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伊藤敦規(イトウ アツノリ)


専門分野 米国先住民研究・博物館人類学・知的財産問題の人類学的研究
各個研究 人類学博物館のIndigenizationに関する実践的研究


  • 略歴
  • 詳細


  • 東京都立大学大学院社会科学研究科博士課程 単位取得満期退学 (2009)
  • A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center, Visiting Researcher (2009-)
  • 東京都立大学大学院社会科学研究科 博士号(社会人類学)取得 (2011)
  • 国立民族学博物館 助教(2011.4-2015.12)
  • Museum of Northern Arizona, Research Associate (2015-)
  • 国立民族学博物館 准教授(2016.1-)
  • 総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科 准教授(2016.4-)
  • Burke Museum of the Washington University, Curatorial Associate (Heritage: Arts and Cultures) (2021.5-)
  • California Academy of Sciences, Department of Anthropology, Research Associate (2023.8-)







2024 伊藤敦規「民族誌資料の理想的なデジタルアーカイブと公開方法」『文化人類学』89(1):111-131。(2024.6.30)[査読有り]
2024 Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, and Ramson Lomatewama (eds.) Collections Review on 34 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Denver Art Museum: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 11 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Archives Resources 2) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2024.3.12)[査読有り]
2020 Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Atsunori Ito, Robert Breunig “Decolonizing Museum Catalogs: Defining and Exploring the Problem.” TRAJECTORIA 1 National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN(2020.3.31)[査読有り]


  • ☆デジタルアーカイブ学会優秀学会発表賞制度「座長が推すベスト発表」、2019年3月16日第3回研究大会(京都大学)[A12]伊藤敦規「民族誌資料のデジタルアーカイブ化にかかる諸問題」に対して
  • ☆地域研究コンソーシアム賞(研究企画賞部門)、2020年11月21日、伊藤敦規代表「ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との『再会』プロジェクト」に対して
  • ☆アメリカ人類学会(博物館人類学部門)、最優秀著作賞正式ノミネート、Atsunori Ito,Kathy Dougherty, Kelley Hays-Gilpin (eds.) Collections Review on 446 Silverworks and Related Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Museum of Northern Arizona: Reconnecting Source Community with Museum Collection 4 (国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集4) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
  • ☆ウポポイ(民族共生象徴空間)ウポポイフォトコンテスト2022「ウポポイPRアンバサダー賞」、2023年3月26日、伊藤敦規撮影「昇る」に対して


  • 2021年7月-科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的研究(開拓)『ソースコミュニティに優しい民族誌資料公表モデルの構築に向けた博物館人類学的研究』(研究課題番号:21K18123)』
  • 2016年4月-2020年3月 科学研究費助成事業(国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化))『日本国内の民族学博物館資料を用いた知の共有と継承 に関する文化人類学的研究(国際共同研究強化)』(研究課題番号:15KK0069)
  • 2014年6月-2018年3月 国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム・開発型プロジェクト『北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有』
  • 2014年4月-2018年3月 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(A))『日本国内の民族学博物館資料を用いた知の共有と継承に関する文化人類学的研究』(研究課題番号:26704012)
  • 2013年10月-2017年3月 国立民族学博物館共同研究会『米国本土先住民の民族誌資料を用いるソースコミュニティとの協働関係構築に関する研究』
  • 2009年4月-2012年3月 山崎幸治・伊藤敦規代表『先住民族アート・プロジェクト』北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター研究プロジェクト
  • 2009年4月-2011年3月 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)『北米先住民ホピの知的財産権問題をめぐる文化人類学的研究』(課題番号21・929)
  • 2008年4月-2009年3月 公益信託澁澤民族学振興基金「平成20年度大学院生等に対する研究活動助成」「日本国内ホピ・アート市場の実態調査―先住民アートのプロモーションに向けた公共人類学的アプローチとして」
  • 2006年4月-2007年3月 財団法人花王芸術・科学財団「美術の研究」「グローバル化する先住民美術マーケット下における先住民主体の知的財産権保護運動の動態把握研究―アメリカ先住民ホピ・インディアンを事例として」


  • 東京都立大学人文学部 卒業(社会学学士)(2000)
  • 東京都立大学大学院社会科学研究科修士課程 修了(社会人類学修士)(2003)
  • 国立民族学博物館平成19年度特別共同利用研究員 修了(2008)
  • 国立民族学博物館平成20年度特別共同利用研究員 修了(2009)
  • 学芸員資格取得(2009)
  • 東京都立大学大学院社会科学研究科博士課程 単位取得満期退学(2009)
  • 東京都立大学大学院社会科学研究科博士号(社会人類学)取得(2011.2.24)
  • 東京都立大学人文学部 TA(2004-2005)
  • 国立民族学博物館 共同研究員(2007-2011)
  • 三重大学人文学部 非常勤講師(2008-2009)
  • 北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター 研究員(2008-2010)
  • A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center, Visiting Researcher (2009-)
  • 日本学術振興会特別研究員PD(2009-2011)
  • 立教大学 兼任講師(2009-2010)
  • 国立民族学博物館 外来研究員(2009-2011)
  • 三重大学人文学部 非常勤講師(2010-2011)
  • 北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター 客員研究員(2010-)
  • 国立民族学博物館 平成22年度文化資源プロジェクト共同研究員(2010-2011)
  • 国立民族学博物館 若手共同研究員(2010-2013)
  • 東北大学東北アジア研究センター 共同研究員(2010-2013)
  • 国立民族学博物館 文化資源研究センター 助教(2011.4-2012.3)
  • 国立民族学博物館 研究戦略センター 助教(2012.4-2015.12)
  • 東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所 共同研究員(2012-2015)
  • Museum of Northern Arizona, Research Associate (2015-)
  • 国立民族学博物館 研究戦略センター 准教授(2016.1-3)
  • 国立民族学博物館 文化資源研究センター 准教授(2016.4-2017.3)
  • 総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科 准教授(2016.4-)
  • 国立民族学博物館 学術資源研究開発センター 准教授(2017.4-2021.3)
  • 東北大学大学院 文学研究科 非常勤講師(2019.1-2019.2)
  • 国立民族学博物館 人類文明誌研究部 准教授(2021.4-)
  • Burke Museum of the Washington University, Curatorial Associate (Heritage: Arts and Cultures) (2021.5-)
  • California Academy of Sciences, Department of Anthropology, Research Associate (2023.8-)
  • 学士(社会学)(東京都立大学 2000)「『迎える側』からの巡礼――瀬戸内海豊島の事例から」
  • 修士(社会人類学)(東京都立大学 2003)「ホピと銀細工――法制度上の正しさとホピとしての正しさ」
  • 博士(社会人類学)(東京都立大学 2011.2.24)『米国南西部先住民の知的財産問題をめぐる文化人類学的研究――アート商品と博物館標本資料に関する知識・情報の国際的協働管理にむけて』
  • 日本文化人類学会(1999年11月-)
  • 東京都立大学社会人類学会(2000年4月-)
  • 民族藝術学会(2003年5月-)
  • 西洋史学会(2004年5月-)
  • アメリカ学会(2006年3月-)
  • 日本知財学会(2009年4月-)
  • American Anthropological Association(2010年3月-)
  • International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences(2014年1月-2014年12月)
  • デジタルアーカイブ学会(2018年12月-)
  • ☆デジタルアーカイブ学会優秀学会発表賞制度「座長が推すベスト発表」、2019年3月16日第3回研究大会(京都大学)[A12]伊藤敦規「民族誌資料のデジタルアーカイブ化にかかる諸問題」に対して
  • ☆地域研究コンソーシアム賞(研究企画賞部門)、2020年11月21日、伊藤敦規代表「ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との『再会』プロジェクト」に対して
  • ☆アメリカ人類学会(博物館人類学部門)、最優秀著作賞正式ノミネート、Atsunori Ito,Kathy Dougherty, Kelley Hays-Gilpin (eds.) Collections Review on 446 Silverworks and Related Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Museum of Northern Arizona: Reconnecting Source Community with Museum Collection 4 (国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集4) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
  • ☆ウポポイ(民族共生象徴空間)ウポポイフォトコンテスト2022「ウポポイPRアンバサダー賞」、2023年3月26日、伊藤敦規撮影「昇る」に対して
  • 2021年7月-科学研究費助成事業(挑戦的研究(開拓)『ソースコミュニティに優しい民族誌資料公表モデルの構築に向けた博物館人類学的研究』(研究課題番号:21K18123)』
  • 2016年4月-2020年3月 科学研究費助成事業(国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化))『日本国内の民族学博物館資料を用いた知の共有と継承 に関する文化人類学的研究(国際共同研究強化)』(研究課題番号:15KK0069)
  • 2014年6月-2018年3月 国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム・開発型プロジェクト『北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有』
  • 2014年4月-2018年3月 科学研究費助成事業(若手研究(A))『日本国内の民族学博物館資料を用いた知の共有と継承に関する文化人類学的研究』(研究課題番号:26704012)
  • 2013年10月-2017年3月 国立民族学博物館共同研究会『米国本土先住民の民族誌資料を用いるソースコミュニティとの協働関係構築に関する研究』
  • 2009年4月-2012年3月 山崎幸治・伊藤敦規代表『先住民族アート・プロジェクト』北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター研究プロジェクト
  • 2009年4月-2011年3月 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)『北米先住民ホピの知的財産権問題をめぐる文化人類学的研究』(課題番号21・929)
  • 2008年4月-2009年3月 公益信託澁澤民族学振興基金「平成20年度大学院生等に対する研究活動助成」「日本国内ホピ・アート市場の実態調査―先住民アートのプロモーションに向けた公共人類学的アプローチとして」
  • 2006年4月-2007年3月 財団法人花王芸術・科学財団「美術の研究」「グローバル化する先住民美術マーケット下における先住民主体の知的財産権保護運動の動態把握研究―アメリカ先住民ホピ・インディアンを事例として」


2024 Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, and Ramson Lomatewama (eds.) Collections Review on 34 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Denver Art Museum: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 11 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Archives Resources 2) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2024.3.12)[査読有り]
2023 Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Ramson Lomatewama, and Gwyneira Isaac (eds.) Collections Review on 26 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution): Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 10 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Archives Resources 1) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2023.3.7)[査読有り]
2022 Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Merle Namoki, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, and Takao Miyazato (eds.) Collections Review on 97 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Little World Museum of Man: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 9 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 7) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2022.3.14)[査読有り]
2022 Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Ramson Lomatewama, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, and Henrietta Lidchi (eds.) Collections Reviews on 17 Silverworks Labeled “Hopi” in the History Colorado Center, a Silverwork in the Portland Art Museum, and a Silverwork Labeled “Hopi” in National Museums Scotland: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 6, 7, 8 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 6) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2022.2.16)[査読有り]
2021 Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Chip Colwell (eds.) Collections Review on 38 Silverworks Labeled “Hopi” in the Denver Museum of Nature & Science: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 5 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 5) Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2021.1.26)[査読有り]
2020 伊藤敦規、キャシー・ドーハーティ、ケレイ・ハイズ=ギルピン編『北アリゾナ博物館収蔵446点の「ホピ製」銀細工および関連資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」4』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集4)』(2020.3.23)[査読有り]
2020 伊藤敦規編『国立民族学博物館収蔵186点の「ホピ製」資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」3』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集3)』(2020.2.3)[査読有り]
2019 『天理大学附属天理参考館収蔵24点の「ホピ製」資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」2』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集)2。(2019.3.28)[査読有り]
2017 Mimbres Workshops 2017: Reconnecting Hopi Artists with Mimbres Landscape and Pottery Designs. Self-publishing(2017.8.28)[査読無し]
2017 『国立民族学博物館収蔵「ホピ製」木彫人形資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」1』(国立民族学博物館調査報告SER)140。(2017.3.13)[査読有り]
2016 『伝統知、記憶、情報、イメージの再収集と共有――民族誌資料を用いた協働カタログ制作の課題と展望』(国立民族学博物館調査報告)137。(2016.9.20)[査読有り]
2015 『アイヌ・アートが担う新たな役割――米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ』(山崎幸治、伊藤敦規、城石梨奈編)、北海道大学 アイヌ・先住民研究センター。(2015.3.31)[査読無し]
2012 監修『週刊 一度は行きたい世界の博物館 世界の民族博物館――ビショップ博物館・ハード博物館・カナダ文明博物館』48号、朝日新聞出版。(2012.7.12)
2012 『世界のなかのアイヌ・アート』(山﨑幸治・伊藤敦規編著)、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター。(2012.3.31)[査読無し]
2024 「民族誌資料の理想的なデジタルアーカイブと公開方法」『文化人類学』89(1):111-131。(2024.6.30)[査読有り]
2024 「4.0版アイヌ民族研究年表」(2024.6.17)[査読なし]
2024 飯嶋秀治・伊藤敦規・北原モコットゥナシ・伊地知紀子「日本文化人類学会第30期倫理委員会ガイドブック」(2024.6.17)[査読なし]
2024 “Report on the Second Symposium ‘Cultural Anthropological Approaches to the Study of the Ainu People in Japan’” Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology (『文化人類学』別冊)24(2): 84-92. (2024.3.31)[査読有り]
2024 「本著の概要(ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」11)」Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, and Ramson Lomatewama (eds.) Collections Review on 34 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Denver Art Museum: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 11 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Archives Resources 2) pp. 11-17, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2024.3.12)[査読有り]
2024 “Brief Overview of this Volume (Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 11)” in Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, and Ramson Lomatewama (eds.) Collections Review on 34 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Denver Art Museum: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 11 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Archives Resources 2) pp.1-9, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2024.3.12)[査読有り]
2023 「本著の概要(ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」10)」Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Ramson Lomatewama, and Gwyneira Isaac (eds.) Collections Review on 26 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution): Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 10 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Archives Resources 1) pp. 9-14, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2023.3.7)[査読有り]
2023 “Brief Overview of this Volume (Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 10)” in Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Ramson Lomatewama, and Gwyneira Isaac (eds.) Collections Review on 26 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution): Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 10 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Archives Resources 1) pp.1-7, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2023.3.7)[査読有り]
2022 「本著の概要(ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」9)」Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Merle Namoki, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, and Takao Miyazato (eds.) Collections Review on 97 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Little World Museum of Man: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 9 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 7) pp. 9-14, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2022.3.14)[査読有り]
2022 “Brief Overview of this Volume (Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 9)” in Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Merle Namoki, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, and Takao Miyazato (eds.) Collections Review on 97 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Little World Museum of Man: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 9 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 7) pp.1-8, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2022.3.14)[査読有り]
2022 「本著の概要(ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」6、7、8)」Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Ramson Lomatewama, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, and Henrietta Lidchi (eds.) Collections Reviews on 17 Silverworks Labeled “Hopi” in the History Colorado Center, a Silverwork in the Portland Art Museum, and a Silverwork Labeled “Hopi” in National Museums Scotland: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 6, 7, 8 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 6) pp.9-14, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2022.2.16)[査読有り]
2022 “Brief Overview of this Volume (Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 6, 7, 8)” in Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Ramson Lomatewama, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, and Henrietta Lidchi (eds.) Collections Reviews on 17 Silverworks Labeled “Hopi” in the History Colorado Center, a Silverwork in the Portland Art Museum, and a Silverwork Labeled “Hopi” in National Museums Scotland: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 6, 7, 8 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 6) pp.1-7, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2022.2.16)[査読有り]
2021 「本著の概要(ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」5)」Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Chip Colwell (eds.) Collections Review on 38 Silverworks Labeled “Hopi” in the Denver Museum of Nature & Science: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 5 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 5) pp. 9-13, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2021.1.26)[査読有り]
2021 “Brief Overview of this Volume (Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 5)” in Atsunori Ito, Candice Lomahaftewa, Chip Colwell (eds.) Collections Review on 38 Silverworks Labeled “Hopi” in the Denver Museum of Nature & Science: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 5 (National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 5) pp.1-7, Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2021.1.26)[査読有り]
2020 James Clifford, Atsunori Ito, Reiko Saito, Kenji Yoshida, Isao Hayashi, and Taku Iida “International Symposium ‘Future of the Museum: An Anthropological Perspective’” Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 45(1): 115-176. (2020.8.31) [査読有り]
2020 “An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog.” TRAJECTORIA 1, (, National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN(2020.3.31)[査読有り]
2020 Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Atsunori Ito, Robert Breunig “Decolonizing Museum Catalogs: Defining and Exploring the Problem.” TRAJECTORIA 1, (, National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN(2020.3.31)[査読有り]
2020 “Introduction An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog.” TRAJECTORIA 1, (, National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN(2020.3.31)[査読有り]
2020 「共有されるアートをめぐる記憶」『arts/ (民族藝術学会誌リニューアル創刊号)』1(1):46-49.民族藝術学会(2020.3.31)[査読なし]
2020 “Brief Overview of the “Reconnecting Project” on the Silverworks and Related Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Museum of Northern Arizona.” In Atsunori Ito, Kathy Dougherty, Kelley Hays-Gilpin (eds.) Collections Review on 446 Silverworks and Related Items Labeled “Hopi” in the Museum of Northern Arizona: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 4. National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 4: 21-43. National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN.(2020.3.23)[査読有り]
2020 「北アリゾナ博物館収蔵『ホピ製』銀細工および関連資料の熟覧調査の概要」、伊藤敦規、キャシー・ドーハーティ、ケレイ・ハイズ=ギルピン編『「北アリゾナ博物館収蔵446点の『ホピ製』銀細工および関連資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との『再会』4」、国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集4:1-19. 国立民族学博物館(2020.3.23)[査読有り]
2020 “Outline of this report and provenance of objects labeled “Hopi” in National Museum of Ethnology. In Atsunori Ito (ed.) Collections Review on 186 Items Labeled “Hopi” in the National Museum of Ethnology: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections 3. National Museum of Ethnology Info-Forum Museum Resources 3: 9-17. (2020.2.3)[査読有り]
2020 「本著の概要と民博収蔵『ホピ製』資料の来歴」伊藤敦規編『「国立民族学博物館収蔵186点の『ホピ製』資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との『再会』3」、国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集3:1-7(2020.2.3)[査読有り]
2019 梅谷昭範・伊藤敦規「天理大学附属天理参考館収蔵北米先住民資料の来歴」伊藤敦規編『天理大学附属天理参考館収蔵24点の「ホピ製」資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」2』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集)2:17-25。(2019.3.28)[査読有り]
2019 Akinori Umetani and Atsunori Ito “A Brief History of the Native North Americans Collections in the Tenri University Sankokan Museum” 伊藤敦規編『天理大学附属天理参考館収蔵24点の「ホピ製」資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」2』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集)2:27-37。(2019.3.28)[査読有り]
2019 「序」伊藤敦規編『天理大学附属天理参考館収蔵24点の「ホピ製」資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」2』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集)2:1-7。(2019.3.28)[査読有り]
2019 “Preface”伊藤敦規編『天理大学附属天理参考館収蔵24点の「ホピ製」資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」2』(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム資料集)2:9-16。(2019.3.28)[査読有り]
2017 「序」伊藤敦規編『国立民族学博物館収蔵「ホピ製」木彫人形資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」1』(国立民族学博物館調査報告SER)140: 1-3、国立民族学博物館。(2017.3.13)[査読有り]
2017 “Preface”伊藤敦規編『国立民族学博物館収蔵「ホピ製」木彫人形資料熟覧――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」1』(国立民族学博物館調査報告SER)140: 4-7、国立民族学博物館。(2017.3.13)[査読有り]
2016 「ホストとして関わる人類学――米国南西部先住民ホピと私のこれまでとこれから」(特集 人類学者の存在論)『社会人類学年報』42: 67-90、東京都立大学・首都大学東京社会人類学会、弘文堂. (2016.12.15)[査読有り]
2016 「おわりに」、伊藤敦規編『伝統知、記憶、情報、イメージの再収集と共有――民族誌資料を用いた協働カタログ制作の課題と展望』(国立民族学博物館調査報告SER)137: 131-132、国立民族学博物館。(2016.9.20)[査読有り]
2016 「はじめに」、伊藤敦規編『伝統知、記憶、情報、イメージの再収集と共有――民族誌資料を用いた協働カタログ制作の課題と展望』(国立民族学博物館調査報告SER)137: 1-4、国立民族学博物館。(2016.9.20)[査読有り]
2015 「再会ツールとしての著作権――国立民族学博物館所蔵カナダ先住民版画資料の著作権処理を事例として」齋藤玲子(編)『カナダ先住民芸術の歴史的展開と現代的課題――国立民族学博物館所蔵のイヌイットおよび北西海岸先住民の版画コレクションをとおして』(『国立民族学博物館調査報告SER』131:211-227、国立民族学博物館。(2015.11.30)[査読有り]
2015 「米国先住民アートショーについて」(山崎幸治、伊藤敦規、城石梨奈編)『アイヌ・アートが担う新たな役割――米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ』北海道大学 アイヌ・先住民研究センター、pp. 18-28。(2015.3.31)[査読無し]
2015 山崎幸治・伊藤敦規「序」(山崎幸治、伊藤敦規、城石梨奈編)『アイヌ・アートが担う新たな役割――米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ』北海道大学 アイヌ・先住民研究センター、pp. 4-11。(2015.3.31)[査読無し]
2015 「国立民族学博物館における研究公演の再定義――『ホピの踊りと音楽』の記録とフォーラムとしてのミュージアムの視点からの考察」『国立民族学博物館研究報告』39(3):397-458。(2015.1.30)[査読有り]
2015 「博物館をめぐる対話――国立民族学博物館における<ホピの踊りと音楽>公演」高倉浩樹(編)『展示する人類学――日本と異文化をつなぐ対話』、pp. 113-141。(2015.1.30)[査読有り]
2014 「『先住民の知的財産問題』と文化人類学との関わり(特集 社会調査とデータの利用をめぐる研究倫理の動向)」『社会と調査』12:29-37、一般社団法人社会調査協会。(2014.3.30)[査読無し]
2013 “Collaborating with the Source Community: Legal and Ethical Issues on the Ethnological Museum Collection Management”, Documentation and recording of the ethnographical objects in the museums 2 ( the research and practical seminar), pp. 1-7. Russian museum of Ethnography, St-Petersburg, Russia. (国際ワークショップ・プロシーディングス)(2013.9.24)[査読無し]
2013 「民族誌資料の制作者名遡及調査――『ホピ製』木彫人形資料を事例として」『国立民族学博物館研究報告』37(4):495-633。(2013.3.29)[査読有り]
2012 「研究公演『ホピの踊りと音楽』の交渉過程で得られた民族誌的知見」『民博通信』139(「評論・展望」):2-7、国立民族学博物館。(2012.12.28)[査読無し]
2012 「はじめに――プロジェクトの目的と視座」山﨑幸治・伊藤敦規(編著)『世界のなかのアイヌ・アート』、pp. 3-6、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター。(2012.3.31)[査読無し]
2012 「先住民の知的財産と『先住民の知的財産問題』」山﨑幸治・伊藤敦規(編著)『世界のなかのアイヌ・アート』、pp. 137-155、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター。(2012.3.31)[査読無し]
2012 「ホピの銀細工と知的財産問題」山﨑幸治・伊藤敦規(編著)『世界のなかのアイヌ・アート』、pp.179-194、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター。(2012.3.31)[査読無し]
2012 「おわりに――今後の展開に向けて」山﨑幸治・伊藤敦規(編著)『世界のなかのアイヌ・アート』、pp. 269-276、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター。(2012.3.31)[査読無し]
2012 「重なり合う二つの『伝統』――米国先住民ホピの宝飾品産業におけるデザインの応用と流用」『デザイン理論』59:130-131、意匠学会。(2012.3.31)[査読無し]
2011 “Hopi and Zuni Arts and Crafts in Japanese Market and Museums: Trends in the Collaborative Management of Cultures in Japan.” Ethnoscripts, 13(2):140-154, Hamburg, German: Universität Hamburg Institute für Ethnologie.[査読有り]
2011 「現代北米先住民と博物館との協働資料管理――ズニ博物館主導の「協働カタログ制作」プロジェクトを事例として」『民族藝術』27:215-222、民族藝術学会。(2011.3.30)[査読有り]
2011 「博物館標本資料の情報と知識の協働管理に向けて――米国南西部先住民ズニによる国立民族学博物館所蔵標本資料へのアプローチ」『国立民族学博物館研究報告』35(3):471-526。(2011.2.25)[査読有り]
2009 「循環する生と死――米国南西部先住民ホピの霊魂観」『アジア遊学』128(特集:古代世界の霊魂観):172-184、東京:勉誠出版。(2009.12.16)[査読無し]
2009 (翻訳・編集・部分執筆)「カナダ文明博物館の歩みと現代カナダ先住民との関係――地質調査団から知識の協働管理施設へ」国立民族学博物館(編)『自然のこえ 命のかたち――カナダ先住民の生みだす美』、pp. 43-46、京都市:昭和堂。(2009.9.4)[査読無し]
2009 「日本国内博物館所蔵、カチーナ人形資料の底面画像(制作者サイン)データベース」(平成20年度国立民族学博物館特別共同利用研究員 修了報告書)。(2009.2.15)[査読無し]
2008 「協働作品としての『ホピ・ズニ作家展』――北米先住民の知的財産保護に向けた日本での実践」岸上伸啓(編)『北アメリカ先住民の社会経済開発』(みんぱく実践人類学シリーズ4巻)、pp. 103-136、東京:明石書店。(2008.11.30)[査読無し]
2008 「日本国内博物館・美術館所蔵のカチーナ人形資料調査報告」『日本はきもの博物館・日本郷土玩具博物館2007年度年報』14:12-19、財団法人遺芳文化財団。(2008.3.31)[査読有り]
2008 「アメリカ先住民美術工芸品の偽装問題――米国現行法と作家の認識を中心に」『立教アメリカン・スタディーズ』30:97-114、立教大学アメリカ研究所。(2008.3.31)[査読無し]
2008 Abe, Juri and Ito Atsunori “A Review of Literature and Trends on Native American Studies in Japan.” Japanese Review of Cultural Anthropology, 9(『文化人類学研究(旧『民族学研究』)』別冊):137-170, Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology. (日本文化人類学会)(2008.3.31)[査読有り]
2008 「模倣される民族芸術――アメリカ先住民族ホピのジュエリーを事例として」『民族藝術』24:128-137、民族藝術学会。(2008.2.20)[査読有り]
2008 「日本国内博物館・美術館のアメリカ先住民収集資料調査」(平成19年度国立民族学博物館 特別共同利用研究員 修了報告書)。(2008.2.10)[査読無し]
2007 「日本における北米先住民研究の歴史と現状――文化人類学分野」『立教アメリカン・スタディーズ』29、pp. 109-143、立教大学アメリカ研究所。(2007.3.31)[査読有り]
2007 「ホピ・ジュエリーの歴史的発展過程とホピによる現在の意味付け」綾部恒雄(編)『講座世界の先住民族――ファースト・ピープルズの現在第10巻 失われる文化・失われるアイデンティティ』、pp. 244-257、東京:明石書店。(2007.2.15)[査読無し]
2006 「日本におけるホピ・イメージの流通とホピによる対応」『季刊民族学』118:66-69、国立民族学博物館・(財)千里文化財団。(2006.10.20)[査読無し]
2005 “Marketing Hopi Jewelry in Japan: An Analysis of the promotional characteristics of Hopi Arts & Crafts in/to Japan.” European Review of Native American Studies, 19(1):25-28, Wien, Austria: Museum für Völkerkunde.[査読有り]
2013 (伊藤敦規・齋藤みほ・吉元菜々子)永田脩一「ホピ族の『オバ』の謎」、『社会人類学年報』39:77-108,、東京都立大学・首都大学東京社会人類学会。(2013.12.30)[査読あり]
2009 「ズニ・トライブ撮影許可証」(ズニ政府観光局より依頼)。[査読無し]
2009 「ズニ訪問に関する遵守事項」(ズニ政府観光局より依頼)。[査読無し]
2009 (翻訳・編集)エルドン・イエローホーン「第一部 多様な環境から生まれる美のかたち――カナダ文明博物館コレクション」国立民族学博物館(編)『自然のこえ 命のかたち――カナダ先住民の生みだす美』、pp. 11-46、京都市:昭和堂。(2009.9.4)[査読無し]
2023 「線を彫る」『月刊みんぱく』(第47巻第10号「特集カナダ北西海岸先住民のアート、最前線」):8、国立民族学博物館。(2023.10.1)[査読無し]
2023 中谷文美・伊藤敦規・伊地知紀子・飯嶋秀治・石原真衣・木村周平・松田素二・真島一郎「「アイヌ民族に関する研究倫理指針(案)」から考える、文化人類学の過去と未来にむけての展望中間報告」『文化人類学』88(2):390-394。(2023.9.30)[査読無し]
2023 「大阪万博アメリカ館のティピーの行方」『月刊みんぱく』(第47巻第8号「コレクションあれこれ」):16-17、国立民族学博物館。(2023.8.1)[査読無し]
2023 「メッセージ」公益財団法人アイヌ民族文化財団編『UPOPOY20221103REPORT』、p. 12公益財団法人アイヌ民族文化財団(2023.3.31)[査読無し]
2022 「米国南西地域の仮面」吉田憲司他編『世界の仮面文化事典』、pp. 86-89、東京:丸善出版。(2022.5)[査読無し]
2022 Comment on an article “A Palimpsest Theory of Objec” by Chip Colwell, Current Anthropology 63 (2): 146-147 of 129-157. (2022.4.20)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り⑤オンライン公開の「壁」」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.30)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り④資料の寄贈」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.23)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り③個人コレクション」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.16)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り②もの以外の記録」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.09)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り①ソースコミュニティー」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.02)
2021 「ミンブレス土器を民話で解く」『月刊みんぱく』(第45巻第7号「特集 民話のちから」):8-9、国立民族学博物館。(2021.7.1)[査読無し]
2021 「『フォーラムとしての博物館』の新展開」『みんぱくe-news』239号、国立民族学博物館。(2021.5.1)[査読無し]
2020 「オンライン展示の条件」『月刊みんぱく』(第44巻第5号「みんぱく回遊」):16-17、国立民族学博物館。(2020.5.1)[査読無し]
2019 「民族誌資料のデジタルアーカイブ化にかかる諸問題」『デジタルアーカイブ学会誌』3(2):91-94、(2019.3.15)[査読あり]
2018 “Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections: A Minpaku Info-Forum Museum Project.” MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter 46: 3-5, National Museum of Ethnology.(2018.6.1)[査読無し]
2018 「映像を用いた博物館資料情報の再収集」『民博通信』160号:14-15、国立民族学博物館。(2018.3.30)[査読無し]
2017 「アメリカ合衆国(ホピ族)」中牧弘允編『世界の暦文化事典』pp. 342-345、東京:丸善出版。(2017.11.25)[査読無し]
2017 「アシウィ・アワン博物館・遺産センター」『月刊みんぱく』(第41巻第5号「新世紀ミュージアム」):16-17、国立民族学博物館。(2017.5.1)[査読無し]
2016 「伝統工芸」、阿部珠理編『アメリカ先住民を知るための62章』、明石書店、pp. 266-271。(2016.9.26)[査読無し]
2016 「カチーナとカチーナ人形」、阿部珠理編『アメリカ先住民を知るための62章』、明石書店、pp. 261-265。(2016.9.26)[査読無し]
2016 「スネークダンス」、阿部珠理編『アメリカ先住民を知るための62章』、明石書店、pp. 231-235。(2016.9.26)[査読無し]
2015 「アメリカ合衆国南西部先住民ホピのソーシャルダンス」、国枝たか子編、『世界のダンスII――百カ国を結ぶ舞踊文化』、pp. 78-79、不昧堂出版。(2015.11.25)[査読無し]
2015 「米国先住民ミュージシャン エド・カボーティ」『月刊みんぱく』(第39巻第11号「音の居場所」):18-19、国立民族学博物館。(2015.11.1)[査読無し]
2015 「民族学博物館とソースコミュニティとの再会」『民博通信』150号(「Project」):10-11、国立民族学博物館。(2015.9.30)[査読無し]
2014 「日本国内の米国先住民研究の展開のために――民族誌資料で関係者を束ねる」『民博通信』145号(「Project」):20-21、国立民族学博物館。(2014.6.30)[査読無し]
2014 “Re-Collection and Sharing Traditional Knowledge, Memories, Information, and Images: Problem and the Prospects on Creating Collaborative Catalog.” MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter No. 38, pp. 11-12, National Museum of Ethnology.(2014.6.1)[査読無し]
2014 「『季節の踊り』の盛装と織り手」『月刊みんぱく』(第38巻第2号「制服の世界・世界の制服」):22-23、国立民族学博物館。(2014.2.1)[査読無し]
2013 「北アリゾナ博物館」『月刊みんぱく』(第37巻第12号「地球ミュージアム紀行」):14-15、国立民族学博物館。(2013.12.1)[査読無し]
2013 「みんぱくコレクションを語る カチーナ人形の作り手たち――40年後の『もの語り』の可能性」(友の会講演会要旨)『国立民族学博物館友の会ニュース』217:4、千里文化財団。(2013.11.1)[査読無し]
2013 「World Watching from Arizona――戦争と米国先住民」『みんぱくe-news』146号、国立民族学博物館。(2013.8.16)[査読無し]
2013 “Conservation and Restoration on Ethnological Materials.” MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter No. 36:12-13, National Museum of Ethnology.(2013.6.1)[査読無し]
2012 “Agreement of Academic Co-operation between Minpaku and the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center.” MINPAKU Anthropology Newsletter No. 35:12-13, National Museum of Ethnology.(2012.12.1)[査読無し]
2012 「走ることの理由」『月刊みんぱく』(第36巻第10号「異聞逸聞」):20、国立民族学博物館。(2012.10.1)[査読無し]
2012 「アメリカ南西部先住民のすまい」『国立民族学博物館展示ガイド』、p. 6、国立民族学博物館。(2012.3.30)[査読無し]
2012 「みんぱく 私の逸品 ホールマーク」『月刊みんぱく』(第36巻第3号):15、国立民族学博物館。(2012.3.1)[査読無し]
2011 「許可なく撮るべからず」『月刊みんぱく』(第35巻第5号「特集 文化交渉のダイナミズム」):7、国立民族学博物館。(2011.5.1)[査読無し]
2009 「ホッキョクグマの毛皮」『みんぱくe-news』101号(みんぱくのオタカラ)、国立民族学博物館。(2009.11.18)
2009 「収蔵資料情報の共有に向けて――北米先住民ズニ博物館長の民博訪問」『月刊みんぱく』(第33巻第10号「時論・新論・理想論」):15、国立民族学博物館。(2009.10.1)[査読無し]
2009 「デジタルとアニメの楽しい仕掛け」『月刊みんぱく』(第33巻第9号「カナダ特別展特集」)、pp. 6-7、国立民族学博物館。(2009.9.1)[査読無し]
2009 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考(10)――国際市場におけるホピ・ズニ作家と私の活動(3)」『先住民族の10年News』155:10-13、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2009.6.13)[査読無し]
2009 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(9)――国際市場におけるホピ・ズニ作家と私の活動(2)」『先住民族の10年News』153:12-14、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2009.4.11)[査読無し]
2009 「『怒りもて挑め』」『渡邊欣雄先生退職記念文集』p. 37、東京都立大学・首都大学東京社会人類学研究室。(2009.2)[査読無し]
2009 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(8)――国際市場におけるホピ・ズニ作家と私の活動(1)」『先住民族の10年News』151:5-7、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2009.2.14)[査読無し]
2008 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(7)――トライバル政府と作家の対応」『先住民族の10年News』146:14-16、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2008.7.12)[査読無し]
2008 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(6)――米国現行法における真贋判断の基準」『先住民族の10年News』144:11-13、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2008.5.10)[査読無し]
2008 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(5)――アートショー出品規定にみる先住民族製の保証」『先住民族の10年News』142:10-13、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2008.3.15)[査読無し]
2008 「さいたま市にてアメリカ先住民アートショーを開催」『民族藝術学会会報(民族藝術の四つ辻)』72:5、民族藝術学会。(2008.2)[査読無し]
2007 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(4)――ホピ・ジュエリーに付される真贋判断基準としての情報」『先住民族の10年News』140:18-20、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2007.12.16)[査読無し]
2007 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(3)――ホピ・ジュエリーの『模倣品』事例」『先住民族の10年News』138:12-15、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2007.10.13)[査読無し]
2007 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(2)――ホピ様式創出の歴史」『先住民族の10年News』137:11-13、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2007.9.15)[査読無し]
2007 「先住民アートの模倣問題に関する一考察(1)――ホピ・ジュエリーの形態的特徴」『先住民族の10年News』136:13-15、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2007.7.14)[査読無し]
2007 「コメの国の商人の、トウモロコシの国での宝探し――日本人バイヤーを通したホピ・ジュエリー市場」『先住民族の10年News』133:4-7、先住民族の10年市民連絡会。(2007.4.14)[査読無し]
2024 「アイヌ民族綜合調査の研究②――形質人類学的アプローチ」『第58回日本文化人類学会研究大会』、北海道大学。(2023.6.16)[査読有り]
2024 「「アイヌ民族研究に関する日本文化人類学会・学会声明」にいたる経緯」関東ウタリ会のみなさま等への説明会、アイヌ文化交流センター(オンライン)(2024.6.8)[査読無し]
2024 「学史のなかのアイヌ民族研究」日本文化人類学会第30期倫理委員会教育ワークショップ、オンライン(2024.6.6)[査読無し]
2024 「アイヌ民族綜合調査と東京都立大学」科研費研究会、東京都立大学5号館3階会議室。(2024.4.25)[査読無し]
2024 「『アイヌ民族綜合調査』関連資料の調査報告②」科研費研究会、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター1階会議室。(2024.3.29)[査読無し]
2023 「カナダ北西海岸とアメリカ南西部の金属細工」『第639回みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン』国立民族学博物館ナビ広場。(2023.11.26)[査読なし]
2023 “Reconnecting Project Progress Report,” KAKENHI Project meeting (21K18123), National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN. (2023.11.16)[査読無し]
2023 “Reconnecting Project Progress Report,” KAKENHI Project meeting (21K18123), National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN. (2023.11.14)[査読無し]
2023 「民族誌資料画像の公表プロセス――ソースコミュニティへの配慮、協働、コンプライアンス」『KAKENHI Project meeting (21K18123)』(Zoomオンライン開催)(2023.7.21)[査読なし]
2023 “Reconnecting Project Progress Report,” KAKENHI Project meeting (21K18123), National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN. (2023.7.13)[査読無し]
2023 “Reconnecting Source Communities with CAS Collections,” KAKENHI Project meeting (21K18123), Anthropology Lab of the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA. (2023.6.28)[査読無し]
2023 「日本におけるアイヌ民族研究への文化人類学的アプローチ」『第57回日本文化人類学会研究大会 第5回倫理委員会シンポジウム』、県立広島大学。(2023.6.4)[査読なし]
2023 「アイヌ民族綜合調査の研究序説」『第57回日本文化人類学会研究大会』、県立広島大学。(2023.6.3)[査読有り]
2023 “Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections: Report on the Schaaf Collections,” KAKENHI Project meeting (21K18123), National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN. (2023.5.25)[査読無し]
2023 「戦後日本の4学(民・社・理・医)協働研究におけるソースコミュニティへの配慮の萌芽――『アイヌ民族綜合調査』関連資料の調査報告」『北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター研究会』、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター1階会議室。(2023.3.27)[査読無し]
2023 「デジタル・ストーリーテリング――人類学博物館の活動の新展開」『阿寒アイヌコンサルンとの意見交換会』国立民族学博物館大演習室。(2023.3.10)[査読無し]
2022 「私たちの問題として考えるために」2022年度第2回日本文化人類学会倫理委員会シンポジウム『日本におけるアイヌ民族研究への文化人類学的アプローチ』(Zoomオンライン開催)。(2022.12.10)[査読なし]
2022 「米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ」ウポポイ第一回アイヌアートショー講演会、ヤイハノッカㇻ チセ(体験学習館)。(2022.11.03)[査読なし]
2022 「先住民アートショー――企画と運営/理念と実践②」『ウポポイ第6回アートショー会議』国立民族学博物館大演習室。(2022.10.17)[査読無し]
2022 「ソースコミュニティに優しい資料画像の公表プロセス」『みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン』国立民族学博物館第5セミナー室。(2022.8.28)[査読なし]
2022 「ソースコミュニティを敬う博物館活動」『第524回みんぱくゼミナール』国立民族学博物館みんぱくインテリジェントホール(講堂)。(2022.8.20)[査読なし]
2022 飯嶋秀治、伊藤敦規、伊地知紀子「趣旨説明」日本文化人類学会倫理委員会ワークショップ『第56回日本文化人類学会倫理委員会特別シンポジウム「『アイヌ民族に関する研究倫理指針(案)』から考える、文化人類学の過去と未来にむけての展望」を受けて』(2022.7.31)[査読無し]
2022 「先住民アートショー――企画と運営/理念と実践①」『ウポポイ第1回アートショー会議』、Zoom。(2022.7.22)[査読無し]
2022 Fumi Arakawa and Atsunori Ito “Multivocality: A Singular Case Study of Mimbres Pottery Workshop,” Crow Canyon Webinars, Zoom from the USA. (2022.4.14) [査読無し]
2021 「現代米国先住民研究におけるデジタル協働民族誌の可能性」近藤祉秋代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会(若手)『先住民と情報化する社会の関わり』、Zoom。(2021.8.25)[査読無し]
2020 「仕事について考えよう」茨木市立中津小学校。(2020.11.6)[査読なし]
2020 「オンライン展示の条件――民族誌資料、著作権、公開適正化」『第570回 ウィークエンド・サロン』国立民族学博物館。(2020.8.23)[査読なし]
2019 「民族誌資料にかかるコンプライアンス――ソースコミュニティへの配慮の重要性と協働の可能性を事例として」『天理大学 研究倫理・コンプライアンス研修』天理大学2号棟。(2019.11.27)[査読無し]
2019 Gerald Lomaventema and Atsunori Ito “Revitalization of Hopi Jewelry through the Museums Collections Review,” Hopi Artist Workshops on Living in Sacred Continuum exhibition, New Mexico State University Museum and NMSU Art Department, New Mexico, USA. (2019.10.24) [査読無し]
2019 「国立民族学博物館のフォーラム型情報ミュージアムプロジェクト――デジタル化の目的」『科研費研究会(15KK0069)』、国立民族学博物館。(2019.7.25)[査読無し]
2019 “Minpaku Info-Forum Museum Project: Reconnecting Source Community with Museums,” KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069), National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN. (2019.4.18)[査読無し]
2019 「民族学博物館におけるカルチャル・センシティビティへの配慮」、『第536回 ウィークエンド・サロン』国立民族学博物館。(2019.3.24)[査読なし]
2019 「民族誌資料のデジタルアーカイブ化にかかる諸問題」『第3回デジタルアーカイブ学会研究大会』、京都大学吉田キャンパス総合研究8号館。(2019.3.16)[査読あり]
2019 「米国先住民ホピの暮らしと世界観」『第125回国立民族学博物館友の会 東京講演会』、モンベル御徒町店4Fサロン。(2019.3.9)[査読なし]
2019 Atsunori Ito and Team Reconnecting Project “Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections,” 3rd Annual Research Associate Dinner, Museum of Northern Arizona, Museum of Northern Arizona, Arizona, USA. (2019.2.23-24) [ポスター発表、査読なし]
2019 Gerald Lomaventema, Darrin Kuwanhongva, Cordell Sakeva, and Atsunori Ito “Fake and Imitation Hopi Jewelry,” Hopi Arts Trail, Moenkopi Legacy Inn & Suites, Arizona, USA. (2019.2.11) [査読なし]
2019 「国立民族学博物館のフォーラム型情報ミュージアムプロジェクト――ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との『再会』を促す試み」、第169回東北人類学談話会、東北大学文学研究科棟311講義室。(2019.1.24)[査読なし]
2018 “Minpaku Collections from Northeastern Woodlands of the United States: Reconnecting Source Community with Museums,” KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069), National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN. (2018.12.18) [査読無し]
2018 Gerald Lomaventema and Atsunori Ito “Revitalizing Community: From Representation by Others to Self-presentation,” KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069), Shungopavi Community Building, Arizona, USA. (2018.11.30) [査読無し]
2018 「ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との『再会』」国立民族学博物館国際シンポジウム『ミュージアムの未来――人類学的パースペクティブ』、グランフロント大阪 北館4階ナレッジシアター。(2018.9.28)[査読なし]
2018 「民族学博物館の諸活動におけるソースコミュニティとの協働――コメントにかえて」南山大学人類学研究所公開シンポジウム『博物館活動におけるソースコミュニティとの協働の可能性と課題』、南山大学Q棟Q103教室。(2018.7.14)[査読あり]
2018 「趣旨説明」南山大学人類学研究所公開シンポジウム『博物館活動におけるソースコミュニティとの協働の可能性と課題』、南山大学Q棟Q103教室。(2018.7.14)[査読あり]
2018 「米国南西部先住民ホピと天理参考館所蔵資料との『再会』」天理大学附属天理参考館第81回企画展「大自然への敬意―北米先住民の伝統文化―」記念講演会、天理大学附属天理参考館研修室。(2018.4.21)[査読なし]
2018 「北米と歴史的遺物返還」日本学術会議地域研究委員会「歴史的遺物返還に関する検討分科会」第24期第2回、日本学術会議。(2018.3.30)[査読なし]
2018 「博物館資料情報の再収集――EEM北米資料とソースコミュニティとの『再会』」第505回みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン、国立民族学博物館。(2018.3.18)[査読なし]
2018 Gerald Lomaventema and Atsunori Ito “Revitalization of Hopi Jewelry through the Collections Review in the US and Japan,” Friends Program: Gerald Lomaventema and Mentees, Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian, Santa Fe, NM, USA. (2018.2.12) [査読なし]
2018 「ソースコミュニティの人々との資料熟覧――博物館収蔵庫でのフィールドワーク」『みんぱく×ナレッジキャピタル――フィールドワークを語る(ナレッジキャピタル連携講座第7期第4回)』、ナレッジキャピタルCAFE Lab.(グランフロント大阪北館1F)。(2018.1.10)[査読なし]
2017 Ito Atsunori and Gerald Lomaventema “Reconnecting Hopi Silversmiths with NMAI Collections”, KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069; 26704012), National Museum of the American Indian, Suitland, MA, USA. (2017.12.6)[査読無し]
2017 Ito Atsunori and Arakawa Fumiyasu “Reconnecting Source Community with Museums”, KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069; 26704012), National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN. (2017.11.19)[査読無し]
2017 “Revitalizing Hopi Silversmithing Traditions” National Museum of Ethnology International Workshop Reconnecting Source Communities with Museums for Education: Revitalizing Hopi Silversmithing Traditions, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ, USA (2017.10.3) [査読無し]
2017 “Hopi Silversmithing and Mimbres: Fred Kabotie’s activities in the late 1940s” National Museum of Ethnology International Workshop Reconnecting Source Communities with Museums for Education: Revitalizing Hopi Silversmithing Traditions, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ, USA (2017.10.3) [査読無し]
2017 “Introduction: Reconnecting Source Communities with Museum Collections” National Museum of Ethnology International Workshop Reconnecting Source Communities with Museums for Education: Revitalizing Hopi Silversmithing Traditions, Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, AZ, USA (2017.10.3) [査読無し]
2017 “Reconnecting Hopi Artists with Mimbres Landscape and Pottery Designs” National Museum of Ethnology International Workshop Reconnecting Archaeological Materials with Descendant & Source Communities: Collections Review, Field Trip, Art Work Creation, and Exhibition Planning, New Mexico State University Museum, Las Cruces, NM, USA (2017.8.28) [査読無し]
2017 “Introduction of the Reconnecting Projects” National Museum of Ethnology International Workshop Reconnecting Archaeological Materials with Descendant & Source Communities: Collections Review, Field Trip, Art Work Creation, and Exhibition Planning, New Mexico State University Museum, Las Cruces, NM, USA (2017.8.28) [査読無し]
2017 “Reconnecting Source Community with Museum Collections and Anthropological Documentation”, KAKENHI Project meeting (15KK0069; 26704012), National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN. (2017.7.6)[査読無し]
2017 Atsunori Ito and Gerald Lomaventema “Revitalization of Hopi Jewelry: Through the Collections Review in the US and Japan”, Museum of Northern Arizona 84th Hopi Festival. (2017.7.2)[査読無し]
2017 Atsunori Ito and Gerald Lomaventema “Revitalization of Hopi Jewelry: Through the Collections Review in the US and Japan”, Museum of Northern Arizona 84th Hopi Festival. (2017.7.1)[査読無し]
2017 “Hopi Collections Review in the US and Japan”, Cultural Resources Center of the National Museum of the American Indian, Suitland, MD. (2017.04.21)[査読なし]
2017 「博物館資料をソースコミュニティと再会させる」第454回みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン、国立民族学博物館。(2017.2.12)[査読なし]
2017 “Hopi Jewelry Collections Review: Minpaku’s Info-Forum Museum Project”, Lomaventema’s Workshop, Second Mesa, AZ. (2017.01.16)[査読なし]
2017 “Hopi Collections Review in the US and Japan: Introduction of a Minpaku’s Info-Forum Museum Project”, New Mexico State University Museum, Las Cruces, NM. (2017.01.11)[査読なし]
2017 “Reconnecting Source Community with Museum Collections: Hopi Collections Review in the US and Japan”, Hibben Center for Archaeology Research (HIBB) at University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM. (2017.01.10)[査読なし]
2016 「米国先住民墓地保護・返還法」『資料返還をめぐる先住民と博物館との新たな関係性の構築に関する文化人類学的研究(科学研究費補助金基盤B、出利葉浩司代表)』、北海学園大学。(2016.11.22)[査読なし]
2016 “Hopi Collections Review in the US and Japan: Introduction of a Minpaku’s Info-Forum Museum Project”, Denver Museum of Nature & Science. (2016.9.15)[査読なし]
2016 “Hopi Collections Review in the US and Japan: Introduction of a Minpaku’s Info-Forum Museum Project”, History Colorado Center. (2016.9.12)[査読なし]
2016 Kelley Hays-Gilpin and Atsunori Ito “Decolonizing museum catalogs? Collaborative catalogs and archaeological practice”, WAC8 (8th World Archaeology Congress, Kyoto, Japan: 世界考古学会議京都大会), Doshisha University. (2016.8.29)[査読あり]
2016 Gerald Lomaventema and Atsunori Ito “History of Traditional Overlay Jewelry”, Arizona State Parks Homolovi State Park Event “Suvoyuki Day”, Homolovi State Park. (2016.8.6)[査読無し]
2016 Robert Breunig, Atsunori Ito, Gerald Lomaventema, Kelley Hays-Gilpin “History of Hopi Overlay Jewelry: Origins and Continuity”, Museum of Northern Arizona 83rd Hopi Festival, Easton Collections Center. (2016.7.3)[査読無し]
2016 Robert Breunig, Atsunori Ito, Gerald Lomaventema, Kelley Hays-Gilpin “History of Hopi Overlay Jewelry: Origins and Continuity”, Museum of Northern Arizona 83rd Hopi Festival, Easton Collections Center. (2016.7.2)[査読無し]
2016 「博物館資料を文化的に蘇生させる――ソースコミュニティと共に行う博物館資料の熟覧調査」『リトルワールドカレッジマスターコース 2016、第二回講義』、野外民族博物館リトルワールド。(2016.5.22)[査読無し]
2016 「記憶や思い出を後世に伝える方法を考える――ソースコミュニティと共に行う博物館資料の熟覧調査」大阪府高齢者大学『世界の文化に親しむ科』、大阪市社会福祉会館。(2016.5.20)[査読無し]
2016 「アメリカ先住民ホピの文化」大阪府高齢者大学『世界の文化に親しむ科』、大阪市社会福祉会館。(2016.5.13)[査読無し]
2016 「ソースコミュニティと共に行う博物館資料の熟覧調査」第418回みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン、国立民族学博物館。(2016.3.27)[査読無し]
2016 「ソースコミュニティと共に行う博物館資料調査――国立民族学博物館のフォーラム型情報ミュージアムプロジェクトの意義と内容の紹介」国立民族学博物館・金沢大学 研究フォーラム『文化遺産の保存と活用:ミュージアムの視点から』、国立民族学博物館。(2016.3.26)[査読無し]
2016 「カチーナ人形資料の熟覧調査――ホピの人びとを松永に招聘してコメントをしてもらう計画について」伊藤敦規代表フォーラム型情報ミュージアムプロジェクト研究会、松永はきもの資料館。(2016.3.12)[査読無し]
2016 「共同研究の中間段階における総括」伊藤敦規代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会『米国本土先住民の民族誌資料を用いるソースコミュニティとの協働関係構築に関する研究、2015年度第4回研究会』、南山大学人類学博物館。(2016.2.28)[査読無し]
2016 Kathy Dougherty and Atsunori Ito “Hopi Collection Review Project in the US and Japan” in the Minpaku International Workshop System Development for the Info-Forum Museum: Philosophy and Technique, National Museum of Ethnology, JAPAN, 2016.2.11-12. (2016.02.12)[査読無し]
2016 「民族学博物館資料の高度情報化とオンライン協働環境整備に向けた取り組み――フォーラム型情報ミュージアムプロジェクトの中間報告として」第271回民博研究懇談会。(2016.01.20)[査読無し]
2015 “Collaborative Reviewing Efforts of Hopi items in museum collections both domestic and international” Shungopavi Community Building, Arizona, USA. (2015.12.11)[[査読無し]
2015 「米国先住民ホピによる民博所蔵民族誌資料熟覧の紹介」伊藤敦規代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会『米国本土先住民の民族誌資料を用いるソースコミュニティとの協働関係構築に関する研究、2015年度第2回研究会』、国立民族学博物館。(2015.11.14)[査読無し]
2015 伊藤敦規、ジェロ・ロマベンティマ、マール・ナモキ 「ソースコミュニティとの協働資料熟覧」伊藤敦規代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会『米国本土先住民の民族誌資料を用いるソースコミュニティとの協働関係構築に関する研究、2015年度第2回研究会』、国立民族学博物館。(2015.11.14)[査読無し]
2015 「民族學博物館與資源社群的再相會――意義與方法論」國立臺灣歷史博物館與日本國立民族學博物館交流工作坊『民族學與歷史學的交會』國立臺灣歷史博物館(2015.10.15-10.17)[査読無し]20151016
2015 Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Atsunori Ito, Gerald Lomaventema “Hopi Overlay Program”, Museum of Northern Arizona 82nd Hopi Festival, Easton Collections Center. (2015.7.4)[査読無し]
2015 「まとめ」国立民族学博物館国際ワークショップ『資料熟覧――資料熟覧のためのソースコミュニティ招聘プロセスと人類学的ドキュメンテーションの検討』(2015.4.17)[査読無し]20152015
2015 「資料熟覧に関する人類学的ドキュメンテーションについて」国立民族学博物館国際ワークショップ『資料熟覧――資料熟覧のためのソースコミュニティ招聘プロセスと人類学的ドキュメンテーションの検討』(2015.4.17)[査読無し]2015
2015 「「映像記録『Host Museum and Source Community Responsibilities in Collection Reviews(話者:シンシア・チャベス=ラマー(国立アメリカン・インディアン博物館、資料管理副部長)、ジム・イノーテ(ズニ博物館、館長))』の視聴」の解説」国立民族学博物館国際ワークショップ『資料熟覧――資料熟覧のためのソースコミュニティ招聘プロセスと人類学的ドキュメンテーションの検討』(2015.4.16)[査読無し]2015
2015 「「映像記録『Demonstration of the Collection Review(話者:シンシア・チャベス=ラマー(国立アメリカン・インディアン博物館、資料管理副部長)、ジム・イノーテ(ズニ博物館、館長))』の視聴」の解説」国立民族学博物館国際ワークショップ『資料熟覧――資料熟覧のためのソースコミュニティ招聘プロセスと人類学的ドキュメンテーションの検討』(2015.4.16)[査読無し]
2015 「趣旨説明――国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム・大型プロジェクト「北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有」および科学研究費補助金若手研究(A)「日本国内の民族学博物館資料を用いた知の共有と継承に関する文化人類学的研究」の目的と視座」国立民族学博物館国際ワークショップ『資料熟覧――資料熟覧のためのソースコミュニティ招聘プロセスと人類学的ドキュメンテーションの検討』(2015.4.16)[査読無し]
2015 “Collaborative Collection Research with Source Community: Introduction of ‘Info-Forum Museum Project'”, 36th American Indian Workshop “Knowledge and Self-Representation”, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (2015.3.26)[査読あり]
2015 「米国先住民アートの知的財産権問題――ソースコミュニティと収蔵資料の『再会』」、園田学園女子大学 平成26年度特別講座「現代世界の諸問題」、第5回講義、園田学園女子大学。(2015.2.27)[査読無し]
2015 「米国先住民アートの知的財産権問題」、園田学園女子大学 平成26年度特別講座「現代世界の諸問題」、第5回講義、園田学園女子大学。(2015.2.27)[査読無し]
2015 「ソースコミュニティと収蔵資料の『再会』の重要性について」、北海道アイヌ協会・国立民族学博物館、第2回研修生講義、国立民族学博物館。(2015.2.17)[査読無し]
2014 「米国先住民ホピ製宝飾品の真髄を真贋判断から考える」(首都大学東京「学術成果の都民への発信拠点・組織の形成」研究グループシンポジウム『伝統文化は誰のもの? 文化資源をめぐる協働を考える』)、首都大学東京。(2014.11.1)[査読無し]
2014 “Introduction of “Kachina doll” collection labeled Hopi in Minpaku”, Minpaku International Workshop Collection Review: Methodology and Effective Utilization for the Museum and the Source Community, National Museum of Ethnology (2014.10.6) [査読無し]
2014 “Tasks of collection, accumulation, documentation, and effective utilization of SC’s comments”, Minpaku International Workshop Collection Review: Methodology and Effective Utilization for the Museum and the Source Community, National Museum of Ethnology (2014.10.5) [査読無し]
2014 Robert Breunig, Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Atsunori Ito “Reconnect Museum and Source Community”, Minpaku International Workshop Collection Review: Methodology and Effective Utilization for the Museum and the Source Community, National Museum of Ethnology (2014.10.5) [査読無し]
2014 “Introduction”, Minpaku International Workshop Collection Review: Methodology and Effective Utilization for the Museum and the Source Community, National Museum of Ethnology (2014.10.5) [査読無し]
2014 「所蔵博物館とソースコミュニティにとっての資料熟覧」、第260回 民博研究懇談会、国立民族学博物館。(2014.9.24)[査読無し]
2014 「米国先住民資料の所在と管理情報の現状、国立民族学博物館のInfo-Forum Museum構想の報告」、アメリカ学会第48回年次大会、米国先住民分科会、沖縄コンベンションセンター。(2014.6.8)[査読無し]
2014 “Collaborating with the Source Community”, IUAES panel Re-imagining ethnological museums: new approaches to developing the museum as a place of multi-lateral contacts and knowledge (Commission on Museums and Cultural Heritage), Makuhari Messe. (2014.5.15) [査読有り]
2014 “Intellectual Property: Consideration on “Copyrighted Works” to be Uniquely Given by Ethnological Museums”, JICA Museology Course, National Museum of Ethnology.(2014.5.7)[査読無し]
2014 「ソースコミュニティによる民族誌資料の熟覧」、北海道アイヌ協会・国立民族学博物館、第1回研修生講義、国立民族学博物館。(2014.2.20)[査読無し]
2014 “Introduction of the A:shiwi A:wan Museum and Heritage Center” Minpaku Inter-University Research Project A Study of Relationship-building Using Ethnological Materials, National Museum of Ethnology. (2014.2.10) [査読無し]
2014 「趣旨説明」(国立民族学博物館国際ワークショップ『伝統知、記憶、情報、イメージの再収集と共有――民族誌資料を用いた協働カタログ制作の課題と展望』)、国立民族学博物館。(2014.1.29)[査読無し]
2014 「趣旨説明」(北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター国際シンポジウム『アイヌ・アートが担う新たな役割――米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ』)、北海道大学学術交流会館小講堂。(2014.1.26)[査読無し]
2013 「国立民族学博物館が所蔵する米国先住民資料について」伊藤敦規代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会『米国本土先住民の民族誌資料を用いるソースコミュニティとの協働関係構築に関する研究、2013年度第1回研究会』、国立民族学博物館。(2013.11.25)[査読無し]
2013 「民族誌資料を活用する研究者とソースコミュニティとの協働関係構築の可能性」伊藤敦規代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会『米国本土先住民の民族誌資料を用いるソースコミュニティとの協働関係構築に関する研究、2013年度第1回研究会』、国立民族学博物館。(2013.11.24)[査読無し]
2013 “Collaborating with the Source Community: Legal and Ethical Issues on the Ethnological Museum Collection Management”, Documentation and recording of the ethnographical objects in the museums ( the research and practical seminar), Russian museum of Ethnography, St-Petersburg, Russia.(2013.9.24)[査読無し]
2013 「カチーナ人形の作り手たち――40年後の『もの語り』の可能性」『第423回国立民族学博物館友の会講演会』、国立民族学博物館。(2013.9.7)[査読無し]
2013 「米国先住民ホピのソーシャルダンス」第312回みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン、国立民族学博物館 本館展示場ナビ広場。(2013.8.25)[査読無し]
2013 「羽根への思い――北アメリカ」『鳥の羽根 いろとりどり』(企画展「アマゾンの生き物文化」関連トークイベント)、国立民族学博物館。(2013.7.27)[査読無し]
2013 「日本における北米先住民研究」高倉浩樹代表、東京外国語大学アジア・アフリカ研究所共同研究会『地域民族誌の方法論と人類学的空間構想力の可能性の探求、2013年度第一回研究会』、AA研本郷サテライト。(2013.6.16)[査読無し]
2013 「アメリカ先住民ホピへの旅」大阪府高齢者大学『世界の文化に親しむ科』、大阪市教育会館。(2013.6.14)[査読無し]
2013 「映像上映『アメリカ先住民 ホピの銀細工づくり――銀板に重ね合わせる伝統』」、第47回日本文化人類学会研究大会、慶應義塾大学。(2013.6.9)[査読無し]
2013 「民族誌資料情報のデジタル共有――ズニ博物館によるフォーラム型データベース構築の取組」岩佐光広代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会『交錯する態度への民族誌的接近―連辞符人類学の再考、そしてその先へ』、国立民族学博物館。(2013.2.18)[査読無し]
2012 「民族学資料を文化的に活かすために――ソースコミュニティとの協働資料管理」、北海道アイヌ協会・国立民族学博物館、第2回研修生講義、国立民族学博物館。(2012.11.20)[査読無し]
2012 「民族学資料の利用に関する著作権処理と孤児著作物化防止のプロセスについて」、地域研究コンソーシアム運営委員研究会、北海道大学スラブ研究センター小会議場。(2012.11.2)[査読無し]
2012 「国立民族学博物館の米国先住民資料」、『立教大学 阿部珠理ゼミ フィールド演習 日本の中のアメリカ先住民文化を探る』、国立民族学博物館。(2012.7.8)[査読無し]
2012 「民族学博物館とソース・コミュニティとの標本資料情報協働管理について」、第240回研究懇談会、国立民族学博物館 特別研究室。(2012.6.27)[査読無し]
2012 「協働展示実践が顕在化させる主客不可分状況について」、第46回日本文化人類学会研究大会、高倉浩樹代表分科会『展示による社会的関与は人類学に何をもたらすか――日本・ロシア・北米の先 住民調査研究の視座から』、広島大学。(2012.6.23)[査読有り]
2012 「協働展示実践が顕在化させる主客不可分状況について」、高倉浩樹代表、東北大学東北アジア研究センター共同研究会『協働による展示実践を通した人類学方法論の探求、2012年度第一回研究会』、広島YMCA学園。(2012.6.22)[査読無し]
2012 「ホピの銀細工」第246回みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン、国立民族学博物館 本館展示場ナビ広場。(2012.3.25)[査読無し]
2012 「ホピと吹田市民との交流会」、特定非営利活動法人 吹田歴史文化まちづくり協会、吹田歴史文化まちづくりセンター浜屋敷。(2012.3.21)[査読無し]
2012 「アメリカ先住民 ホピの踊りと音楽」、国立民族学博物館 講堂、(同時中継:講堂地下ピロティ、第5セミナー室)。(2012.3.20)[査読無し]
2012 「ホピのジュエリー――アメリカの先住民族のアートに触れて」、2012民博夜話、特定非営利活動法人 吹田歴史文化まちづくり協会、吹田歴史文化まちづくりセンター浜屋敷。(2012.3.12)[査読無し]
2012 「ひょうたんの楽器をつくろう――ホピのくらしとお天気」『春のみんぱくフォーラム2012 親子ワークショップ』、国立民族学博物館 第3セミナー室、アメリカ展示場。(2012.3.10)[査読無し]
2012 「アメリカ南西部先住民の宝飾品――民族集団ブランドの創出と知的財産問題」、第404回みんぱくゼミナール、国立民族学博物館 講堂。(2012.1.21)[査読無し]
2011 「先住民と博物館資料」、第232回みんぱくウィークエンド・サロン、国立民族学博物館 特別展示場。(2011.12.4)[査読無し]
2011 「アメリカ南西部先住民のアートと知的財産問題」、北海道アイヌ協会・国立民族学博物館、第6回研修生講義、国立民族学博物館。(2011.12.1)[査読無し]
2011 「博物館資料の孤児作品化防止に向けて」国際シンポジウム『温故知新――アイヌ文化研究の可能性を求めて(Learning from the Past: Exploring the Potential for Research on Aynu Culture )』、国立民族学博物館。(2011.11.13)[査読無し]
2011 「展示に関わり何を得たか?」高倉浩樹代表、東北大学東北アジア研究センター共同研究会『展示実践と北方人類学、第3回研究会』、東北大学文学部。(2011.9.15)[査読無し]
2011 「重なり合う二つの『伝統』―米国先住民ホピの宝飾品産業におけるデザインの応用と流用」第53回意匠学会大会シンポジウム『手工芸とデザイン――伝統的形態と現代的展開』、国立民族学博物館。(2011.7.16)[査読無し]
2011 「日本市場における米国先住民の知的財産権『侵害』――ひとつの解決策としてのホピ・ズニ作家展」IPinCH (Intellectual Property Issues in Cultural Heritage)国際シンポジウム『先住民族の文化資源と知的財産――その理論と実践』、ニュー阿寒ホテル:阿寒湖温泉。(2011.1.18)[査読無し]
2010 「フィールドワーク禁止を乗り越えるための態度――ホストとして被調査コミュニティと関わる」岩佐光広代表、国立民族学博物館若手共同研究会『交錯する態度への民族誌的接近――連辞符人類学の再考、そしてその先へ、第1回研究会』、国立民族学博物館。(2010.12.12)[査読無し]
2010 「ホピ・ズニ作家展――先住民の知的財産問題の解決に向けた一つの実践」山崎幸治代表、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター研究プロジェクト『先住民族アート・プロジェクト、第6回研究会』、ウヌカラ チセ(出会いの家):阿寒湖温泉。(2010.11.27)[査読無し]
2010 “Hopi and Zuni Jewelry in the Japanese Market: Imitations and Misrepresentation as Promotional Lubricants”, AAA Annual Meeting Circulation of ‘Ethnic’ Art (Society for the Anthropology of North America), New Orleans: LA, USA.(2010.11.21)[査読有り]
2010 「『先住民ブランド』と偽装問題――米国先住民ホピの宝飾細工が知的財産化する文脈」特定非営利活動法人 アジア太平洋資料センター(PARC)自由学校連続講座『先住民とアート・アクティヴィズム』、アジア太平洋資料センター。(2010.11.8)[査読無し]
2010 「フィールドワークを禁止する民族集団――米国南西部先住民ホピ保留地での調査経験と倫理」獨協大学全学総合講座『フィールドワークで読み解く世界、第5回』、獨協大学。(2010.10.28)[査読無し]
2010 「ホストとして米国先住民と関わる――日本における商品と博物館資料情報の協働管理の実践事例から」高倉浩樹代表、東北大学東北アジア研究センター共同研究会『展示実践と北方人類学、第1回研究会』、東北大学東北アジア研究センター。(2010.10.26)[査読無し]
2010 「博物館資料情報の協働管理に向けて――米国南西部先住民ズニによる“Creating Collaborative Catalog”プロジェクト」『日本文化人類学会、第44回研究大会』、立教大学。(2010.6.12)[査読無し]
2010 「米国南西部先住民の商用アートの価格構造」山崎幸治代表、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター研究プロジェクト『先住民族アート・プロジェクト、第4回研究会』、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター(2010.6.6)[査読無し]
2010 「米国南西部先住民ホピの宝飾品産業形成史――連邦政府『対インディアン政策』下における創設者Fred Kabotieの役割の分析」岸上伸啓代表、サントリー文化財団助成プロジェクト『北アメリカ先住民アート研究会――北アメリカにおける先住民アートの成立と歴史的展開に関する学際的研究、第2会研究会』、国立民族学博物館。(2010.5.22)[査読無し]
2010 「モノと情報の協働管理に向けて――米国南西部先住民による日本国内民族学系博物館へのアプローチ」『民族藝術学会、第26回研究大会』、江戸東京博物館。(2010.4.25)[査読有り]
2010 “Summary of US Southwestern Puebloans’ Arts and Crafts in Japanese Museums and Market: One-way and Interactive Flows of Interest.” 31st American Indian Workshop Transformation, Translation, Transgression, Charles University, Prague: Czech Republic.(2010.3.27)[査読有り]
2010 “Report on HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN.”, New Mexico Economic Development in International Marketing, Santa Fe, NM, USA.(2010.1.22)[査読無し]
2010 “Presentation on (Maya/Hopi) Mexico Trip.”, Shungopavi Community Building, Second Mesa, AZ, USA.(2010.1.19)[査読無し]
2010 “Report on Hopi & Zuni Artist Show in Japan.”, Shungopavi Community Building, Second Mesa, AZ, USA.(2010.1.19)[査読無し]
2010 “Discuss Tourism, How to Protect our Art Work and Related issues with newly elected Hopi Chairman and Vice-Chairman.”, Shungopavi Community Building, Second Mesa, AZ, USA.(2010.1.19)[査読無し]
2009 “Presentation on HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN: The Perspective of Hopi Local Artists.”, Shungopavi Community Building, Second Mesa, AZ, USA.(2009.12.18)[査読無し]
2009 “Report on HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN.”, CIAC (Council for Indigenous Arts and Culture) Board Meeting, Gallup Cultural Center, Gallup, NM, USA.(2009.12.10)[査読無し]
2009 「ホピ・アートとの比較」日本カナダ学会、一般公開シンポジウム『カナダにおける先住民アートの展開――イヌイットと北西海岸先住民族のアート伝統』、国立民族学博物館。(2009.9.13)[査読無し]
2009 「Comment」岸上伸啓代表、サントリー文化財団助成プロジェクト『北アメリカにおける先住民アートの成立と歴史的展開に関する学際的研究、第1回研究会』、国立民族学博物館。(2009.9.10)[査読無し]
2009 先住民の知的財産権問題の法的枠組みの整理と人類学的理解に向けて」齋藤玲子代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会『カナダにおける先住民芸術の歴史的展 開と知的所有権問題――国立民族学博物館所蔵の北西海岸インディアンとイヌイットの版画の整理と分析を通して』、天理大学。(2009.7.11)[査読無し]
2009 「先住民アートに関するプロモーションの現状報告――米国先住民ホピのジュエリーを事例として」山崎幸治代表、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター共同研究会『先住民族アート・プロジェクト、第1回研究会』、北海道大学。(2009.6.28)[査読無し]
2009 (伊藤敦規、山崎幸治)「研究プロジェクト趣旨説明」『山崎幸治代表、北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター共同研究会、第1回研究会「先住民族アート・プロジェクト」』、北海道大学。(2009.6.27)[査読無し]
2008 「『ほんもの』と『にせもの』の境界――アメリカ先住民ホピのジュエリーをめぐる知的財産権問題の事例から」『リトルワールドカレッジマスターコース 2008、第三回講義』、野外民族博物館リトルワールド。(2008.9.21)[査読無し]
2008 「協働作品としてのアメリカ先住民族アートショー――公共人類学的実践の一事例として」『日本文化人類学会、第42回研究大会』、京都大学。(2008.5.31)[査読有り]
2008 「先住民アートの知的財産権保護と市場管理に向けて――1st Annual HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN」『International Conference of Taiwanese Ethno-Arts・台湾民族藝術国際学術検討会・民族藝術学会、第24回研究大会』、佛光大学:台湾。(2008.4.2)[査読有り]
2007 (Gerald Lomaventema, Tony Eriacho, Alvin Taylor, Merle Namoki、伊藤敦規)「アメリカ先住民アートの模倣問題――概況と現状認識」『2007年度立教大学アメリカ研究所主催研究会』、立教大学。(2007.11.8)[査読無し]
2007 Tony Eriacho, Gerald Lomaventema, Alvin Taylor, Merle Namoki、伊藤敦規)「先住民族の知的財産権保護とアートの模倣問題――アメリカからズニとホピのジュエリー作家を迎えて」『先住民族の10年市民連絡会 2007セミナー』、アイヌ文化交流センター。(2007.11.7)[査読無し]
2007 「先住民族アートの模倣問題――アメリカ先住民族ホピのジュエリーを事例として」北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター主催講演会、北海道大学。(2007.10.27)[査読無し]
2007 「人類学者と調査地の関係はどうあるべきか――現代アメリカ先住民ホピ社会と私の関わりを事例として(共通テーマ:「出禁の人類学」)」、千葉大学大学院文化人類学ゼミ、千葉大学。(2007.7.3)[査読無し]
2007 「日本国内におけるアメリカ先住民ホピ・イメージの流通状況――美術工芸品の商品説明文に見られるスピリチュアリティー的表象について」『日本文化人類学会、第41回研究大会』、名古屋大学。(2007.6.2)[査読有り]
2007 「民族藝術における知的財産権問題――アメリカ先住民美術工芸品を事例として」『民族藝術学会、第23回研究大会』、お茶の水女子大学。(2007.4.29)[査読有り]
2006 「『先住民の伝統的知識』の所有権は誰に帰属するのか?――アメリカ先住民ホピの美術工芸品の事例から」『連続合同学習会、先住民族とコモンズ――開発 (MDG)・自由貿易(WTO)・知的所有権から考える、第8回学習会』、大阪経済法科大学。(2006.12.2)[査読無し]
2006 「日本市場を通してみるホピ・ジュエリーの現代的諸相――グローバル化するアメリカ先住民美術工芸品市場における知的財産保護という開発に向けて」岸上伸啓代表、国立民族学博物館共同研究会「開発と先住民族――北アメリカ先住民の開発」、国立民族学博物館。(2006.6.24)[査読無し]
2006 「日本におけるアメリカ先住民研究の歴史と現状――文化人類学」『アメリカ学会、第40回年次大会:アメリカ先住民研究分科会「日本におけるアメリカ先住民研究の歴史と現状」』、南山大学。(2006.6.11)[査読有り]
2006 「私とフィールドのこれまでとこれから――現代アメリカ先住民社会ホピをフィールドとすることの諸問題と対応」『東京都立大学・首都大学東京社会人類学研究会、第703回研究会』、東京都立大学・首都大学東京。(2006.5.26)[査読無し]
2005 “Real or Fake?: Presentation on HOPI Authentic and Imitation Jewelry Market in Japan.”, Shungopavi Community Center, Second Mesa, AZ.(2005.8.31)[査読無し]
2005 “Marketing Hopi Jewelry in Japan: An Analysis of the Promotional Characteristics of Hopi Arts and Crafts in/to Japan” British Museum International Conference Marketing Native North America: The Promotion and Sale of Art and Design, British Museum, London.(2005.2.5)[査読有り]
2003 「先住民と知的財産権――アメリカ先住民ホピによる著作権保護運動の事例から」『明治大学社会構造研究会、第194回研究会』、明治大学。(2003.10.24)[査読無し]
2003 「少数民族の美術工芸品をめぐる法制度上の真贋――ホピの銀細工を事例として」『日本民族学会、第37回研究発表大会』、京都文教大学。(2003.5)[査読有り]
2003 「ホピの銀細工――法制度上の正しさとホピとしての正しさ」『東京都立大学社会人類学研究会、第654回研究会』、東京都立大学。(2003.1)[査読無し]
2002 「ホピ銀細工の真贋――判断者と判断基準の多様性」『現代人類学研究会、第10回研究会』、東京大学。(2002.11)[査読無し]
2002 ホピと銀細工――『ニセモノ』を手掛かりとする部族ブランド形成過程」『東京都立大学社会人類学研究会、第648回研究会』、東京都立大学。(2002.9)[査読無し]
2001 「観光産業における民族文化著作権――アメリカ合衆国南西部ホピ・インディアンの銀細工産業の分析から」『東京都立大学社会人類学研究会、第634回研究会』、東京都立大学。(2001.9)[査読無し]
2000 『迎える側』からの巡礼――瀬戸内海豊島の事例から」『東京都立大学社会人類学研究会、第612回研究会』、東京都立大学。(2000.4)[査読無し]
1999 「迎える側からの巡礼――瀬戸内海豊島の事例」『仏教民俗研究会、第157回研究会』、目黒区立東山社会教育会館。(1999.10)[査読無し]

2023 “#326, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, Ramson Lomatewama, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the ‘Reconnecting Project,’ 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:56, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#325, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, Bendrew Atokuku, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the ‘Reconnecting Project,’ 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:57, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#324, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, Merle Namoki, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the ‘Reconnecting Project,’ 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#323, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45132, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:45, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#322, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45176, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 3:11, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#321, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45245, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:29, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#320, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45406, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 5:05, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#319, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45197, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 5:16, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#318, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45351, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 2:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#317, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45136, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 3:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#316, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45407, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 3:48, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#315, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45350, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 3:46, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#314, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45408, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:20, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#313, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45349, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:32, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#312, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45401, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 5:14, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#311, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45294, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:41, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#310, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45374, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:07, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#309, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45262, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 2:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#308, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45117, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:14, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#307, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45118, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 7:39, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#306, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45313, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#305, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45413, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 2:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#304, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45130, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:10, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#303, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45373, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 2:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#302, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45145, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#301, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45357, 2016/10/28.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:28, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#300, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45185, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:59, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#299, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45293, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 2:10, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#298, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45368, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:24, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#297, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45420, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#296, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45159, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:45, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#295, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45147, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:10, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#294, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45369, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:29, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#293, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45409, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:42, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#292, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45116, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:09, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#291, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45226, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:11, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#290, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45412, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,12:52, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#289, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45240, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:39, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#288, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45212, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:06, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#287, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45233, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,1:54, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#286, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45359, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:54, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#285, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45333, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:18, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#284, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45180, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:53, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#283, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45224, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:08, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#282, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45418, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,3:54, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#281, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45302, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:17, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#280, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45289, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:45, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#279, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45206, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:07, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#278, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45189, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#277, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45277, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,12:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#276, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45356, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:28, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#275, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45338, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,3:45, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#274, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45223, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:56, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#273, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45134, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,11:00, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#272, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45339, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:19, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#271, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45221, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:05, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#270, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45254, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:52, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#269, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45324, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:50, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#268, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45337, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,6:33, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#267, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45336, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,1:52, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#266, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45250, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,11:14, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#265, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45352, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:34, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#264, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45102, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#263, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45325, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,11:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#262, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45172, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,18:40, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#261, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45203, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#260, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45222, 2016/10/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,15:10, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#259, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45163, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#258, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45112, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:06, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#257, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45273, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:15, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#256, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45283, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:50, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#255, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45228, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#254, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45381, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#253, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45127, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,1:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#252, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45229, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,3:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#251, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45175, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:20, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#250, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45247, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:01, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#249, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45171, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,6:10, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#248, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45322, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:27, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#247, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45174, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,6:15, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#246, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45126, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:48, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#245, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45334, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:02, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#244, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45165, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#243, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45196, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:38, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#242, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45396, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:27, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#241, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45242, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,13:36, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#240, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45111, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:23, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#239, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45261, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:27, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#238, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45211, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:20, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#237, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45404, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:43, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#236, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45405, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,6:52, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#235, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45162, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:42, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#234, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45129, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,6:33, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#233, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45391, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:16, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#232, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45319, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,12:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#231, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45403, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:03, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#230, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45331, 2016/10/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,21:00, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#229, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45326, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:30, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#228, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45320, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,1:49, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#227, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45345, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#226, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45342, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,3:32, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#225, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45394, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,3:09, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#224, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45417, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:25, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#223, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45321, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:09, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#222, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45274, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#221, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45275, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:12, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#220, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45358, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:41, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#219, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45119, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:23, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#218, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45411, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,3:06, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#217, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G1414, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:58, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#216, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45190, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:54, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#215, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45395, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:05, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#214, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45281, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,1:42, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#213, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45343, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:28, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#212, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45133, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,11:48, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#211, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45231, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:12, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#210, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45280, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:13, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#209, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45290, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#208, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45346, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:29, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#207, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45332, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:50, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#206, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45232, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,16:11, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#205, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45138, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:26, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#204, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45398, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:17, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#203, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45192, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#202, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45399, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:23, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#201, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45191, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#200, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45300, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:24, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#199, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45344, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#198, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45365, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:07, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#197, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45239, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,7:09, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#196, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45144, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:09, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#195, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45263, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:26, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#194, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45115, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:30, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#193, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45113, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:31, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#192, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45301, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:18, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#191, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G1436, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,6:59, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#190, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45213, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:27, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#189, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45251, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:31, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#188, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45243, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,1:53, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#187, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45375, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,11:18, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#186, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45220, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:01, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#185, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45385, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,12:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#184, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45200, 2016/10/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,11:30, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#183, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45249, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:38, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#182, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45291, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,6:30, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#181, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45149, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#180, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45380, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,2:25, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#179, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45123, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:56, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#178, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45392, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:41, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#177, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45125, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,16:15, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#176, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45272, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,13:08, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#175, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45217, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,10:00, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#174, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45218, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:36, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#173, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45169, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:00, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#172, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45360, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:34, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#171, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45348, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:08, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#170, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45335, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:46, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#169, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45164, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:03, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#168, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45268, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,9:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#167, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45205, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:54, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#166, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45314, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,4:18, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#165, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45330, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,8:09, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#164, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45276, 2016/10/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,5:19, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#163, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45362, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,15:35, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#162, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45216, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,16:47, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#161, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45124, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,13:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#160, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45379, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(,19:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#159, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45270, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 22:05, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#158, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45170, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:06, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#157, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45271, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 18:08, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#156, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45215, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:43, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#155, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45252, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 5:24, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#154, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45269, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:17, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#153, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45296, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 18:07, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#152, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45414, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:27, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#151, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45315, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:43, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#150, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45397, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#149, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45148, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:45, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#148, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45288, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:02, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#147, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45204, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:23, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#146, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45361, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:05, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#145, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45364, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 20:31, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#144, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45354, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:29, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#143, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45237, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:14, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#142, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45298 and G45299, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 21:00, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#141, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45214, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:59, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#140, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45377, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:41, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#139, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45284, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:56, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#138, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45181, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:57, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#137, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45244, 2016/4/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:51, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#136, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45114, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 7:20, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#135, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45143, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:23, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#134, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45388, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:57, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#133, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45137, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:55, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#132, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45241, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 7:35, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#131, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45286, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:38, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#130, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45287, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 5:56, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#129, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45341, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:14, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#128, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45372, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:28, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#127, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45238, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:13, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#126, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45382, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:52, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#125, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45199, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:40, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#124, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45121, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:48, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#123, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G1434, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:59, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#122, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45202, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:39, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#121, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45265, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:53, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#120, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45166, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:50, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#119, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45186, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:09, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#118, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45253, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:17, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#117, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G1435, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:28, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#116, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45150, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:53, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#115, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45328, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:13, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#114, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45178, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:08, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#113, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45146, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 7:24, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#112, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45389, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:08, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#111, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45179, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:59, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#110, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45173, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:31, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#109, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45383, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:54, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#108, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45292, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 18:31, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#107, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45135, 2016/4/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#106, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45347, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:12, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#105, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45278, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:16, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#104, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45279, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:24, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#103, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45387, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:03, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#102, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45142, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#101, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45188, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:14, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#100, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45248, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:29, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#099, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45225, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 18:55, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#098, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45201, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:11, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#097, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45297, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:36, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#096, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45103, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:28, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#095, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45187, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#094, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45155, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#093, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45198, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:08, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#092, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45257, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:41, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#091, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45160, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:16, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#090, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45208, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:35, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#089, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45256, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:49, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#088, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45258, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:42, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#087, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45416, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:56, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#086, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45104, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:20, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#085, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45309, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:48, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#084, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45367, 2016/4/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#083, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45259, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:25, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]]
2023 “#082, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45400, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:15, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#081, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45371, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 5:50, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#080, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45366, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#079, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45154, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:23, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#078, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45209, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:24, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#077, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45307, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:45, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#076, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45105, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 7:23, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#075, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45106, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:35, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#074, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45195, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 5:40, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#073, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45109, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:14, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#072, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45157, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:11, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#071, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45158, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:50, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#070, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45370, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:55, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#069, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45402, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 5:35, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#068, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45194, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:19, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#067, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45107, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#066, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45246, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#065, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45108, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:55, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#064, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45210, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:10, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#063, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45310, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:45, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#062, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45110, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 9:28, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#061, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45285, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 21:04, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#060, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45140, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:55, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#059, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45141, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:51, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#058, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45318, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:44, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#057, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45156, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:32, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#056, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45306, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:31, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#055, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45128, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 21:17, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#054, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45260, 2016/4/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:22, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#053, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45308, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:11, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#052, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45316, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:53, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#051, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45378, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:20, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#050, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45317, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:17, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#049, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45184, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:52, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#048, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45393, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:25, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#047, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45139, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:43, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#046, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45183, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:26, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#045, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45234, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:51, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#044, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45182, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:14, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#043, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45219, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:27, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#042, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45227, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:24, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#041, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45161, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:42, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#040, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45255, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:27, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#039, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45177, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:13, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#038, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45386, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:55, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#037, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45153, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:49, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#036, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45152, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:30, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#035, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45305, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 20:18, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#034, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45101, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#033, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45312, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 4:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#032, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45311, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:00, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#031, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45384, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:49, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#030, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45327, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:31, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#029, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45419, 2016/4/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:05, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#028, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45415, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#027, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45363, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:36, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#026, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45390, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:29, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#025, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45282, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:59, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#024, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45329, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:20, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#023, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45266, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:24, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#022, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45340, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 8:59, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#021, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45267, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:55, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#020, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45236, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 7:45, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#019, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45355, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 7:54, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#018, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45235, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 18:56, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#017, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45167, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 7:37, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#016, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45122, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:35, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#015, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45168, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:32, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#014, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45353, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:28, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#013, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45376, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:05, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#012, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45120, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:51, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#011, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45264, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 18:41, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#010, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45131, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 20:17, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#009, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45410, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 23:43, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#008, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45323, 2016/4/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:53, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#007, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45193, 2016/4/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:35, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#006, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45295, 2016/4/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:10, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#005, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45151, 2016/4/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 20:21, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#004, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45207, 2016/4/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:13, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#003, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45304, 2016/4/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 20:11, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#002, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45230, 2016/4/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:16, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2023 “#001, Matsunaga Footwear Museum, G45303, 2016/4/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 18:06, filmed in 2016, produced in 2022, opened to the public in Minpaku on December 1, 2023 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #28, Yvette Talaswaima, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project, 2017/12/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:35, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #27, Gerald Lomaventema, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project, 2017/12/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:08, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #26, E418791A-0, 2017/12/06.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:55, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #25, E424693-0, 2017/12/06.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:57, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #24, E418790A-0, 2017/12/06.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:58, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #23, E418786A-0, 2017/12/06.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:08, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #22, E418789A-0, 2017/12/06.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:09, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #21, E418782A-0, 2017/12/06.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:56, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #20, E418781A-0, 2017/12/06.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:02, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #19, E418780A-0, 2017/12/06.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:56, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #18, E418785A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:59, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #17, E418784A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:06, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #16, E418783A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:48, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #15, E418779A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:51, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #14, E418778A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:53, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #13, E418770A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:24, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #12, E418769A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:07, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #11, E418768A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:26, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #10, E418788A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:58, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #09, E418787A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:17, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #08, E418777A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:48, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #07, E418776A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:11, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #06, E418775A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:18, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #05, E418774A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:16, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #04, E418773A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:31, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #03, E418772A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:07, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #02, E418771A-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:48, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian Institution), #01, E409791-0, 2017/12/05.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:09, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in May 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #80, Gerald Lomaventema, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #79, Merle Namoki, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #78, N-6-78, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #77, N-6-77, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #76, N-6-50, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #75, N-6-49, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #74, N-6-45, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:22, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #73, N-6-2, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #72, N-6-47, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:18, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #71, N-6-48, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #70, N-6-46, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #69, N-6-56, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #68, N-6-55, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #67, N-6-51, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #66, N-6-54, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #65, N-6-53, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #64, N-6-52, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #63 N-6-1, 2015/11/6.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #62, N-6-81, N-6-82, N-6-83, N-6-84, N-6-85, N-6-86, N-6-87, N-6-88, N-6-89, N-6-90, N-6-91, N-6-92, N-6-93, N-6-94, N-6-95, N-6-96, N-6-97, N-6-98, N-6-99, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #61, N-6-79 and N-6-80, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #60, N-6-76, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:22, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #59, N-6-75, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #58, N-6-74, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #57, N-6-73, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #56, N-6-72, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #55, N-6-71, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #54, N-6-70, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #53, N-6-69, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:01, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #52, N-6-68, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #51, N-6-67, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #50, N-6-66, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #49, N-6-65, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #48, N-6-64, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #47, N-6-63, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #46, N-6-62, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #45, N-6-61, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #44, N-6-60, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #43, N-6-59, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #42, N-6-58, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #41, N-6-57, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:12, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #40, N-6-44, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #39, N-6-43, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #38, N-6-42, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #37, N-6-41, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 00:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #36, N-6-38, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #35, N-6-37, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(ttp://, 11:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #34, N-6-36, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #33, N-6-35, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #32, N-6-34, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #31, N-6-33, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #30, N-6-32, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #29, N-6-31, 2015/11/5.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #28, N-6-30, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #27, N-6-29, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #26, N-6-28, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #25, N-6-27, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #24, N-6-26, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #23, N-6-25, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #22, N-6-24, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #21, N-6-23, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #20, N-6-22, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #19, N-6-21, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #18, N-6-20, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #17, N-6-19, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #16, N-6-18, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #15, N-6-17, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #14, N-6-16, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #13, N-6-15, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #12, N-6-14, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #11, N-6-13, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #10, N-6-12, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #09, N-6-11, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #08, N-6-10, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #07, N-6-9, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #06, N-6-8, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #05, N-6-7, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #04, N-6-6, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #03, N-6-5, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:22, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #02, N-6-4, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Little World, #01, N-6-3, 2015/11/4.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 31, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Kevin Takala, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/06/02.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 00:48, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “National Museums Scotland, #01, A.1992.138, 2017/6/2.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:34, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “Portland Art Museum, #01, 2012.92.186a,b, 2017/6/2.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:38, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #24, Gerald Lomaventema, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:34, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #23, Candice Lomahaftewa, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:31, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #22, Yvette Talaswaima, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:07, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #21, Darrin Kuwanhongva, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:59, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #20, Cordell Sakeva, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:28, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #19, Delwyn “Spyder” Takala, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:12, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #18, Merle Namoki, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:12, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #17, 99.85.4, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:00, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #16, 99.85.5, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:50, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #15,, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:44, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #14, 2006.84.47, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:20, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #13, 2006.84.46, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:45, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #12, 2006.84.45, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:17, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #11, 2006.84.44, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:36, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #10, 2006.84.43, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 6:56, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #09, 2006.84.41, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:43, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #08, 2004.24.85, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:02, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #07, 2004.24.73, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:05, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #06, 2004.24.67, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:04, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #05, 2004.24.28, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 21:01, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #04, 2004.24.15, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:34, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #03, 2004.24.13, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:50, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #02, 2004.24.7, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:59, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2022 “History Colorado Center, #01, 2004.24.4, 2017/01/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:02, filmed in 2017, produced in 2021, opened to the public in March 20, 2022 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #37, Yvette Talaswaima, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:27, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #36, Darrin Kuwanhongva, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:04, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #35, Cordell Sakeva, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:29, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #34, Delwyn “Spyder” Tawvaya, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:46, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #33, Candice Lomahaftewa, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:31, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #32, Merle Namoki, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 00:43, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #31, Gerald Lomaventema, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:03, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #30, AN-2010-186-17, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:13, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #29, AN-2003-139.1, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:38, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #28, A1351.176, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:41, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #27, AN-2010-186.22, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:26, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #26, AN-2010-186.16, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:53, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #25, AC.8988, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:18, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #24, AC.6492, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:37, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #23, A1351.406A-B, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:38, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #22, AN-2010-186.23A-B, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:33, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #21, AN-2010-186.21A-B, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:47, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #20, AN-2010-186.20A-B, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:43, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #19, AN-2010-186.19A-B, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:23, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #18, AN-2010-186.18A-B, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:52, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #17, AN-2010-186.14A-B, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:17, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #16, AC.6427, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:24, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #15, A1351.155B-J, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:20, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #14, AN-2010-186.15, 2017/01/19.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:30, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #13, A1351.155A, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:21, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #12, AN-2010-186.13, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:11, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #11, AN-2010-186.12, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:59, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #10, A921.1, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:37, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #09, A1713.26, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:03, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #08, AC.11196, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:29, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #07, AC.11195, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:16, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #06, AC.11194, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:09, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #05, AC.5178, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:48, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #04, A1351.593C, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:08, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #03, A1351.593B, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:50, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #02, A1351.593A, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:37, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, #01, A1351.514, 2017/01/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:49, filmed in 2017, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#376 Museum of Northern Arizona, Ed Kabotie, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2019/06/29.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:21, filmed in 2019, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#375 Museum of Northern Arizona, Jerry Honwytewa Whagado, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#374 Museum of Northern Arizona, Robert Rhodes, Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project” 2019/06/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:46, filmed in 2019, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#373 Museum of Northern Arizona, Verma “Sonwai” Nequatewa, Reviewers’ Self-introduction and Remarks, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#372 Museum of Northern Arizona, Tobias Lomayestewa, Reviewers’ Self-introduction and Remarks, 2015/07/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#371 Museum of Northern Arizona, Jerolyn Honwytewa, Reviewers’ Self-introduction and Remarks, 2015/07/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:01, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#370 Museum of Northern Arizona, Clinessia Lucas, Reviewers’ Self-introduction and Remarks, 2015/07/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#369 Museum of Northern Arizona, Yvette Talaswaima, Reviewers’ Self-introduction and Remarks, 2015/07/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#368 Museum of Northern Arizona, Merle Namoki, Reviewers’ Self-introduction and Remarks, 2015/07/22 and 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#367 Museum of Northern Arizona, Gerald Lomaventema, Reviewers’ Self-introduction and Remarks, 2015/07/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#366 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13780, 2018/11/13.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:38, filmed in 2018, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#365 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13785, 2018/11/13.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:50, filmed in 2018, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#364 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13779, 2018/11/13.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:25, filmed in 2018, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#363 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13778, 2018/11/13.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:52, filmed in 2018, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#362 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13783A-B, 2018/11/13.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:35, filmed in 2018, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#361 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13781, 2018/11/13.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:56, filmed in 2018, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#360 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13782, 2018/11/13.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:58, filmed in 2018, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#359 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11685, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]/td>
2021 “#358 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8992, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#357 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8754, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#356 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8679, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#355 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8678, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#354 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8534, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#353 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8493, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#352 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8427, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#351 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8425, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#350 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8371, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#349 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8235, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#348 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8234, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#347 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8183, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#346 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8084, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#345 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7596, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#344 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7014A-B, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#343 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6401, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#342 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6258, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#341 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6205, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#340 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6198, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#339 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6191A-B, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#338 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6188, E6189, E6190A-B, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#337 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6125, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:12, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#336 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6123, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#335 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6006, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#334 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5961, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#333 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5957, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#332 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5953, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:53, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#331 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5873, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#330 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5767, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#329 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5765, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#328 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5435, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:01, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#327 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5373A-B, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#326 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5110, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#325 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5106, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#324 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5103, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#323 Museum of Northern Arizona, E4150, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#322 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3709, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#321 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3481, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#320 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3387, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#319 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3347, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#318 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3256A-B, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#317 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2960, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:01, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#316 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2958, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#315 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2951, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#314 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2612, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:00, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#313 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1400, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#312 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1385, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#311 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1384, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#310 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1382, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#309 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1381, 2015/12/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#308 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1910, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#307 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13677, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#306 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11972, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#305 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11953, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:53, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#304 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11950, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#303 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13510, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#302 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13680A-B, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#301 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13511A-B, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#300 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13679, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#299 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11858, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#298 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11842, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#297 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11800, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#296 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11770B-C, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#295 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11770, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#294 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11761, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#293 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11760A-C, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#292 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11749, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#291 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11741, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#290 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11730, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#289 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11719, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#288 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13500, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#287 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13499, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#286 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13678, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#285 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11684A-B, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#284 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13676A-B, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#283 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13675A-J, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#282 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13508, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#281 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13506, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#280 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13505, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#279 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13504, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:53, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#278 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13503, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#277 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13501, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#276 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13498, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#275 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13497, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#274 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13496, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#273 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13495, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#272 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13494, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#271 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13492, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#270 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13490, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#269 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13368, 2015/12/18.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#268 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11376A-B, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#267 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11375A-B, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#266 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11560, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#265 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11296, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#264 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11557, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#263 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11444, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#262 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11381, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#261 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11377A-B, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#260 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11371, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#259 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11372, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#258 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11362, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#257 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11360, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:18, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#256 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11328, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#255 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11327, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#254 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11325A-B, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#253 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11324A-B, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#252 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11292A-B, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#251 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11290, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#250 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11282, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:01, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#249 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11283, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#248 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11281, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#247 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11075, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#246 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11074, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#245 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11073A-B, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#244 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11070, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#243 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11069, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#242 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11068A-B, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#241 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11065, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#240 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10649, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:00, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#239 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10648, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#238 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10252, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#237 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8826, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#236 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7555, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#235 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7554, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#234 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7553, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:53, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#233 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7552, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:36, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#232 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7551, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#231 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7550, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#230 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7549, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#229 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3363, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#228 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3045, 2015/12/17.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#227 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5959, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 18:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#226 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11056, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#225 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8800, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#224 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8532, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#223 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8409, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#222 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8238, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#221 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6391, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#220 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6207, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#219 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6152, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]

2021 “#218 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6151, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#217 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6128, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#216 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6009, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#215 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5962, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#214 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5436, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#213 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5434, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#212 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5108, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#211 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5104, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#210 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3349, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:22, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#209 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3028, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:53, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#208 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3027, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#207 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3026, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:36, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#206 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3025, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#205 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3024, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#204 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3023, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#203 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1401, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#202 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1512, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#201 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1399, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#200 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1387, 2015/12/16.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#199 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11370, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#198 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11369, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#197 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11291A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:36, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#196 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11055A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#195 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11054A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#194 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8803A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#193 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8802A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#192 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6392A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 24:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#191 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5102, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#190 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3386A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#189 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3066, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#188 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3065, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#187 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2962A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#186 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11368, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#185 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11364A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#184 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11361, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#183 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11337A-B, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:00, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#182 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11335, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#181 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11334, 2015/12/15.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#180 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11311, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#179 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11285, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#178 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11280, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#177 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11278, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#176 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11072, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#175 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11067, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#174 Museum of Northern Arizona, E9002, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#173 Museum of Northern Arizona, E9001, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#172 Museum of Northern Arizona, E9000, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#171 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8680, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#170 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5955, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#169 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5954, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#168 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5107, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#167 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2964, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:18, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#166 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2963, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#165 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2211, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#164 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2351, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#163 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1396, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#162 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1395, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#161 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1394, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 01:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#160 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1393, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#159 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1397, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#158 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1392, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#157 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1391, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#156 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1386, 2015/12/14.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#155 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7766, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#154 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7768, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#153 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7597, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#152 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7557, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#151 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7556, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#150 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6413, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#149 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6268 and E6269, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#148 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3385A-B, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#147 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5477A-F, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#146 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1390, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#145 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1389, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#144 Museum of Northern Arizona, E961, 2015/12/11.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#143 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2380A-B, 2015/12/10.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#142 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5967, 2015/12/10.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#141 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8236A, 2015/12/10.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#140 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5842, 2015/12/10.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#139 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11286A-B, 2015/12/10.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#138 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11660, 2015/12/10.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#137 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11374A-B, 2015/12/10.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#136 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13489, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 22:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#135 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10379, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#134 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11949A-B, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#133 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11332, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:22, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#132 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11331, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#131 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11333, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:05, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#130 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3712, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#129 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5949, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#128 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6007A-B, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#127 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3711, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#126 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3710 Round2, 2015/12/09.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#125 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11596, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 20:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#124 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6187, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#123 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1944, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#122 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11066A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#121 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11887, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#120 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2616A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#119 Museum of Northern Arizona, E4175, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#118 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11287A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#117 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11295A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#116 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11076A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#115 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6126A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#114 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11823, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#113 Museum of Northern Arizona, E9849, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#112 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11329, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:12, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#111 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11365, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#110 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11378, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:36, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#109 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13493, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#108 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13507, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#107 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13502, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#106 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13509, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#105 Museum of Northern Arizona, E13491, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:18, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#104 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2379A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:05, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#103 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6127, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#102 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11658A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#101 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5440, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#100 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11633A-B, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#099 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3710, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#098 Museum of Northern Arizona, E4174, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 19:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#097 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11336, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#096 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5105, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#095 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5439, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#094 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8801, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#093 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1186, 2015/7/24.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#092 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6390, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#091 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11288, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#090 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11053, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#089 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11379, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#088 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11338, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#087 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11321A-B, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#086 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11319, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#085 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11057, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#084 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11063, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#083 Museum of Northern Arizona, E9850, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#082 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6124, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#081 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11293, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#080 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2961, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#079 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8620, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#078 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6402, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#077 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11061, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#076 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8230A-B, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#075 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11279, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:18, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#074 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11305, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#073 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11323A-B, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#072 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11289, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#071 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11320A-B, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#070 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11310, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#069 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11326, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:12, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#068 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11059, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#067 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1513, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#066 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5770, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:53, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#065 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11058, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#064 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10433, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#063 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10393, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#062 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10280, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#061 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10276, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#060 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10265, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#059 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10251, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#058 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10250A-C, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#057 Museum of Northern Arizona, E9880, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#056 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8426, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#055 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7386, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#054 Museum of Northern Arizona, E7197, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:05, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#053 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6403, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#052 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6122, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#051 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5958, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#050 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5771, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 07:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#049 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5766, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:36, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#048 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5441, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#047 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3553, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#046 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3064, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 05:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#045 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3063, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#044 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3062, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 02:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#043 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2957, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 06:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#042 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2956, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#041 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2955, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#040 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2213, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#039 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1398, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 03:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#038 Museum of Northern Arizona, E960, 2015/7/23.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 04:05, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#037 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11330, 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 28:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#036 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3469, 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#035 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11624, 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#034 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8999A-B, 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#033 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11060, 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#032 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5960, 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:05, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#031 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11277, 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#030 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3346 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#029 Museum of Northern Arizona, E6010 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#028 Museum of Northern Arizona, E8041 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#027 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11359 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#026 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5372 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#025 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5101 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#024 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1514 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#023 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3482 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#022 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11366 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#021 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1490 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#020 Museum of Northern Arizona, E2959 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#019 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5109 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#018 Museum of Northern Arizona, Silversmith kit (75 pieces) E5794, E5796, E5797, E5798, E5799, E5800, E5801, E5802, E5803, E5804, E5805, E5806, E5807, E5808, E5809, E5810, E5811, E5812, E5813, E5814, E5815, E5816, E5817, E5818, E5819, E5820, E5821, E5822, E5823, E5824, E5825, E5826, E5827, E5828, E5829, E5830, E5831, E5832, E5833, E5834, E5835a-c, E5836A-C, E5837 A-dd. 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#017 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11380 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#016 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5111 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:12, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#015 Museum of Northern Arizona, E9867 2015/7/22.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 10:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#014 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10157 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#013 Museum of Northern Arizona, E9866 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#012 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11301, E11302, E11303, E11304A-B 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#011 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1383, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 12:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#010 Museum of Northern Arizona, E1388, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 17:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#009 Museum of Northern Arizona, E3348, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#008 Museum of Northern Arizona, E5956, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#007 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11373, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 11:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#006 Museum of Northern Arizona, E10385, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 16:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#005 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11367, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 13:05, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#004 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11284, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 14:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#003 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11294, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 08:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#002 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11071, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 09:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2021 “#001 Museum of Northern Arizona, E11625, 2015/7/21.” RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(, 15:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2020, opened to the public in March 29, 2021 [査読無し]
2020 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0281581, Jerolyn Honwytewa, 2018/11/18.” In Atsunori Ito (ed) An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog. TRAJECTORIA 1. Filmed November 18, 2018 by Mirei Ito. 01:02.
2020 “Museum of Northern Arizona, E11286, 2015/12/10.” In Atsunori Ito (ed) An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog. TRAJECTORIA 1. Filmed December 10, 2015 by Mirei Ito. 14:27.
2020 “Museum of Northern Arizona, E11060, 2015/7/22.” In Atsunori Ito (ed) An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog. TRAJECTORIA 1. Filmed July 22, 2015 by Mirei Ito. 03:12.
2020 “Denver Museum of Nature & Science, A1713.26, 2017/1/18.” In Atsunori Ito (ed) An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog. TRAJECTORIA 1. Filmed January 18, 2017 by Mirei Ito. 17:03.
2020 “Reviewers’ Self-Introduction and Remarks, Gerald Lomaventema, 2015/7/22.” In Atsunori Ito (ed) An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog. TRAJECTORIA 1. Filmed July 22, 2015 by Mirei Ito. 03:03.
2020 “Self-Introduction and Remarks on the “Reconnecting Project,” Delwyn “Spyder” Tawvaya, 2017/01/16, Denver Art Museum.” In Atsunori Ito (ed) An Approach of the Info-Forum Museum: To Create a Source Community-driven Multivocal Museum Catalog. TRAJECTORIA 1. Filmed January 16, 2017 by Mirei Ito. 04:11.
2019 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Merle Namoki, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて マール・ナモキ 2015/11/12」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、1分42秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Gerald Lomaventema, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて ジェロ・ロマベンティマ 2015/11/11」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、1分42秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268582, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268581, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268580, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268579, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268578, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:18:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268577, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:16:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268576, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268575, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268574, 2015/11/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268553, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268573, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268571, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268562, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268561, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268560, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268559, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268558, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268557, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268556, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268555, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268554, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268552, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268551, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268550, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268549, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D1), 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D18), 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D9), 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D28), 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268553, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0268583~H0268630, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:41:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0085650, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0083200, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075722, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075721, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075717, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074901, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074890, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074858, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074857, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074856, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:00, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074855, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074854, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074853, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074852, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074851, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074850, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074849, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0012270, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0012267, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0083344~H0083348, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074772, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075702, 2015/11/11” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0033965, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0033963, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0033964, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0033962, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0115020, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0036133, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074957, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074838 H0074839, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0074838 H0074839個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、5分02秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0085647, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0083271, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0085649, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0115019, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075659, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075731, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0085648, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0012294, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0012295, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0083199 H0075662, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0083199 H0075662個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、6分08秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075666 H0075751 H0075835 H0075851, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0075666 H0075751 H0075835 H0075851個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、14分04秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075658 H0075657 H0012288 H0075667 H0083264, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0075658 H0075657 H0012288 H0075667 H0083264個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、14分55秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0012289 H0075653~H0075656, 2015/4/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0012289 H0075653~H0075656個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、12分10秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074943~H0074948, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074773, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074792, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0083205, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074785, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074771, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0012293 H0114976 H0114977, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0012293 H0114976 H0114977個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、6分04秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0114978 H0114979, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0114978 H0114979個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、2分32秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075727 H0075715, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0075727 H0075715個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、9分02秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075772, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075702, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074786 H0074787, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0074786 H0074787個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、6分21秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0083235 H0083234, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0083235 H0083234個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、8分55秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074804, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074769, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074797, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074798~H0074803, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074794 H0074793, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0074794 H0074793個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、7分10秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074822, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075665 H0075021, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0075665 H0075021個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、3分29秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074817, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074756, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074755, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0083250, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0075680 H0036153 H0114988, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
「H0075680 H0036153 H0114988個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、5分20秒、2015年撮影、2019年製作。(2019年8月公開)[査読無し]
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0036155, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0083229, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “National Museum of Ethnology, H0074807, 2015/4/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2019.
2019 “Geronimo Springs Museum G412/13-70, Gwen Setalla,” 00:09:38, filmed in 2017,produced in 2019. (2019年4月26日から12月15日までニューメキシコ州立大学附属博物館企画展『Living in Sacred Continuum』にて資料熟覧映像データベースとして公開)[査読無し]
2019 “Geronimo Springs Museum G476-4, Ramson Lomatewama” 00:04:37, filmed in 2017,produced in 2019. (2019年4月26日から12月15日までニューメキシコ州立大学附属博物館企画展『Living in Sacred Continuum』にて資料熟覧映像データベースとして公開)[査読無し]
2019 『学術資料マネジメントの基礎 第2回 標本資料とデータベース』(総合研究大学院大学 文化科学研究科 特別教育プログラム)』(2019.3)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H268556, Comments, 2015/11/12” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H12294, Comments, 2015/04/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
「H12294 個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、5分31秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月8日から5月29日まで国立民族学博物館開館40周年記念特別展『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』にて資料熟覧映像データベースとして公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H36133, Comments, 2015/04/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
「H36133 個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、5分58秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月8日から5月29日まで国立民族学博物館開館40周年記念特別展『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』にて資料熟覧映像データベースとして公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74838 and H74839, Comments, 2015/04/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
「H74838 and H74839 個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、5分02秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月8日から5月29日まで国立民族学博物館開館40周年記念特別展『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』にて資料熟覧映像データベースとして公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74957, Comments, 2015/04/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
「H74957 個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、5分24秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月8日から5月29日まで国立民族学博物館開館40周年記念特別展『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』にて資料熟覧映像データベースとして公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83199 and H75662, Comments, 2015/04/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
「H83199 and H75662個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、6分08秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月8日から5月29日まで国立民族学博物館開館40周年記念特別展『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』にて資料熟覧映像データベースとして公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83271, Comments, 2015/04/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85647, Comments, 2015/04/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115020, Comments, 2015/04/23” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83235 and H83234, Comments, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018 (The collections review movies database was set at the Minpaku Special Exhibition A ‘Tower of the Sun’ Collection: Expo ’70 Ethnological Mission from March 8th to May 29, 2018).
「H83235 and H83234個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、8分55秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月8日から5月29日まで国立民族学博物館開館40周年記念特別展『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』にて資料熟覧映像データベースとして公開)[査読無し]
2018 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Merle Namoki, 2015/11/09, Tenri University Sankokan Museum” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて マール・ナモキ 2015/11/09 天理大学附属天理参考館」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、2分17秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月民博館内公開)[査読無し]
2018 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Gerald Lomaventema, 2015/11/09, Tenri University Sankokan Museum” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて ジェロ・ロマベンティマ 2015/11/09 天理大学附属天理参考館」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、2分14秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月民博館内公開)[査読無し]
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 88-157, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 71-51, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:18, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 26133, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:36, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 25752, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 25339, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13845, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13818, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13605, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13604, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:47, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13603, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13599, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13596, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:44, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13595, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13437, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13436, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:12, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13426, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 13425, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 5326, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 5176, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 5126, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 5025, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 5124, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 5095, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Tenri University Sankokan Museum 2133, 2015/11/9” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Bendrew Atokuku, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて ベンドリュー・アトクク 2015/4/20」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、2分16秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Ramson Lomatewama, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて ラムソン・ロマテワイマ 2015/4/13」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、3分28秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Merle Namoki, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:22, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて マール・ナモキ 2014/10/17」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、1分22秒、2014年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Darance Chimerica, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:53, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて ダランス・チェミカ 2014/10/17」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、1分53秒、2014年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “Self-Introduction and thoughts on the ‘reconnection’ project, Gerald Lomaventema, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:11, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
「自己紹介・「再会」プロジェクトについて ジェロ・ロマベンティマ 2014/10/14」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、1分11秒、2014年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H278307, Digital Review with Photo VR, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H278307, General Statement, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:00, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H278307, Comments, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H278306, Digital Review with Photo VR, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:12, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H278306, General Statement, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H278306, Comments, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, EEM北米165, General Statement, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, EEM北米165, Comments, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D13), General Statement, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D13), Comments, 2015/04/22” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:36, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, K4799, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, K4799, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115098, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115098, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115097, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115097, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115096, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115096, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115084, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115084, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115083, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:05, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115083, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115072, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115072, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115057, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115057, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115050, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115050, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115047, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115047, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115039, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115039, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115037, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115037, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:15:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115035, H115036, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
「H115035, H115036代表コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、1分42秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115035, H115036, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
「H115035, H115036個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、5分27秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115030, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115030, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115029, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:57, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115029, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:18:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115028, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115028, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115026, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115026, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:18:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85696, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85696, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85695, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85695, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85692, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85692, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:18, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85657, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85657, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85656, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85656, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85686, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85686, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85682, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85682, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:16:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83332, General Statement, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83332, Comments, 2015/04/21” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:15:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83337, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83337, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85691, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85691, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85662, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85662, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83343, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83343, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85660, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:36, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85660, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:14, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85661, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:30, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85661, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85685, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:11, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85685, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85658, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85658, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85667, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85667, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83341, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83341, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85687, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85687, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83328, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83328, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83327, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83327, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83326, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83326, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83325, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83325, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83324, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83324, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83330, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:33, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83330, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:29, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83329, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83329, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:12, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83336, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83336, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:56, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83335, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83335, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83334, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83334, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83333, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:03, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83333, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:22, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83322, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83322, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83321, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83321, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:13, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83323, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83323, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83320, General Statement, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:08, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83320, Comments, 2015/04/20” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:45, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83315, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:23, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83315, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:53, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83313, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83313, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83316, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83316, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:01, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83307, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83307, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:15:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83319, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83319, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83310, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:32, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83310, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83309, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:46, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83309, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:19:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83311, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83311, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:20:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83318, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83318, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83317, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83317, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:18:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83312, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83312, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83314, General Statement, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83314, Comments, 2015/04/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83308, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:07, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83308, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:19:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83306, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83306, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83305, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83305, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83304, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83304, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83303, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83303, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83302, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83302, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:37, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83301, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83301, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:17, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83300, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83300, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:16:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83299, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83299, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83298, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83298, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:34, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83297, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:26, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83297, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83296, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83296, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:53, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83295, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83295, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75749, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75749, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:21, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75742, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:06, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75742, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:15:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75671, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75671, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:19, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74837, General Statement, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:31, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74837, Comments, 2015/04/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:49, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H745675, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H745675, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:18:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74827, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:43, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74827, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75677, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75677, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:38, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H75672, H75673, H75674, H75676, H75678, H75685, H75686, H75687, H75688, H75689, H75690, H75691, H75692, H75693, H75718, H75719, H75720, H75723, H75724, H75738, H75739, H75740, H75741, H75743, H75744, H75745, H75746, H75747, H75748, H75750, H75759, H75760, H75761, H75762, H75763, H75764, H75765, H75766, H75767, H75768, H75769, H75770, H75771, H75879, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:47:48, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
「H75672, H75673, H75674, H75676, H75678, H75685, H75686, H75687, H75688, H75689, H75690, H75691, H75692, H75693, H75718, H75719, H75720, H75723, H75724, H75738, H75739, H75740, H75741, H75743, H75744, H75745, H75746, H75747, H75748, H75750, H75759, H75760, H75761, H75762, H75763, H75764, H75765, H75766, H75767, H75768, H75769, H75770, H75771, H75879個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、47分48秒、2015年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74744, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:16, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74744, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:24:39, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74824, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74824, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:16:27, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74825, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:01, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74825, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:18:51, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74745, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:52, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74745, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:23:28, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74826, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:42, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74826, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:02, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74828, General Statement, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:41, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74828, Comments, 2015/04/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:18:35, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74836, General Statement, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:24, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74836, Comments, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:09, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74833, General Statement, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:58, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74833, Comments, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:50, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74835, General Statement, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:10, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74835, Comments, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:18, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74829, General Statement, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:20, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74829, Comments, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:15:59, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74834, General Statement, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:55, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74834, Comments, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:04, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74831, General Statement, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:15, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74831, Comments, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:16:25, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74832, General Statement, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:40, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74832, Comments, 2015/04/13” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:54, filmed in 2015, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115069, General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:05, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115069, Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115086, General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:04, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115086, Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:00, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115087, General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:17, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115087, Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:29, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115067, General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:55, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115067, Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:30, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85655, General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:22, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85655, Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:36, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D10), General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:17, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D10), Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:17, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D11), General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:03, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D11), Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:11, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115081, General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:47, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 National Museum of Ethnology, H115081, Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:13, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115079, General Statement, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:06, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115079, Comments, 2014/10/17” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:10, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85673, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:08, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85673, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:45, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85672, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:07, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85672, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:10, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85690, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:13, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85690, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:34, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115054, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:06, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115054, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:53, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115053, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:16, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115053, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:56, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115060, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:44, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115060, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:12, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115058, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:18, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115058, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:23, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115064, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:38, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115064, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:07, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115046, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:58, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115046, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:30, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115061, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:25, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115061, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:49, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115027, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115027, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:13, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83340, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:58, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83340, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:03, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115073, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:38, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115073, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:03, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115082, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:48, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115082, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:02, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74830, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:28, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H74830, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85659, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:21, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85659, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:51, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115068, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:36, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115068, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:31, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85652, General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:30, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85652, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:45, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D12), General Statement, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:33, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D12), Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:57, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H33882, H33883, H33884, H33885, H33886, H33887, H33888, H33889, H33890, H33891, H33892, H33893, H33894, H33895, H33896, H33897, H33898, H33899, H33900, H33901, H33902, H33903, H33904, H33905, H33906, H33907, H33908, H33909, H33910, H33911, H33912, H33913, H33914, H33915, H33916, H33917, H33918, H33919, Comments, 2014/10/16” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:39:39, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
「H33882, H33883, H33884, H33885, H33886, H33887, H33888, H33889, H33890, H33891, H33892, H33893, H33894, H33895, H33896, H33897, H33898, H33899, H33900, H33901, H33902, H33903, H33904, H33905, H33906, H33907, H33908, H33909, H33910, H33911, H33912, H33913, H33914, H33915, H33916, H33917, H33918, H33919個人コメント」『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(国立民族学博物館フォーラム型情報ミュージアム開発型プロジェクト、北米先住民製民族誌資料の文化人類学的ドキュメンテーションと共有)』、37分39秒、2014年撮影、2018年製作。(2018年3月公開)[査読無し]
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115088, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:04, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115088, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:26, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115085, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:33, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115085, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:39, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115080, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:20, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115080, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:50, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115078, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:29, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115078, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:22, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115077, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:32, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115077, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:22, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115076, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:21, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115076, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115074, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115074, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:26, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115066, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:24, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115066, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:31, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115065, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:23, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115065, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:08, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115063, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:10, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115063, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:53, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85694, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:26, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85694, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:46, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85693, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:48, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85693, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:16:32, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85688, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:02, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85688, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:39, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85680, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85680, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:43, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85678, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:12, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85678, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:11, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85676, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85676, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:33, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85675, General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:15, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85675, Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:24, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D24), General Statement, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:06, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, 027-0162(D24), Comments, 2014/10/15” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:48, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115095, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:45, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115095, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:58, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115094, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:57, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115094, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:31, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115093, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:59, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115093, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:16, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115092, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:06, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115092, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:25, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115091, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115091, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:44, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115090, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:28, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115090, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:03, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115075, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:13, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115075, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:20, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85654, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:10, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85654, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:26, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85653, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:04, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85653, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:15:35, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85651, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:25, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85651, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:55, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83342, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:50, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83342, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:21, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85674, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:20, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85674, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:44, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85671, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:38, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85671, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:39, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85670, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:33, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85670, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:40, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85668, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:12, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85668, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:40, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85665, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:07, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85665, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:30, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85664, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:32, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85664, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:54, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85663, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:12, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85663, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:10:26, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83339, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:35, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83339, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:49, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83338, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:44, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H83338, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:31, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85666, General Statement, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:13, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85666, Comments, 2014/10/14” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:41, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115051, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:27, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115051, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:47, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115041, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:42, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115041, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:52, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85683, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:26, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85683, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:47, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85681, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:29, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85681, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:40, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85669, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:27, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85669, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:23, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115022, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:42, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115022, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:27, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115033, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:59, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115033, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:15:08, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115034, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:08, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115034, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:01, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115023, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:21, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115023, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:16:00, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115031, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:49, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115031, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:11:29, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115025, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:57, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115025, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:19, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115040, General Statement, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:37, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115040, Comments, 2014/10/10” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:09:43, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115070, General Statement, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:03, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115070, Comments, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:12, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115052, General Statement, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:18, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115052, Comments, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:32, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115049, General Statement, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:14, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115049, Comments, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:14, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115044, General Statement, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:05, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115044, Comments, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:28, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115042, General Statement, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:05, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115042, Comments, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:39, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115038, General Statement, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:32, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115038, Comments, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:25:41, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115071, Comments, 2014/10/09” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:01, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115059, General Statement, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:05:25, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115059, Comments, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:53, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115062, General Statement, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:56, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115062, Comments, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:56, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115043, General Statement, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:09, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115043, Comments, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:20:06, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85677, General Statement, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:28, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85677, Comments, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:47, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85684, General Statement, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:21, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85684, Comments, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:15:59, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115032, General Statement, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:51, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115032, Comments, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:12:49, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115045, General Statement, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:06:08, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115045, Comments, 2014/10/08” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:17:05, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115048, General Statement, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:06, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115048, Comments, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:13:01, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115089, General Statement, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:07:15, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115089, Comments, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:51, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115084, General Statement, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:03:54, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115084, Comments, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:09, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85689, General Statement, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:04:16, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85689, Comments, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:00:50, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85679, General Statement, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:02:38, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H85679, Comments, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:08:22, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115024, General Statement, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:01:29, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2018 “National Museum of Ethnology, H115024, Comments, 2014/10/07” with Japanese subtitle in RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections (Database of the National Museum of Ethnology, Info-Forum Museum Project, Documenting and Sharing Information on Ethnological Materials: Working with Native American Tribes (Project for Database Establishment)), 00:14:54, filmed in 2014, produced in 2018.
2016 伊藤敦規、鈴木紀監修、『みんぱく映像民族誌 第18集――米国南西部先住民の宝飾品』、国立民族学博物館。
2013 『インディアン・ジュエリーの現在』、国立民族学博物館ビデオテーク(番組番号1706)、27分、2010年撮影、2011年製作。[査読無し](2013年8月公開)[査読無し]
2013 『米国南西部先住民の宝飾品制作場の変遷』、国立民族学博物館電子ガイド(2013年公開)[査読無し]
2013 『ホピのホールマーク』、国立民族学博物館電子ガイド(2013年公開)[査読無し]
2013 『宝飾品制作の技法』、国立民族学博物館電子ガイド(2013年公開)[査読無し]
2011 『アメリカ先住民 ホピの銀細工づくり――銀板に重ね合わせる伝統』国立民族学博物館ビデオテーク(番組番号1705)、24分、2010年撮影、2011年製作。(2012年9月公開)[査読無し]
2011 『ズニにおける宝飾品制作の社会的意義』、国立民族学博物館 本館展示場(アメリカ、創る、情報端末)。(2011年公開)[査読無し]
2011 『ホピ宝飾品「クランの移住神話」作品解説』、国立民族学博物館 本館展示場(アメリカ、創る、情報端末)。(2011年3月公開)[査読無し]
2011 『ホピの重ね合わせ技法の制作工程』、国立民族学博物館 本館展示場(アメリカ、創る、情報端末)。(2011年3月公開)[査読無し]
2019 Living in Sacred Continuum, New Mexico State University, American Indian Student Center (2019.4.26-2019.12) [査読無し]
2018 『大自然への敬意――北米先住民の伝統文化(天理大学附属天理参考館第81回企画展)』(会期:2018年4月4日-6月4日)、天理大学附属天理参考館。(2018.4-)
2018 『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』(会期:2018年3月8日-5月29日)、国立民族学博物館本館企画展示場。(2018.3-)
2015 Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Atsunori Ito, Gerald Lomaventema “Screening Hopi Jewelry: Hopi Culture Expressed on Silver” “Hopi Overlay Program” in Museum of Northern Arizona 85th Hopi Festival, Easton Collections Center.(2015.7.4)[査読無し]
2014 「映像上映『インディアン・ジュエリーの現在』」、首都大学東京「学術成果の都民への発信拠点・組織の形成」研究グループ企画展『伝統文化は誰のもの?――文化資源をめぐる協働を考える』、首都大学東京91年館。(2014.10.31-11.13)[査読無し]
2014 「映像上映『アメリカ先住民 ホピの銀細工づくり――銀板に重ね合わせる伝統』」、首都大学東京「学術成果の都民への発信拠点・組織の形成」研究グループ企画展『伝統文化は誰のもの?――文化資源をめぐる協働を考える』、首都大学東京91年館。(2014.10.31-11.13)[査読無し]
2014 “Screening Native American Jewelry Today” Minpaku Inter-University Research Project A Study of Relationship-building Using Ethnological Materials, National Museum of Ethnology. (2014.2.10) [査読無し]
2014 「映像上映『インディアン・ジュエリーの現在』」、『アメリカ先住民アート展』(北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター国際シンポジウム『アイヌ・アートが担う新たな役割――米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ』)、北海道大学学術交流会館小講堂。(2014.1.26)[査読無し]
2013 「映像上映『アメリカ先住民 ホピの銀細工づくり――銀板に重ね合わせる伝統』」、第47回日本文化人類学会研究大会、慶應義塾大学。(2013.6.9)[査読無し]
2022 (協力)『大自然への敬意――北米先住民の伝統文化』(第177回天理ギャラリー展)(会期:2022年10月15日―12月3日)、天理ギャラリー(東京都千代田区神田錦町1-9 東京天理ビル9階)
2021 (協力)Layers of Memory, Burke Museum of the Washington University (2021.5-7)
2019 (協力)Living in Sacred Continuum, New Mexico State University, American Indian Student Center (2019.4.26-2019.12.15)
2018 (協力)『大自然への敬意――北米先住民の伝統文化(天理大学附属天理参考館第81回企画展)』(会期:2018年4月4日-6月4日)、天理大学附属天理参考館。(2018.4-2018.6)
2018 (実行委員)『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』(会期:2018年3月8日-5月29日)、国立民族学博物館本館企画展示場。(2018.3-2018.5)
2018 (実行委員)『現れよ。森羅の生命――木彫家 藤戸竹喜の世界』(会期:2018年1月11日-3月13日)、国立民族学博物館本館企画展示場。(2018.1-2018.3)
2017 (実行委員)『カナダ先住民の文化の力―過去、現在、未来』(会期:2017年9月7日-12月5日)、国立民族学博物館特別展示室。(2017.9-2017.12)
2014 「ホンモノ?ニセモノ?――『ホピ製』宝飾品の真作贋作」(首都大学東京「学術成果の都民への発信拠点・組織の形成」研究グループ企画展『伝統文化は誰のもの?――文化資源をめぐる協働を考える』)、首都大学東京91年館。(2014.10.31-11.13)[査読無し]
2014 (企画・資料提供)『アメリカ先住民アート展』(北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター国際シンポジウム『アイヌ・アートが担う新たな役割――米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ』)、北海道大学学術交流会館小講堂。(2014.1.26)
2013 (コラム解説)「はじまりは馬具づくり――米国南西部先住民の宝飾品」『年末年始展示イベント「うま」』、国立民族学博物館 探究ひろば横休憩所。(2013.12.12-2014.1.28)
2012 “Report on Minpaku and Hopi Relationship: collection in 2010 and renewal event in 2012”, Shungopavi Community Center, Second Mesa, AZ.(2012.5.29)
2012 (司会・解説)『2012春のみんぱくフォーラム たっぷりアメリカ<研究公演> アメリカ先住民 ホピの踊りと音楽』、国立民族学博物館 講堂、(同時中継:講堂地下ピロティ、第5セミナー室)。(2012.3.20)
2012 (解説)『春のみんぱくフォーラム2012 親子ワークショップ ひょうたんの楽器をつくろう――ホピのくらしとお天気』、国立民族学博物館 第3セミナー室、アメリカ展示場。(2012.3.10)
2011 (副実行委員長)『たっぷりアメリカ――春のみんぱくフォーラム2012』(会期:2012年1月-2012年3月)、国立民族学博物館本館展示室など。(2011.6)
2011 (実行委員)『千島・樺太・北海道 アイヌのくらし』(会期:2011年10月-12月)、国立民族学博物館特別展示室。(2011.4-2012.3)
2010 (企画)『第5回ホピ・ズニ作家展』(会期:2011年11月3日-6日)、すみだ・パークスタジオ、東京都墨田区。(2010.12-2011.11)
2009 (プロジェクトチーム)『本館展示場アメリカ展示新構築』(2011年3月17日オープン)、国立民族学博物館本館展示室。(2009.5-2011.3)
2009 (企画)『第4回ホピ・ズニ作家展』(会期:2010年11月5日-7日)、すみだ・パークスタジオ、東京都墨田区。(2009.12-2010-11)
2008 (企画)『第3回ホピ・ズニ作家展』(会期:2009年11月6日-8日)、すみだ・パークスタジオ、東京都墨田区。(2008.12-2009.11)
2007 (実行委員)『自然のこえ 命のかたち――カナダ先住民の生みだす美』(会期:2009年9月-12月)、国立民族学博物館特別展示室。(2007.10-2009.12)
2007 (企画)『KYOTO Silver Exhibition(京都銀展)』(会期:2008年11月15日-16日)、白沙村荘 橋本関雪記念館:京都市左京区。(2007.12-2008.11)
2007 (企画)『第2回ホピ・ズニ作家展――さいたま展』(会期:2008年11月7日-10日)、Salon de flamme:さいたま市浦和区。(2007.12-2008.11)
2007 (企画)『第1回ホピ・ズニ作家展』(会期:2007年11月9日-11日)、Salon de flamme:さいたま市浦和区。(2007.1-2007.11)
2018 「先住民ホピによる大地を慈しむための銀細工制作」天理大学附属天理参考館編『第81回企画展 大自然への敬意――北米先住民の伝統文化』、p. 15、奈良:天理大学出版部。(2018.4.4)[査読無し]
2018 「北米――間接収集と半世紀後の試み」野林厚志編『太陽の塔からみんぱくへ――70年万博収集資料』、pp. 153-168、大阪:国立民族学博物館。(2018.3.8)[査読無し]
2014 「表象に対する権利」国立民族学博物館(編)『世界民族百科事典』、丸善出版、pp. 736-737。(2014年7月10日)[査読無し]
2014 「博物館と返還」国立民族学博物館(編)『世界民族百科事典』、丸善出版、pp. 518-519。(2014年7月10日)[査読無し]
2014 「手工芸」国立民族学博物館(編)『世界民族百科事典』、丸善出版、pp. 496-497。(2014年7月10日)[査読無し]
2014 「北米先住民」国立民族学博物館(編)『世界民族百科事典』、丸善出版、pp. 296-297。(2014年7月10日)[査読無し]
2014 「揺りかご」『イメージの力――国立民族学博物館コレクションにさぐる』、国立民族学博物館、p. 248。(2014.2.18)[査読無し]
2014 “Cradle” The Power of Images: The National Museum of Ethnology Collection, p. 248, National Museum of Ethnology.(2014.2.18)[査読無し]
2014 『アメリカ先住民アート展』(北海道大学アイヌ・先住民研究センター国際シンポジウム『アイヌ・アートが担う新たな役割――米国先住民アートショーに学ぶ』)、北海道大学学術交流会館小講堂。(2014.1.26)[査読無し]
2012 翻訳・編集・執筆・資料撮影『2012春のみんぱくフォーラム たっぷりアメリカ<研究公演> アメリカ先住民 ホピの踊りと音楽――プログラム』、京都:プリントパック(自費出版)。(2012.3.20)
2010 翻訳・編集・執筆『第5回ホピ・ズニ作家展』、京都:プリントパック(自費出版)。(2010.11)
2010 翻訳・編集・執筆『第4回ホピ・ズニ作家展』、京都:プリントパック(自費出版)。(2010.11)
2009 翻訳・編集・執筆『第3回ホピ・ズニ作家展』、京都:プリントパック(自費出版)。(2009.11)
2008 翻訳・編集・執筆『第二回ホピ・ズニ作家展』、京都:プリントパック(自費出版)。(2008.11)
2007 翻訳・編集・執筆『第一回ホピ・ズニ アーティストショー イン ジャパン――1st Annual HOPI & ZUNI Artist Show in JAPAN』、京都:プリントパック(自費出版)。(2007.11)
2018 『ソースコミュニティと博物館資料との「再会」(RECONNECTING Source Communities with Museum Collections)』、国立民族学博物館。

  • オンライン公開(IDとパスワードの入力が必要な限定公開)
  • データステーション(本館2階)への機器設置
  • 多機能端末室(本館2階)への機器設置
2012 『カナダ先住民版画データベース』、国立民族学博物館。
2005 Database of American Indian Arts & Crafts Shops in JAPAN Publication on my own account.(ファイルメーカー、全310ページ)
2005 Hopi Jewelry Market in Japan. Publication on my own account. (ファイルメーカー、全5,800ページ)
2004~ 『ホピ・コレクション――みんなでつくるホピ作家のオンライン・ポートフォリオ』(2012年6月29日現在、記事数2,751ページ)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り⑤オンライン公開の「壁」」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.30)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り④資料の寄贈」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.23)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り③個人コレクション」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.16)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り②もの以外の記録」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.09)
2021 「米国先住民資料巡り①ソースコミュニティー」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2021.10.02)
2019 (取材協力)「NMSU exhibition displays ancient Mimbres pottery」『Las Cruces Sun-News 5面』(2019.04.25)
2018 (取材協力)「米先住民ホピ族との”再会”」『天理時報5面』(2018.4.29)
2018 (取材協力)「『神聖な資料』広がる非公開」『読売新聞(関西版)夕刊3面』(2018.4.16)
2018 (取材協力)「異文化配慮『見せない』展示」『産経新聞夕刊1面』(2018.3.31)
2018 「先住民ホピの銀細工(5)未来につなぐ」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2018.3.29)
2018 「先住民ホピの銀細工(4)作品に祈りを込める」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2018.3.22)
2018 「先住民ホピの銀細工(3)保留地に暮らし続ける」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2018.3.15)
2018 「先住民ホピの銀細工(2)民族ブランドの創出」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2018.3.8)
2018 「先住民ホピの銀細工(1)宝飾品作りの昨今」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2018.3.1)
2016 (取材協力)「福山の資料館収蔵品に脚光――米先住民ホピのカチナ人形」『中國新聞 朝刊社会面27面』(2016.4.17)
2015 「伝統的な生活を大切に(みんぱく世界の旅 アメリカ先住民ホピ4)」『毎日小学生新聞』(2015.1.31)
2015 「身体能力高いホピの人々(みんぱく世界の旅 アメリカ先住民ホピ3)」『毎日小学生新聞』(2015.1.24)
2015 「願いを込めて『ソーシャルダンス』(みんぱく世界の旅 アメリカ先住民ホピ2)」『毎日小学生新聞』(2015.1.17)
2015 「おいのりで雨雲を呼ぶ(みんぱく世界の旅 アメリカ先住民ホピ1)」『毎日小学生新聞』(2015.1.10)
2014 “International collaboration helps connect Museum of Northern Arizona to Hopi community.”, Navajo-Hopi Observer 34(50), p. 1, 4.(2014.12.10)
2014 「精霊の化身、仮面(7)生き物」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2014.7.17)
2014 (取材協力)「民博が国際ワークショップを開催――“フォーラム型情報ミュージアム”実現に向け」『文教速報』7973号:15、官庁通信社。(2014.2.26)
2014 「よそ者?(5)記録禁止というマナー」『毎日新聞夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2013.11.14)
2013 (取材協力)「コレクション再発見(6)――カチナ人形(日本郷土玩具博物館)」『中国新聞 朝刊文化面13面』(2013.3.29)
2013 「贈り物(4)祈りの羽根」『毎日新聞』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2013.1.31)
2012 「風を求めて(2)保留地から都市へ」『毎日新聞』(旅・いろいろ地球人)(2012.7.12)
2012 「アメリカ大陸の物作り(8)作家として母として」『毎日新聞関西夕刊』(旅・いろいろ地球人)、p.2。(2012.3.1)
2011 「くらしの美(4)お金には換えられない」『毎日新聞夕刊』(2011.9.29)
2009 (取材協力)「People 熱中人 インディアン・ジュエリーの架け橋~伊藤敦規さん~」産経新聞『くらしの百科 WEST』、p. 19、産経新聞社。(2009.11)
2008 (取材協力、資料貸出、取材コーディネート)「ワールド・リポート――北米先住民ホピ・ジュエリーの模倣品問題」『おはよう日本』NHK総合。(2008.7)
2008 「ワールド・リポート――北米先住民ホピ・ジュエリーの模倣品問題」『おはよう日本』NHK総合、資料貸出、取材協力、取材コーディネート。(2008.7)
2008 “1st Annual HOPI/ZUNI Artists Show in JAPAN.”, The HOPI TUTUVENI 18(1), p. 1, 8.(2008.1.3)
2007 (取材協力)「米先住民の偽工芸品 流通」『東京新聞夕刊(E版)社会面』、p. 10。(2007.11.8)