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カザフ草原の日没 2007年10月

研究者 藤本透子 FUJIMOTO Toko
研究分野 文化人類学、中央アジア地域研究



一緒に研究している人:カザフスタン R.B.スレイメノフ東洋学研究所 歴史学博士M.Kh.アブセイトヴァ


I first met Toko Fujimoto in 1998. Since that time, she has conducted ethnological field research for over 20 years; for example, in 2019, she participated in an international project titled History and Culture of the Great Steppe. While undertaking her fieldwork, Toko mastered the Kazakh language and experienced the everyday life, rituals, mentality, religion, and social customs of the Kazakh people. Based on her many years in the field, she has written numerous excellent monograph and papers. I am confident that the wonderful exhibition at the National Museum of Ethnology (Minpaku), for which Toko collected many ethnological materials, will play a novel and important role in spreading knowledge about the history and culture of Central Asia in Japan. M. Kh. Abusseitova (Doctor of Historical Science, R. B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, Kazakhstan)