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National Museum of Ethnology International Symposium Interdisciplinary Research and Info-Forum Museum

2022年03月06日 @ 09:30 – 17:30 Asia/Tokyo Timezone
Time/Date Sunday, March 6, 2022
9: 30 – 17: 30
Location Online
Registration Pre-registration required / Free of charge
※Consecutive interpretation available (Japanese and English; Japanese, English and Spanish for the first session only)

Purpose of the Symposium

Atsushi Nobayashi(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

Since its founding in 1974, the National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku) has studied ethnology, anthropology and its surrounding fields. It has also accumulated diverse materials and information on them. At present, we consider it an urgent task to share tangible and intangible materials and related information with people as “human cultural resources” and pass them down to future generations.
Therefore, in collaboration with national and international research institutions, universities, museums, and local communities, we are promoting international joint research on the variety of cultural resources possessed by Minpaku and the collaborating institutions, and constructing ‘Info-Forum Museum’ which opens the results to the world as a multimedia and multilingual digital database.
The projects of the Info-Forum Museum have focused on collaboration with a variety of stakeholders, including the source community and it has been receiving a certain rating. At the same time, we can know that each project has various research themes and fields. It is also the important significance of the Info-Forum Museum project.
In this symposium, among the research themes considered to be important in the humanities including cultural anthropology, We would like to introduce the projects with the research themes of cultural heritage, art, natural history and archives, and consider the significance of the Info-Forum Museum project as a powerful means of research and investigation.


9:30 Registration
10:00 Opening Remarks
10:05 Director’s Remarks
Kenji Yoshida(Director-Genaral, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)
10:20 Introduction
Atsushi Nobayashi(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

The First Session: History and Present State of Popular Art

Moderator: Taku Iida(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

10:30 – 11:30

Project for Database Improvement:
Building an Info-Forum Database for Cultural Collections of Central and South America.

Ethnographic Information for Building an Info-Forum Database: A Case Study of the Peru Collection in Minpaku
Yuriko Yagi(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

History of Peruvian Retablos originated in Ayacucho: Don Joaquín López Antay and Retablos of Ayacucho
Alfredo López Morales(Artisans of Peruvian Retablo)

The Second Session: Natural History and Researchers

Moderator: Rintaro Ono(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

11:30 – 12:30

Project for Database Improvement
Building an Info-Forum Database for the Asaeda Toshio Collection Focusing on his Oceania Ethnography.

Fragment of a History of Japanese Natural History: Toshio Asaeda’s Exploration of Pacific and his Texts in the 1930s.
Norio Niwa(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

Toshio Asaeda and the California Academy of Sciences.
Rebekah Kim and John McCosker(California Academy of Sciences)

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

The Third Session: Utilization of Academic Materials in the Field and New Developments

Moderator: Teiko Mishima(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

13:30 – 14:30

Project for Database Improvement
Building an Info-Forum Database for Audiovisual Records of the Gandharba Community, Nepal.

Transformation of Sarangi Music and Gandharba Society: Retrace 1980’s Sarangi Music and Its Research.
Makito Minami(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

Comment 1.
Ram Prasad Kadel(Founder and President, Music Museum of Nepal, Kathmandu)

Comment 2. Socio Cultural Diversity and Pluralism in Nepal: A Glimpse from Pokhara
Biswo Kalliyan Parajuli(Prithivi Narayan Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Pokhara)

Comment 3.
People of the source community: Batulecaur, Pokhara

The Forth Session: Memory and Inheritance of Local Culture

Moderator: Ryoji Sasahara(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

14:30 – 15:50

Project for Database Improvement
Building an Info-Forum Museum for folk performing arts in Tokunoshima.

Establishing an Info-forum Museum to Transmit Folk Performing Arts
Shota Fukuoka(National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)

Communicating the Spirit of Our Ancestors: Inheriting Natsume Odori
Susumu Machida(Council for the Protection of Cultural Properties, Tokunoshimacho)

Amami Heritage Initiatives
Ryo Gushiken(Amagicho Board of Education)

15:50 – 16:00 Break
16:00 – 17:25 General Discussion

General Comments
Hiroyuki Kurita(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Pei-lin Yu(Boise State University)

17:25 Closing Remarks
Kyonosuke Hirai(Deputy Director-General, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka)


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Secretariat of Info-Forum Museum
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