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ITO Atsunori

Staff Members

ITO Atsunori

Associate Professor
Department of Modern Society and Civilization

Research Specialization Social anthropology, Native American studies, indigenous arts and intellectual property issues
Individual Research Projects Practical research on indigenizing anthropology museums


February of 2011 Ph.D., Social Anthropology, Tokyo Metropolitan University
March of 2003 M.A., Social Anthropology, Tokyo Metropolitan University
March of 2000 B.A., Sociology, Tokyo Metropolitan University


January of 2016-Present Associate Professor at National Museum of Ethnology
January of 2016-Present Associate Professor at the Graduate University for Advanced Studies
April of 2011-December of 2015 Assistant Professor at National Museum of Ethnology
April of 2009-March of 2011 JSPS Research Fellow (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)


2021-Present Research Affiliate, Burke Museum of the Washington University
2015-Present Research Associate, Museum of Northern Arizona
2012-2015 Joint Researcher, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
2010-2012 Joint Researcher, Center for Northeast Asian Studies of the Tohoku University
2010-2011 Lecturer, Mie University
2009-2010 Lecturer, Rikkyo University
2009-Present Visiting Researcher, A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center
2008-Present Visiting Scholar, Center for Ainu & Indigenous Studies of the Hokkaido University
2008-2009 Lecturer, Mie University


2021- Grant-In-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering) “Museum Anthropological Approach to Develop a Source Community Friendly Public Transmission Model on Digital Image of the “Copyrighted” Ethnographic Collection (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 21K18123),” JPY 26,000,000
2016-2020 Grants-In-Aid for Scientific Research (Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research) “Source Community Utilization of Ethnological Collections for Information Sharing in Japanese Museums (Fostering Joint International Research) (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP15KK0069),” JPY 14,690,000.
2014-2018 Grants-In-Aid for Scientific Research (funding for studies conducted by young researchers (A) “Source Community utilization of Ethnological Collections for Information Sharing in Japanese Museums (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP26704012),” JPY 19,110,000.
2014-2018 National Institutes for the Humanities (NIHU) Transdisciplinary Project “Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes,” JPY 35,000,000.
2009-2011 JSPS “Cultural Anthropological Study on the Issues of the Indigenous Intellectual Property Right (09J00929),” JPY 1,900,000.


November 21, 2020 Japan Consortium for Area Studies, Collaborative Research Category of the Japan Consortium for Area Studies Award for Ito, Atsunori and Team Reconnecting Project
March 16, 2019 Japan Society for Digital Archive, Excellent Presentation Award for Ito, Atsunori “Problems on Digital Archiving Ethnographic Materials.”


October 3-4, 2017 <International Workshop Organizer> Reconnecting Source Communities with Museums for Education: Revitalizing Hopi Silversmithing Traditions, Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona.
August 28-September 2, 2017 <International Workshop Organizer> Reconnecting Archaeological Materials with Descendant & Source Communities: Collections Review, Field Trip, Art Work Creation, and Exhibition Planning, Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University Museum and Truce or Consequences, NM: Geronimo Springs Museum.
February 11-12, 2016 <International Workshop Organizer> System Development for the Info-Forum Museum: Philosophy and Technique, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
April 16-17, 2015 <International Workshop Organizer> Collection Review: Source Community Engagement and Anthropological Documentation, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
October 5-10, 2014 <International Workshop Organizer> Collection Review: Methodology and Effective Utilization for the Museum and the Source Community, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
January 28-29, 2014 <International Workshop Organizer> Re-Collection and Sharing Traditional Knowledge, Memories, Information, and Images: Problem and the Prospects on Creating Collaborative Catalog, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.




2021 Ito, Atsunori, Lomahaftewa, Candice, and Colwell, Chip (eds.)
2021 Collections Review on 38 Silverworks Labeled “Hopi” in the Denver Museum of Nature & Science: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 5 (Info-Forum Museum Resources 5) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. (『デンバー自然科学博物館収蔵38点の「ホピ製」銀細工資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」5』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集5)大阪:国立民族学博物館。)
2020 Ito, Atsunori, Dougherty, Kathy, and Hays-Gilpin, Kelley (eds.)
2020 Collections Review on 446 Silverworks and Related Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Museum of Northern Arizona: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 4 (Info-Forum Museum Resources 4) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. (『北アリゾナ博物館収蔵446点の「ホピ製」銀細工および関連資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」4』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集4)大阪:国立民族学博物館。)
2020 Ito, Atsunori (ed.)
2020 Collections Review on 186 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the National Museum of Ethnology: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 3. (Info-Forum Museum Resources 3) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. (『国立民族学博物館収蔵186点の「ホピ製」資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」3』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集3)大阪:国立民族学博物館。)
2019 Ito, Atsunori (ed.)
2019 Collections Review on 24 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Tenri University Sankokan Museum: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 2. (Info-Forum Museum Resources 2) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. (『天理大学附属天理参考館収蔵24点の「ホピ製」資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」2』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集2)大阪:国立民族学博物館。)
2017 Ito, Atsunori (ed.)
2017 Collections Review on the Katsina Dolls labeled “Hopi” in the National Museum of Ethnology: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 1. (Senri Ethnological Reports 140) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.) (『国立民族学博物館収蔵「ホピ製」木彫人形資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」1』(国立民族学博物館調査報告140)大阪:国立民族学博物館。)
2016 Ito, Atsunori (ed.)
2016 Re-Collection and Sharing Traditional Knowledge, Memories, Information, and Images: Challenges and the Prospects on Creating Collaborative Catalog. (Senri Ethnological Reports 137) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology. (『伝統知、記憶、情報、イメージの再収集と共有――民族誌資料を用いた協働カタログ制作の課題と展望』(国立民族学博物館調査報告137)大阪:国立民族学博物館。)
2015 Yamasaki, Koji, Ito, Atsunori, and Shiroishi, Rina (eds.)
2015 Promotion and Communication of Ainu Arts and Culture: Learning from Native American Art Shows in the U.S. Southwest. Sapporo: Hokkaido University, Center for Ainu & Indigenous Studies.(『アイヌ・アートが担う新たな役割――米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ』) (In Japanese).
2012 Yamasaki, Koji and Ito, Atsunori (eds.)
2012 Ainu Art in the World. Sapporo: Hokkaido University, Center for Ainu & Indigenous Studies.(『世界のなかのアイヌ・アート』) (In Japanese).

Academic Articles (In English):

2020 James Clifford, Atsunori Ito, Reiko Saito, Kenji Yoshida, Isao Hayashi, and Taku Iida
2020 International Symposium ‘Future of the Museum: An Anthropological Perspective’ Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 45(1): 115-176.
2020 Hays-Gilpin, Kelley, Ito, Atsunori, and Breunig, Robert
2020 Decolonizing Museum Catalogs: Defining and Exploring the Problem. (Special Theme: An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog) TRAJECTORIA 1: 1-57. (
2020 Ito, Atsunori
2020 Introduction of the Special Theme ‘An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog.’ TRAJECTORIA 1: 1-3.
2018 Ito, Atsunori
2018 Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections: A Minpaku Info-Forum Museum Project. MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 46: 3-5.
2013 Ito, Atsunori
2013 Collaborating with the Source Community: Legal and Ethical Issues on the Ethnological Museum Collection Management. Documentation and recording of the ethnographical objects in the museums 2 (the research and practical seminar), pp. 1-7. St-Petersburg, Russia: Russian museum of Ethnography.
2011 Ito, Atsunori
2011 Hopi and Zuni Arts and Crafts in Japanese Market and Museums: Trends in the Collaborative Management of Cultures in Japan. Ethnoscripts 13(2):140-154, Hamburg, German: Institute für Ethnologie, Universität Hamburg.
2008 Abe, Juri and Ito, Atsunori
2008 A Review of Literature and Trends on Native American Studies in Japan. Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology 9:1 37-170.
2005 Ito, Atsunori
2005 Marketing Hopi Jewelry in Japan: An Analysis of the promotional characteristics of Hopi Arts & Crafts in/to Japan. European Review of Native American Studies 19(1): 25-28, Wien, Austria: Museum für Völkerkunde.


February 23-24, 2019 (Poster) Ito, Atsunori and Team Reconnecting Project “Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections,” 3rd Annual Research Associate Dinner, Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona.
November 30, 2018 Lomaventema, Gerald and Ito, Atsunori “Revitalizing Community: From Representation by Others to Self-presentation,” KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069), Second Mesa, AZ: Shungopavi Community Building.
September 28, 2018 Ito, Atsunori “Reconnecting Museum Collections with Source Communities,” International Symposium Future of the Museum: Anthropological Perspective, Osaka: Knowledge Theater.
October 3, 2017 Ito, Atsunori “Revitalizing Hopi Silversmithing Traditions” International Workshop Reconnecting Source Communities with Museums for Education: Revitalizing Hopi Silversmithing Traditions, Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona.
October 3, 2017 Ito, Atsunori “Hopi Silversmithing and Mimbres: Fred Kabotie’s activities in the late 1940s” International Workshop Reconnecting Source Communities with Museums for Education: Revitalizing Hopi Silversmithing Traditions, Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona.
August 28, 2017 Ito, Atsunori “Reconnecting Hopi Artists with Mimbres Landscape and Pottery Designs” International Workshop Reconnecting Archaeological Materials with Descendant & Source Communities: Collections Review, Field Trip, Art Work Creation, and Exhibition Planning, Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University Museum.
July 2 and 1, 2017 Ito, Atsunori and Lomaventema, Gerald “Revitalization of Hopi Jewelry: Through the Collections Review in the US and Japan” Museum of Northern Arizona 84th Hopi Festival, Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona.
January 10, 2017 Ito, Atsunori and Lomaventema, Gerald “Reconnecting Source Community with Museum Collections: Hopi Collections Review in the US and Japan,” KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069), Albuquerque, NM: Hibben Center for Archaeology Research, University of New Mexico.
August 29, 2016 Hays-Gilpin, Kelley, and Ito, Atsunori “Decolonizing museum catalogs? Collaborative catalogs and archaeological practice,” WAC8 (8th World Archaeology Congress, Kyoto, Japan: 世界考古学会議京都大会), Kyoto: Doshisha University.
August 6, 2016 Lomaventema, Gerald, and Ito, Atsunori “History of Traditional Overlay Jewelry,” Arizona State Parks Homolovi State Park Event “Suvoyuki Day,” Winslow, AZ: Homolovi State Park.
July 3 and 2, 2016 Breunig, Robert, Ito, Atsunori, Lomaventema, Gerald, and Hays-Gilpin, Kelley “History of Hopi Overlay Jewelry: Origins and Continuity,” Museum of Northern Arizona 83rd Hopi Festival, Flagstaff, AZ: Museum of Northern Arizona.
February 12, 2016 Dougherty, Kathy, and Ito, Atsunori “Hopi Collection Review Project in the US and Japan,” International Workshop System Development for the Info-Forum Museum: Philosophy and Technique, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
December 11, 2015 Lomaventema, Gerald and Ito, Atsunori “Collaborative Reviewing Efforts of Hopi items in museum collections both domestic and international,” KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069), Second Mesa, AZ: Shungopavi Community Building.
uly 4, 2015 Hays-Gilpin, Kelley, Ito, Atsunori, and Lomaventema, Gerald “Hopi Overlay Program,” Museum of Northern Arizona 82nd Hopi Festival, Flagstaff, AZ: Easton Collections Center of the Museum of Northern Arizona.
March 26, 2015 Ito, Atsunori “Collaborative Collection Research with Source Community: Introduction of the Info-Forum Museum Project,” 36th American Indian Workshop “Knowledge and Self-Representation,” Frankfurt am Main, Germany: Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität.
October 5, 2014 Breunig, Robert, Hays-Gilpin, Kelley, and Ito, Atsunori “Reconnect Museum and Source Community,” International Workshop Collection Review: Methodology and Effective Utilization for the Museum and the Source Community, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
May, 15, 2014 Ito, Atsunori “Collaborating with the Source Community,” IUAES panel Re-imagining ethnological museums: new approaches to developing the museum as a place of multi-lateral contacts and knowledge (Commission on Museums and Cultural Heritage), Chiba: Makuhari Messe.
September 24, 2013 Ito, Atsunori “Collaborating with the Source Community: Legal and Ethical Issues on the Ethnological Museum Collection Management,” Documentation and recording of the ethnographical objects in the museums (the research and practical seminar), St-Petersburg, Russia: Russian museum of Ethnography.
May 29, 2012 Lomaventema, Gerald, Kuwanquaptewa, Ito, Atsunori, Sudo, Ken’ichi “Report on Minpaku and Hopi Relationship: Collection in 2010 and an Exhibition Renewal Related Event in 2012,” Second Mesa, AZ: Shungopavi Community Building.
January 18, 2011 Ito, Atsunori “Violation of the Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights in Japanese Market: A Solution holding the HOPI and ZUNI Artists Show in JAPAN,” IPinCH (Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage) International Symposium Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property: Theory and Practice, Lake Akan, Hokkaido: New Akan Hotel.
November 21, 2010 Ito, Atsunori “Hopi and Zuni Jewelry in the Japanese Market: Imitations and Misrepresentation as Promotional Lubricants,” AAA Annual Meeting Circulation of ‘Ethnic’ Art (Society for the Anthropology of North America), New Orleans, LA.
March 27, 2010 Ito, Atsunori “Summary of US Southwestern Puebloans’ Arts and Crafts in Japanese Museums and Market: One-way and Interactive Flows of Interest.” 31st American Indian Workshop Transformation, Translation, Transgression, Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University.
January 22, 2010 Eriacho, Tony and Ito, Atsunori “Report on HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN,” Santa Fe, NM: New Mexico Economic Development in International Marketing.
January 19, 2010 Lomaventema, Gerald and Ito, Atsunori “Report on HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN,” Second Mesa, AZ: Shungopavi Community Building.
January 19, 2010 Lomaventema, Gerald and Ito, Atsunori “Discuss Tourism, How to Protect our Art Work and Related issues with newly elected Hopi Chairman and Vice-Chairman,” Second Mesa, AZ: Shungopavi Community Building.
December 18, 2009 Lomaventema, Gerald and Ito, Atsunori “Presentation on HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN: The Perspective of Hopi Local Artists,” Second Mesa, AZ: Shungopavi Community Building.
August 31, 2005 Ito, Atsunori “Real or Fake? Presentation on HOPI Authentic and Imitation Jewelry Market in Japan,” Second Mesa, AZ: Shungopavi Community Building.
February 5, 2005 Ito, Atsunori “Marketing Hopi Jewelry in Japan: An Analysis of the Promotional Characteristics of Hopi Arts and Crafts in/to Japan,” International Conference Marketing Native North America: The Promotion and Sale of Art and Design, London: British Museum.


March 29, 2021 “Collections Review by Hopi Artists on 38 Items held at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science,” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections
March 29, 2021 “Collections Review by Hopi Artists on 446 Items held at the Museum of Northern Arizona,” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections
August 31, 2019 “Collections Review by Hopi Artists on 186 Items held at the National Museum of Ethnology,” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections
March 31, 2018 “Collections Review by Hopi Artists on 24 Items held at the Tenri University Sankokan Museum,” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections
January 31, 2018 “Collections Review by Hopi Artists on 281 Items held at the National Museum of Ethnology,” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections


May-July, 2021 Layers of Memory, Seattle, WA: Burke Museum of the Washington University.
April 26-December 15, 2019 Living in Sacred Continuum, Las Cruces, NM: American Indian Student Center, New Mexico State University.
April 4-June 4, 2018 Respect for the Great Nature: Traditional Cultures of Indigenous Peoples in North America (81st Feature Exhibition), Nara: Tenri University Sankokan Museum
March 8-May 29, 2018 A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo’70 Ethnological Mission, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
October 31-November 13, 2014 Real or Fake? Authentic and Mass-Produced Hopi Silver Jewelry, Tokyo: Tokyo Metropolitan University.
March 20, 2012 HOPI Social Dance and Flute Music, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
October 6-December 6, 2011 Devotion to the Arts of Living: Daily Life among the Aynu of the Kurile, Sakhalin and Hokkaido Islands, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
November 3-6, 2011 5th Annual HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN, Tokyo: Sumida Park Studio
November 5-7, 2010 4th Annual HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN, Tokyo: Sumida Park Studio
November 6-8, 2009 3rd Annual HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN, Tokyo: Sumida Park Studio
September 10-December 8, 2009 Voices from the Land, Visions of Life: Beauty Created by the Indigenous Peoples of Canada, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
November 15-16, 2008 KYOTO Silver Exhibition, Kyoto: Hashimoto Kansetsu Memorial Art Museum.
November 7-10, 2008 2nd Annual HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN, Saitama: Salon de flame.
November 9-11, 2007 1st Annual HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN, Saitama: Salon de flame.