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2018年09月22日 – 2018年09月23日 終日 Asia/Tokyo タイムゾーン


開講日 2018年9月22日(土)~9月23日(日)
場所 国立民族学博物館 第4セミナー室
定員 各セッション20名(先着順/申込不要、但し23日の第4セッションのみメールにて要事前連絡)
参加費 無料
使用言語 英語、日本語(同時通訳あり)
主催 人間文化研究機構ネットワーク型基幹研究プロジェクト地域研究推進事業「北東アジア地域研究」
連絡先 国立民族学博物館 北東アジア地域研究拠点


September 22

13:00 – 13:15 Opening remarks and general introduction
Nobuhiro KISHIGAMI (National Institutes for the Humanities)
Kazunobu IKEYA (National Museum of Ethnology)

Session1 (organized by Center for Northeast Asian Studies, National Museum of Ethnology)

13:15 – 14:45 Long-Term History on Ecological-Cultural Diversity in Northeast Asia.
Introduction:Kazunobu IKEYA (National Museum of Ethnology)
1: Mark HUDSON(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History)
“Ancient Globalisation in Northeast Asia: Integrating Archaeology, Language and Genetics”
2: Daehwan KIM (National Museum of KOREA)
“A Study on the Diffusion of Wooden chamber in Northeast Asia”
3: Hiroyoshi KARASHIMA (Center for Northeast Asian Studies, National Museum of Ethnology)
“Movement of Local Products in Modern Northeast Asia ”
Discussant: Hideyuki OHNISHI (Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts)

Session 2 (organized by Slavic-Eurasian Research Center, Hokkaido Univ.)

15:00 – 16:30 Rethinking the Northeast Asian Community
Chair: Norio HORIE (University of Toyama)
Introduction: Akihiro IWASHITA (Hokkaido University)
1: David WOLFF (Hokkaido University)
“History as a Component of Northeast Asian Region-building: Factors and Perspectives”
2: Shinichiro TABATA (Hokkaido University)
“Advancing Economic Integration in Northeast Asia over the Past Three Decades”
3: Yasuhiro IZUMIKAWA (Chuo University)
“The Trump Shock and Its Impacts on Regional Integration in Northeast Asia”
Discussant: Akihiro IWASHITA

Session 3 (organized by Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku Univ.)

16:45 – 18:15 Drastic Change of the Energy/ Climate Policy in the East Asia
Chair: Jusen ASUKA (Tohoku University)
Introduction: Jusen ASUKA (Tohoku University)
1: Alun GU (Tsinghua University)
“Carbon Market Mechanism and Economic Impacts”
2: Yi ZOU (China Beijing Environment Exchange)
“Mechanism Design and Market Performance of Beijing ETS”
3: Jusen ASUKA (Tohoku University)
“Changing China, Korea, Taiwan and Stagnating Japan”
Discussant: Kenji TAKEUCHI (Kobe University)

September 23

Session 4 (organized by Center for Far Eastern Studies, Univ. of Toyama)

※Session 4参加希望者は上記連絡先までメールで連絡をお願いいたします(9月20日まで)。

9:15 – 10:45 Sustainable Utilization of Forest Resources in Northeast Asia
Chair: Hiroko IMAMURA (University of Toyama)
1: Naoya WADA (University of Toyama)
“Spatial Variations of Forest Vegetation Affected by Fire in Zeysky Nature Reserve, Far Eastern Russia”
2: Masashi YAMAMOTO (University of Toyama)
“China’s Forest Policy Change and Its Effect on Wood Trade”
3: Gaku ITO (NIHU & University of Toyama)
“Why Do Neighbors Trade More? Decomposing Masses and Frictions in the Gravity Model of Trade”
Discussant: Hiroko IMAMURA
Discussant: Erbiao DAI (Asian Growth Research Institute)

Session 5 (organized by Institute for North East Asian Research, The Univ. of Shimane)

11:00 – 12:30 The Start of Modernization
Chair: Atsushi INOUE (The University of Shimane)
1: In-Sung JANG (Seoul National University)
“Yu Gil-Jun’s Conception of a Civilized Society and the Scottish Enlightenment: An Aspect of Acceptance and Transformation of Modern Thought in Korea”
2: Xiao-dong LI (The University of Shimane)
“Acceptance and Development of Modern Jurisprudence in China: Focusing on Liang Qichao”
3: NAHEYA (Inner Mongolia University)
“Study on the History of the Inner Mongolian studying abroad in Japan in the Period of Manchukuo”
Discussant: Atsushi INOUE (The University of Shimane)

Session 6 (organized by Waseda Institute of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Waseda Univ.)

13:30 – 15:00 Northeast Asia in Turbulence
Chair: Rumi AOYAMA (Waseda University)
1: Zhongqi PAN (Fudan University)
“Nuclear North Korea as the Game Changer in North East Asia”
2: Dingping GUO (Fudan University)
“The New Dynamics of Regional Cooperation in Northeast Asia”
3: Mong CHEUNG (Waseda University)
“Japan’s Strategic Choice in Northeast Asia”
Discussant: Go ITO (Meiji University)
Discussant: Rumi AOYAMA (Waseda University)
15:15 – 16:00 General Discussion
Discussant: Kenji KURODA (Center for Modern Middle East Studies, National Museum of Ethnology)