Research Topics
Indigenous Peoples In Urban Centers, Indigeneous Peoples and Development
Geographical Areas of Interest
Canada, North Pacific Rim, Alaska
Ethnic Groups
Inuit, Kwakwakawakw, Koryak, Inupiaq
Cultural anthropology
Publications in English
2024 | “History and future of anthropological studies of indigenous cultures and societies along the North Pacific Rim” Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 57: 1-3 (February, 2024) |
2023 | Historical Changes in Human Relationships with Whales: Historical Ecology of Iñupiat and Bowhead Whales in Alaska. In K. Ikeya and W. Balée (eds.) Global Ecology in Historical Perspectives, pp. 209-222. Singapore: Springer (2023 March 11 online publication). |
2022 | Comment II on Special Symposium of the Ethics Committee of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology: The Past and Future of Cultural Anthropology: Prospects from (Draft) Ethical Guidelines for Research on the Ainu People. Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 23(1): 226-232 (2023.03) |
2021 | Food Sharing in Human Societies. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore (2021.12.17) |
2021 | Foreword. In N. Levell, Mischief Making: Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, Art and the Seriousness of Play, pp.6-7. Vancouver: UBC Press (2021 November) |
2021 | World Whaling: Historical and Contemporary Studies (Senri Ethnological Studies 104). In N. Kishigami (ed.), Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2021.03.01) |
2021 | World Whaling and Recent Whaling Research Trends. In N. Kishigami (ed.) World Whaling: Historical and Contemporary Studies (Senri Ethnological Studies 104), pp. 1-30. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2021.03.01) |
2021 | Food Security, Food Sovereignty, Bowhead Whale Hunts among the Inupiat in Utqiagvik, Alaska, USA. In N. Kishigami (ed.) World Whaling: Historical and Contemporary Studies (Senri Ethnological Studies 104), pp. 93-112. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2021.03.01) |
2021 | Preface. In N. Kishigami (ed.) World Whaling: Historical and Contemporary Studies (Senri Ethnological Studies 104), pp. i-iv. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2021.03.01) |
2021 | A Totem Pole of Northwest Coast People in Canada. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 51: 1-3 (2021.2). |
2020 | 38th NIHU Symposium, Worlds of History Opened Up by Computers: Considering the Digital Humanities. NIHU Magazine Vol. 47 (2020.3.16) |
2019 | Food Security and Sovereignty Problems among the Inupiat in Utqiagvik, Alaska, USA. Abstract of IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress “World Solidarities”, pp95-96, Adam Mickieswicz University , Poznan: The Organizing Committee of the 2019 Inter-Congress “World Solidarities” (2019.8.27) |
2019 | An Argument for Sustainable Whaling: The Case of Alaska’s Indigenous Peoples JAPAN Forward: Real Issues, Real Voices, Real JAPAN (2019.07.24) |
2018 | Humanity on the Move. In Yuriko Yamanaka et. al (eds.) National Museum of Ethnology Exhibition Guide. pp.186-189. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2018.12.28) |
2018 | “Inupiat Dance and Embodied Memories.” JSPS Washington Office ed. The Twenty-Third “Science in Japan” JSPS Forum: Memory and the Museum. pp.12, Washington D.C.:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Washington Office (June 15, 2018). |
2018 | “Historical Ecology of Bowhead Whales and Humans in Alaska” Abstracts of International Symposium of the Special Research Project of the National Museum of Ethnology “Human Relationships with Animals and Plants: Perspectives of Historical Ecology”, pp.32. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2018.3.14). |
2018 | Comments on Ready and Power’s “Why Wage Earners Hunt Food Sharing, Social Structure, and Influence in an Arctic Mixed Economy” Current Anthropology 59(1): 89-90 (2018. February) |
2017 | “History and Current Status of Indigenous People in Canada, International Symposium September 9, 2017” Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 45: 14-15 (2017 December) |
2017 | “Minpaku Info-forum Museum Project: Progress Report” Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 45: 4-5 (2017 December) |
2017 | Indigenous trading networks across the Bering Strait from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. ICAS 10 Organizing Committee (ed.) Conference Abstracts Overview of the ICAS 10. PP.355-356. Leiden: ICAS Secretariat (2017 July). |
2017 | Whaling Right and Animal Welfare. In ICASS IX Organizing Committee ed. Full Session Programme with Abstracts . pp.132. Umea, Sweden: International Arctic Social Sciences Association (2017 June). |
2017 | Recent Trends in Inuit Migration to Southern Regions of Canada: A focus on Montreal. In ICASS IX Organizing Committee ed. Full Session Programme with Abstracts . pp.333. Umea, Sweden: International Arctic Social Sciences Association (2017 June). |
2017 | Modern Aboriginal Whaling and Climate Change in Alaska. In Ikeya, Kazunobu and Nobuhiro Kishigami (eds.) Program and Abstracts of the Minpaku Special Research Project Symposium “Human Relationships with Animals and Plants: Perspectives of Historical Ecology” p.19. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (March 24, 2016) |
2016 | Comments on “Relocation Redux: Labrador Inuit Population Movements and Inequalities in the Land Claims Era” Current Anthropology 57(6): 798 (2016 December) |
2016 | Bookreview: A Tale of Three Villages: Indigenous-Colonial Interactions in Southwestern Alaska, 1740-1950. Liam Frink. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2016, 184PP. $55.00, Cloth. ISBN 978-0-8165-3109-7. Journal of Anthropological Research 72(4): 566-567 (2016 December) |
2016 | An Info-Forum Museum for Cultural Resources of the World: A new Development at the National Museum of Ethnology. In Ito, Atsunori (ed.) Re-Collection and Sharing Traditional Knowledge, Memories, Information, and Images: Challenges and the Prospects on Creating Collaborative Catalog (Senri Ethnological Reports 137), pp.25-33. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2016.9.30) |
2016 | Sharing of Bowhead whale meat among the Inupiat in Barrow, Alaska, USA. In Friesen, David and Noa Levi (eds.) Programme an Abstract of the International Conference “SHARING The Archaeology & Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers”, P.17, Cambridge, UK: McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, UK (2016.9.20) |
2016 | The City as a Living Space of Aboriginal Peoples of Canada: The case of Montreal. Program and Abstracts of the 41st Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Canadian Studies. P12, Tokyo: The Organizing Committee of the 41st Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (2016.9.10) Program and Abstracts[PDF] |
2016 | Revival of Inuit Bowhead Hunts in Arctic Canada. Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 16:43-58 (2016 March) |
2015 | A Comparative Study of Contemporary Indigenous Whale Hunts in North America. Abstract of Session 42, CHAGS 11 (September 9, 2015) PDF (CHAGS 11 to the site) |
2015 | “Inuit in Urban Centers: A Case Study from Montreal, PQ, Canada” In The Japan Studies Assocaition of Canada (ed.) Programme/Abstract of 2015 Integrated International Conference of The Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC), Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (JACS), and Japan-Canada Interdisciplinary Research Network (JCIRN), PP. 34. Vancouver: The Japan Studies Assocaition of Canada (May 2015). |
2015 | “Low-income and Homeless Inuit in Montreal, Canada: Report of a 2012 Research” Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 39(4): 575-624.(2015.3.3) |
2014 | “Unknown Land, Greenland: Its Nature and Culture, Thematic Exhibition September 4 – November 18, 2014” MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 39: 14 (2014. December) |
2014 | “Comment on ‘The Rotten Renaissance in the Bering Strait'” Current Anthropology 55(5): 638-639. (2014.10) |
2014 | Comparative Studies of Indigenous Cultures around the North Pacific Rim: Focusing on Indigenous Rights and Marine Resource Utilization. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 38: 10-11 (2014.6) |
2014 | The Inuit Bowhead Hunt and Indigenous Rights in Canada. In the Organizing Committee of the IUES 2014 (ed.), Conference Programme Abstract of IUAES 2014 with JASCA/.. pp.32. Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan University (2014.5) |
2014 | (With D. Koester)Program and Abstract of the International Symposium “Comparative Studies of Indigenous Cultures around the North Pacific Rim: Focusing on Indigenous Rights and Marine Resources” (held at the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan on January 11 – 13, 2014). Osaka: Kishigami’s Research Office, National Museum of Ethnology (2014.1.11) |
2014 | “The History and Present Situation of Comparative Studies of Indigenous Cultures around the North Pacific Rim” in David Koester and Nobuhiro Kishigami (eds.) Program and Abstract of the International Symposium “Comparative Studies of Indigenous Cultures around the North Pacific Rim: Focusing on Indigenous Rights and Marine Resources” (held at the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan on January 11 – 13, 2014). Osaka: Kishigami’s Research Office, National Museum of Ethnology (2014.1.11) |
2013 | Anthropological Studies of Whaling. In N. Kishigami, H. Hamaguchi, and J. M. Savelle (eds.). Senri Ethnological Studies 84. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2013 | Anthropological Research on Whaling: Prehistoric, Historic and Current Contexts. (written with James M. Savelle), in N. Kishigami, H. Hamaguchi, and J. M. Savelle (eds.) Anthropological Studies of Whaling (Senri Ethnological Studies 84), pp.1-48. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2013.8.30) |
2013 | Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling in Barrow, Alaska. In N. Kishigami, H. Hamaguchi, and J. M. Savelle (eds.) Anthropological Studies of Whaling (Senri Ethnological Studies 84), pp.101-120. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2013.8.30) |
2013 | Preface. (written with J. M. Savelle and H. Hamaguchi) In N. Kishigami, H. Hamaguchi, and J. M. Savelle (eds.) Anthropological Studies of Whaling (Senri Ethnological Studies 84), pp. i-ii. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2013.8.30) |
2013 | Concluding Remarks. (written with J. M. Savelle and H. Hamaguchi) In N. Kishigami, H. Hamaguchi, and J. M. Savelle (eds.) Anthropological Studies of Whaling (Senri Ethnological Studies 84), pp. 355-357. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology (2013.8.30) |
2013 | The Inuit’s Migration Patterns and Drastic Population Increase in Urban Centers of Canada. In Klaus-Dieter Ertler and Patrick Imbert (eds.) Cultural Challenges of Migration in Canada (Canadiana 12), pp.65-73. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (May, 2013) |
2013 | What Is a Subsistence Activity?: With a Special Focus on Beluga Whale Hunt by Inuit in Arctic Canada. Jinbun-Ronkyu (Journal of the Society for Liberal Arts at Hokkaido Univerity of Education, Hakodate, Japan) 82:79-90 (2013.3.29) |
2013 | On Sharing of Bowhead Whale Meat and Maktak in an Inupiat Community of Barrow, Alaska, USA. Bulletin of the Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples 22: 1-19 (2013.3.29) |
2013 | Homeless Inuit of Urban Centers in Canada: Results from Montreal Research. In The Society for Applied Anthropology 2013 Program Committee (ed.) Program and Abstracts of SFAA 2013 Annual Meeting. pp.106. Denver: Society for Applied Anthropology (March, 2013). |
2013 | (Research Report) Sharing and Distribution of Whale Meat and Other Edible Whale Parts by the Inupiat Whalers in Barrow, Alaska, USA. Osaka: Kishigami’s Office, National Museum of Ethnology (2013.1.31) |
2012 | “The Inuit’s Bowhead Whale Hunt and Indigenous Rights in Canada” The Program and Summary of the 37th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association for Canadian Studies PP.15,Osaka: The Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (2012 September) |
2012 | The Inuit’s Migration Patterns and Drastic Increase in Urban Centers of Canada. ICCS (International Council for Canadian Studies) ed. ICCS International Conference Abstracts/Resumes/Biographies, pp.19. Ottawa: International Council for Canadian Studies (May, 2012) |
2011 | Exhibition: Devotion of the Arts of Living: Daily Life among the Aynu of the Kurile, Sakhalin and Hokkaido Islands–Objects from the Late 19th–Early 20th Century Collections of Ethnological Museums in Germany and Japan (Special Exhibition October 6–December 6, 2011) MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 33: 12 (2011.12) |
2011 | Whaling Cultures of the World: Past, Present, and Future. MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 32: 17 (2011 June). |
2011 | Aboriginal/Indigenous Subsistence Whaling in Alaska, USA. In Jón Haukur Ingimundarson an Joan Bymand Larsen (eds.) Abstracts of the Seventh International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS) VII. pp.73-74. Akureyri, Iceland: International Arctic Social Sciences Association (2011 June). |
2011 | Sharing and Distribution of a Bowhead Whale among the Inupiat in Barrow, Alaska. In Jón Haukur Ingimundarson an Joan Bymand Larsen (eds.) Abstracts of the Seventh International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS) VII. pp.74. Akureyri, Iceland: International Arctic Social Sciences Association (2011 June). |
2011 | “Comment on James Cliford’s Lecture ‘Repatriation and the Second Life Heritage: Return of the Masks in Kodiak, Alaska’“ Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 35(4): 739-741 (March 2011) |
2011 | International Symposium “Whaling Cultures of the World: Past, presnt, and Future” Program and Abstract. Kishigami, Nobuhiro and James M. Savelle(eds.), Osaka: Kishigami’s Office, National Museum of Ethnology (2011 March 10) |
2011 | “Aboriginal/Indigeneous Subsistence Whaling in Alaska, USA” In Kishigami, Nobuhiro and James M. Savelle (eds.) International Symposium “Whaling Cultures of the World: Past, presnt, and Future” Program and Abstract, pp. 25, Osaka: Kishigami’s Office, National Museum of Ethnology (2011 March 10) |
2010 | Climate Change, Oil and Gas Development, and Inupiat Whaling in Northwest Alaska. Etudes/Inuit/Studies 34 (1): 91–107. |
2010 | Review of Furs and Frontiers in the FarNorth: The Contest among Native and Foreign Nations for the Bering StraitFur Trade.(The Lamar Series in Western History.) by John R. Bockstoce. The American Historical Review 115: 814–815. New Haven: Yale UniversityPress. |
2009 | Voices from the Land, Visions of Life: Beauty Created by the Indigenous Peoples of Canada–Special Exhibition–September 10–December 8, 2009. MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 29: 10–11. |
2009 | Review of Soul Hunters: Hunting, Animism, and Personhood among the Siberian Yukaghirs, by R. Willerslev. Journal of Anthropological Research 65: 169–171. |
2008 | (With M. Lee) Les Inuit urbains. Etudes/Inuit/Studies 32 (1): 5–7. |
2008 | (With M. Lee) Urban Inuit. Etudes/Inuit/Studies 32 (1): 9–11. |
2008 | Homeless Inuit in Montreal. Etudes/Inuit/Studies 32 (1): 73–90. |
2008 | Trends in Japanese Cultural Anthropological Research on Whaling Cultures. Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 9: 71–99. |
2008 | A Cultural Anthropological Study of Subsistence Activities with a Special Focus on Indigenous Hunting and Fishing in the Arctic Regions. Abstracts of the 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI), pp.55. Nuuk, Greenland: International Arctic Social Sciences Association. |
2008 | Homeless Inuit in Montreal, Canada. Abstracts of the 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI), pp. 111. Nuuk, Greenland: International Arctic Social Sciences Association. |
2008 | Notes on Information and Food-resource Flow among the Urban Inuit in Montreal, Canada. Journal of the Society of Liberal Arts 77: 235–246. |
2007 | Introduction to the International Development Cooperation of the Dutch Organizations and World Bank. Program and Abstracts.The Fifth International Workshop on Development Cooperation: International Cooperation of the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and NGOs in the Netherlands and World Bank, pp.3. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2007 | Review of Social Life in Northwest Alaska: The Structure of Inupiaq Eskimo Nations, by E. S. Burch, Jr. Journal of Antrhopological Research 63: 434–436. |
2007 | Indigenous Trade and Social Change of the Siberian Yupik Eskimos in the Bering Strait Region during the 18-20th Centuries. Jinbunronkyu (The Journal of Liberal Arts) 76: 39–57. |
2006 | Anthropological Research and Inuit Community Development in Montreal, Canada. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 23: 3–4. |
2006 | Development Cooperation of Norway: University of Bergen, Chr. Michelsen Institute, and NGOs. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 23: 14. |
2006 | Introduction to the Symposium “Development Cooperation of Norway”. Program and Abstracts. Development Cooperation of Norway: University of Bergen, CHR. Michelsen Institute, and NGOs, pp. 4. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2006 | Homeless Inuit in Montreal: How to Survive in the Hopeless City. In The Canadian Anthropology Society (ed.) Human Nature/Human Identity, pp. 35. Program/Abartact of CASCA Meeting, Concordia University, PQ, Canada. |
2006 | Inuit Social Networks in an Urban Setting. In P. Stern and L. Stevenson (eds.) Critical Inuit Studies: An Anthology of Contemporary Arctic Ethnography. pp.206–216. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press. |
2006 | Review of The Whales, they Give Themselves: Conversations with Harry Brower, Sr. (2004). Journal of Anthropological Research 62: 128–129. |
2005 | Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources. In N. Kishigami and J. Savelle (eds.) Senri Ethnological Studies 67. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2005 | General Introduction: Marine Resources and Anthropology. In N. Kishigami and J. Savelle (eds.) Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources (Senri Ethnological Studies 67), pp.1–9. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2005 | Co-Management of Beluga Whales in Nunavik (Arctic Quebec), Canada. In N. Kishigami and J. Savelle (eds.) Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources (Senri Ethnological Studies 67), pp.121–144. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2005 | Concluding Remarks. In N. Kishigami and J. Savelle (eds.) Indigenous Use and Management of Marine Resources (Senri Ethnological Studies 67), pp.445–448. Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology. |
2004 | Trends in Native North American Studies in Japan since the 1990s. Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 5: 91–121. |
2004 | Role of Social Sciences in Development Projects: International Workshop 6–7, 2004. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 19: 14. |
2004 | A New Typology of Food-sharing Practices among Hunter-gahterers, with a Special Focus on Inuit Examples. Journal of Anthropologcal Research 60: 341–358. |
2004 | Contemporary Inuit Food Sharing. Abstracts of the 5th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS V), pp.57. Fairbanks, AK: University of Alaska, Fairbanks. |
2004 | Cultural and Ethnic Identieis of Inuit in Canada. In T. Irimoto and T. Yamada (eds.) Circumpolar Ethnicity and Identity (Senri Ethnological Studies 66), pp.81–93. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2003 | New Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Indigenous Use and Management of Migratory Marine Resources. Conferences. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 16: 13–14. |
2002 | Urban Inuit in Canada: A Case from Montreal. Indigenous Affairs 3–4/2002, pp. 54–59. |
2002 | Ingigenous Use and Co-management of Beluga Whales in Nunavik (Arctic Quebec), Canada. Program and abstracts. Monbukagakusho International Symposium 2002. New Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Indigenous Use and Management of Migratory Marine Resources, pp.13. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2002 | Inuit Identities in Montreal, Canada. Etudes/Inuit/Studies 26 (1): 183–191. |
2002 | Living as an Inuk in Montreal: Social Networks and Resource Sharing. Jinbun-Ronkyu 71: 73–84. |
2000 | The Social Economy of Sharing: Resource Allocation and Modern Hunter-gatherers. In G.W. Wenzel, G. Hovelsrud-Broda and N. Kishigami (eds.) Senri Ethnological Studies No.53. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
2000 | Contemporary Inuit Food Sharing and Hunter Support Program of Nunavik, Canada. In G.W. Wenzel, G. Hovelsrud-Broda and N. Kishigami (eds.) pp.171–192. The Social Economy of Sharing: Resource Allocation and Modern Hunter-Gatherers. In G.W. Wenzel, G. Hovelsrud-Broda and N. Kishigami (eds.) Senri Ethnological Studies 53. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. |
1999 | Why Do Inuit Move to Montreal?: A Research Note on Urban Inuit. Études/Inuit/Studies 23 (1)–(2): 221–227. |
1999 | Life and Problems of Urban Inuit in Montreal: Report of 1997 Research. Jinbun-Ronkyu 68: 81–109. |
1998 | Names and Naming of the Reindeer Koryak and Even: Research from Esso District on Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. In M. Oshima (ed.) Subsistence, Society and Folk Art of Indigenous Peoples in Kamuchatka Region, pp.73–81, Otaru, Japan: Center for Language Studies, Otaru University of Commerce. |
1997 | Personal Names, Name Souls and Social Change Among Canadian Inuit: A Case Study of Akulivik Inuit, Nunavik, Canada. In T. Yamada and T.Irimoto (eds.) CircumpolarAnimism and Shamanism, pp.151–166. Sapporo: Hokkaido University Press. |
1995 | Extended Family and Food Sharing Practices among the Contemporary Netsilik Inuit: A Case Study of Pelly Bay. Journal of Hokkaido University of Education Section I. B 45 (2): 1–9. |
1994 | Why Become Christians?: Hypotheses on the Christianization of the Canadian Inuit. In T. Irimoto and T. Yamada (eds.) Circumpolar Religion and Ecology: Anthropology of the North, pp.221–235. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press. |
1993 | Dogs in the Spiritual World of Traditional Inuit Society of Canada–With Special Reference to Dogs in the Traditional Netsilik Inuit Society. Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples (ed.) Animals in the Spiritual World of Northern Peoples: The 7th International Abashiri Symposium, pp.15–26, Abashiri, Japan: Association for Northern Cultural Promotion. |
Presentations in English
2023 | “Social Change and Indigenous Art of Northwest Coast Peoples” The International Symposium “Prehistory, Language and Culture of Indigenous Societies in the North Pacific” National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan (November 5, 2023) |
2023 | “Research Trends in Anthropological Studies of Indigenous Cultures and Societies in the North Pacific Rim” The International Symposium “Prehistory, Language and Culture of Indigenous Societies in the North Pacific” National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan (November 3, 2023) |
2023 | Indigenous Well-Being in the Arctic Region of North America. Paper read at session R9 “ Culture, Language, and Environment” of the Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-7) held at the National Institute of Polar Research, Tachikawa City, Tokyo, Japan (2023.3.9) |
2023 | Customary food sharing ss a means for Arctic sustainability: Cases from the Inupiat in Alaska and the Inuit in Canada. Paper read at ID:22 “Arctic Sustainability Revisited: Developments, Transitions and Perspectives for the Next Decade” at the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2023 held at University of Vienna. Online presentation (2023.2.23) |
2022 | Cultural Security as a Key Factor for Local Well-Being among the Inupiat in Utqiaġvik, Alaska. 1st Japan-Finland Seminar on the Arctic and East Asia (JAFSAS) (On Line Meeting) (2022.1.21) |
2021 | My Research Experiences with Inuit People in Akulivik, PQ, Canada (1984-2016). Panel Discussion : “Research of Global Issues in Local Communities”, RIHN Workshop of Food Life History of the North (Online Meeting) (2021.10.28) |
2019 | “An Anthropological Consideration of Indigenous Cultures of the Northwest Coast of Canada as a Part of North Pacific Rim: From a New Perspective of Area Studies” The 44th Japanese Association of Canadian Studies Annual Meeting Organizing Committee ed. Program and Abstract of The 44th Japanese Association of Canadian Studies Annual Meeting, pp.24, Kagoshima: The 44th Japanese Association of Canadian Studies Annual Meeting Organizing Committee at the Kagoshima Junshin University |
2019 | Food Security and Sovereignty Problems among the Inupiat in Utqiagvik, Alaska, USA. A Paper Read at the IUAES 2019 Inter-Congress “World Solidarities” at Morasko Campus, Adam Mickieswicz University in Poznan, Poland (2019.8.29) |
2018 | “History and Contemporary Situations of Whaling in the World” International Symposium “Whaling Activities and Issues in the Contemporary World”, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan (2018 November 30) |
2018 | Inupiat Whalers’ Interaction with Bowhead Whales in Northwest Alaska, USA. A paper read (in absentia) at the panel 20: Handle with care: humans and their interactions with animals, at CHAGS XII, Universitii Sains Malaysia, Penang (July 25, 2018) |
2018 | “Bowhead Whale Hunts as a Cultural Core among the Contemporary Inupiat in Barrow, Alaska, USA” Paper read at Slavic-Eurasian Research Center 2018 Summer International Symposium “On Land, Water and Ice: Indigenous Societies and the Changing Arctic”, Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (2018.July 6) |
2018 | “Inupiat Dance and Embodied Memories.” The Twenty-Third “Science in Japan” JSPS Forum: Memory and the Museum, National Museum of the American Indian in Washington DC.,USA (June 15, 2018) |
2018 | “Historical Ecology of Bowhead Whales and Humans in Alaska” International Symposium of the Special Research Project of the National Museum of Ethnology “Human Relationships with Animals and Plants: Perspectives of Historical Ecology”, at the 4th Seminar Room of the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan (2018.3.20) |
2017 | Indigenous trading networks across the Bering Strait from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries. Panel 262 at the 10th International Convention of Asian Scholars, Chiang Mai Exhibition and Convention Center, Thailand (July 23, 2017) |
2017 | Whaling Right and Animal Welfare. In ICASS IX Organizing Committee ed. Full Session Programme with Abstracts . pp.132. Umea, Sweden: International Arctic Social Sciences Association (2017 June). |
2017 | Recent Trends in Inuit Migration to Southern Regions of Canada: A focus on Montreal. In ICASS IX Organizing Committee ed. Full Session Programme with Abstracts . pp.333. Umea, Sweden: International Arctic Social Sciences Association (2017 June). |
2016 | Sharing of Bowhead whale meat among the Inupiat in Barrow, Alaska, USA. A paper read at the International Conference “SHARING The Archaeology & Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers” at McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, UK (2016.9.20) |
2015 | A Comparative Study of Contemporary Indigenous Whale Hunts in North America. Session 42 “Aboriginal Whaling and Identity in the Twenty-First Century”of CHAGS 11, University of Vienna, Austria (September 9, 2015) |
2015 | “Inuit in Urban Centers: A Case Study from Montreal, PQ, Canada” 2015 Integrated International Conference of The Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC), Japanese Association for Canadian Studies (JACS), and Japan-Canada Interdisciplinary Research Network (JCIRN) at Embassy of Canada in Tokyo, May 21, 2015. |
2015 | “The Impact of Climate Change on Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling in Northwest Alaska: Inupiat Whalers, Bowhead Whales and Oil/Gas Development” Session B8: Frm Human Security to Geopolitical Dynamics in the Global Arctic: The Global Implications of Rapid Environmental, Economic, and Societal Chnage. The Fourth International Symposium on the Arctic Research (ASSW 2015), Toyama International Conference Center, Toyama, Japan (2015.4.30) |
2014 | The Inuit Bowhead Hunt and Indigenous Rights in Canada. Paper read at IUAES 2014, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan (May 15, 2014) |
2014 | “Low-income and Homeless Inuit in Montreal”, Public Lecture “Tokyo and Montreal – The Urban Lives of the Japanese Ainu and the Canadain Inuit Groups” (orgnaized by the Japan Foundation, Canada), at Thomson House, McGill University (March 14, 2014) |
2014 | “The History and Present Situation of Comparative Studies of Indigenous Cultures around the North Pacific Rim” The International Symposium “Comparative Studies of Indigenous Cultures around the North Pacific Rim: Focusing on Indigenous Rights and Marine Resources”, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan (January 11, 2014) |
2013 | “Food Security Problems of the Inupiat in Northwest Alaska” International Symposium “Anthropological Study of Food Security” at Osaka University Hall, Osaka University (December 19, 2013) |
2013 | Homeless Inuit of Urban Centers in Canada: Results from Montreal Research. Paper read at the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver Marriott City Center Hotel, Denver, Colorado, USA (March 21, 2013). |
2013 | “Sharing and Distribution of Bowhead Whale Meat and Maktak in an Inupiat Community of Barrow, Alaska, USA.” Public Lecture delivered at UIC Science Center, Barrow, Alaska, USA (February 9, 2013) |
2012 | The Inuit’s Migration Patterns and Drastic Increase in Urban Centers of Canada. ICCS (International Council for Canadian Studies) International Conference, University of Ottawa (May 23, 2012) |
2011 | “Aboriginal/Indigenous Subsistence Whaling in Alaska, USA.” (paper read by Dr. David Koester) At the session 02.25: Salomon Fishing and Whaling Peoples of the North Pacific, ICASS (International Conference for Arctic Social Sciences) VII, Akureyri, Iceland on June 22, 2011 (2011 June) |
2011 | “Sharing and Distribution of a Bowhead Whale among the Inupiat in Barrow, Alaska.” (paper read by Dr. Peter Collings) At the session 03.60: The Social Economy of Sharing in the North American Arctic, ICASS (International Conference for Arctic Social Sciences) VII, Akureyri, Iceland on June 25, 2011 (2011 June) |
2011 | “The Contempoary Inupiat Whaling in Barrow, Alaska.” A Public Lecture Delivered for the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium’s Schoolyard Project, 15 January, The UIC Barrow Arctic Research Center, Barrow, Alaska, USA. |
2008 | “Why is Subsistence Activity Important to the Inupiat and Inuit?: Considerations on Beluga Whale Hunting of the Nunavik Inuit in Canada and Bowhead Whale Hunting of the Inupiat in USA.” A Lecture Delivered for the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium’s National Science Foundation Schoolyard Project, 27 September, 2008, the UIC Research Center, Barrow, Alaska, USA. |
2008 | “A Cultural Anthropological Study of Subsistence Activities with a Special Focus on Indigenous Hunting and Fishing in the Arctic Regions.” (pdf:156KB). The 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI), 23 August, 2008, Ilimmarfik, Nuuk, Greenland. |
2008 | “Homeless Inuit in Montreal, Canada.” (pdf:116KB). The 6th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI), 25 August, 2008, Ilimmarfik, Nuuk, Greenland. |
2008 | “Subsistence Activities of the Arctic People: The Sharing and Distribution of Food.” A Lecture Delivered for the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium’s National Science Foundation Schoolyard Project, 4 March, 2008, Inupiat Heritage Center, Barrow, Alaska, USA. |
2008 | “Urban Inuit in Canada: Thier Life and Problems in Montreal.” A Lecture Delivered for the Barrow Arctic Science Consortium’s National Science Foundation Schoolyard Project, 1 March, 2008, UIC Sicience Center, Barrow, Alaska, USA. |
2007 | “Introduction to the International Development Cooperation of the Dutch Organizations and World Bank.” The Fifth International Workshop on Development Cooperation: International Cooperation of the Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and NGOs in the Netherlands and World Bank, 1 December, 2007, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka. |
2006 | “Introduction to the Symposium ‘Development Cooperation of Norway’”International Symposium. Development Cooperation of Norway: University of Bergen, CHR. Michelsen Institute, and NGOs, 23 November, 2006 the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. |
2006 | “Homeless Inuit in Montreal: How to Survive in the Hopeless City.” (pdf:142KB) The Canadian Anthropology Society Conference “Aboriginal Peoples in Cities, Identity and Human Nature”, 16 May, 2006, Concordia University, Montreal, PQ, Canada. |
2004 | “Information and Material-resource Flow among the Urban Inuit: Research from Montreal, Canada.”(pdf:40KB)Revised AAA Session. Peripherals@the Inuit in Urban Spaces, 17 November, 2004, Gifford Room, Kroeber Hall, University of California, Berkeley. |
2004 | “Contemporary Inuit Food Sharing.” (pdf:37KB) The 5th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS V), 22 May, 2004, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. |
2003 | “Co-management Problems and the Use of Common Marine Resources.” International Association for the Study of Common Property (IASCP), Northern Polar Regional Conference “Joining the Northern Commons: Lessons for the World, Lessons from the World”, 19 August, 2003. The Captain Cook Hotel, Anchorage, USA. |
2002 | “Ingigenous Use and Co-management of Beluga Whales in Nunavik (Arctic Quebec), Canada.” Paper read at the Monbukagakusho International Symposium 2002, New Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Indigenous Use and Management of Migratory Marine Resources, 3 December, 2002, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. |
2002 | “General Introduction to the Symposium.” Paper read at the Monbukagakusho International Symposium 2002 “New Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Study of Indigenous Use and Management of Migratory Marine Resources”, 2 December, 2002, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. |
2002 | “Indigenous Trade and Social Change of the Siberian Eskimos in the Bering strait Region during the 18–20th Centuries. The International Symposium “The Raven’s Arch: Jesup North Pacific Expedition Revisited”, (at Tenjin-yama Guest House, Sapporo City, Japan, 27th, October, 2002). |
2002 | “A Typology of Food Sharing Practices among Hunter-gatherers, with a Special Focus on Inuit Examples.” The 9th International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS9), 10 September, 2002, Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland. |
2001 | “Living as an Inuk in Montreal: Social Networks and Resource Sharing. Paper read at the 100th AAA Meeting “Boas and the Beyond: the State of the art in Inuit Studies”, 28 November, 2001, Washington D.C. |
2001 | “A New Form of Resource Sharing Practices among the Contemporary Nunavik Inuit in Canada.” 4th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS IV), 17th, May, 2001, Quebec City, Canada. |
2001 | “Inuit Identities in Montreal, Canada.” 4th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS IV), 17 May, Quebec City, Canada. |
2000 | “Identities of Inuit in Canada: Being an Inuk and Being one of the Inuit.” International Conference on Ethnicity and Identity in the North, ICNSA 3, 12–14 October, Sapporo, Japan. |
2000 | “Hunter Support Program of Nunavik, Canada: A Case Study from Akulivik.” 12th Inuit Studies Conference, 23–26 August, University of Aberdeen, Scottland. |
1998 | “Contemporary Inuit Food Sharing and Hunter Support Program of Nunavik, Canada” The 8th International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, 27 October, 1998, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. |
1995 | “Personal Names, Name Souls and Social Change among Canadian Inuit: A Case Study of Akulivik Inuit, Nunavik, Canada.” International Conference on Animism and Shamanism in the North (ICNSA) Session 4 “Animism and Shamanism in the Inuit/Eskimos”, 14 October, 1995, Sapporo, Japan. |
1994 | “Recent Trends and Current State of Inuit and Yupik Studies in the Field of Cultural Anthropology in North America: 1984–1993.” The International Symposium and Native Folk Festival: Art of Native Peoples in the North, 25–29, June, 1994, Magadan, Russia. |
1994 | “Extended Family and Food Sharing Practices among the Contemporary Netsilik Inuit: A Case Study of Pelly Bay, NWT, Canada.” (Read by Dr. G. Wenzel). 9th Inuit Studies Conference, 12–15 June, Arctic College, Nunatta Campus, Iqaluit, NWT, Canada. |
1992 | “Animals in the Spiritual World of Canadian Inuit: With Special Reference to Dogs in the Netsilik Inuit Society.” The 7th International Abashiri Symposium “Animals in the Spiritual World of Northern Peoples”, 12 November, Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan. |
1991 | “Why Did the Canadian Inuit Become Christians?: A Review of the Hypotheses on the Christianization of the Canadian Inuit.” International Conference on Religion and Ecology in Northern Eurasia and North America (RENENA), October 15, 1991, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo. |
1987 | “A Perspective on Traditional Adoptive Practices and Historical Change among Arctic Quebec Inuit of Canada.” The 86th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Chicago, November. |
1987 | “The Hudson’s Bay Company Trade and Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Geographical Movements among the Inuit of Northern Quebec.” The Annual Meeting of Canadian Ethnological Society, May, 1987, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada. |
1985 | “On Preferential Cousin Marriage among the Arviligyuarmiut.” The 84th Annual Meeting of American Anthropological Association, December 1985, Washington D.C. |
1984 | “Rethinking of the Preferred First-cousin Marriage among the Traditional Netsilik Inuit.” The 4th International Inuit Studies Conference, November 1984, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, November. |
1983 | “Preliminary Observations on Traditional Play in Alaskan Eskimo Society.” (With H. Stewart). XIth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, August, 1983, Vancouver, Canada. |