Global Ecology in Historical Perspective――Monsoon Asia and Beyond
書名 | Global Ecology in Historical Perspective――Monsoon Asia and Beyond |
著者名 | Kazunobu Ikeya and William Balée (eds.) |
出版社 | 発行:Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. |
発行年月日 | 2023年3月12日 |
判型・体裁 | B5変形 |
頁数 | 304頁 |
ISBN | 978-981-19-6556-2(ハードカバー版) 978-981-19-6557-9(e-Books版) |
定価 | ※ 価格については販売元でご確認ください。 |
研究 | 特別研究成果: 生物・文化的多様性の歴史生態学―稀少動物・稀少植物の利用と保護を中心に―(2016.7-2019.3) |
Kazunobu Ikeya and William Balée
Theoretical Frameworks: Comparative Approaches in Historical Perspective
1.Comparison of Landscape Transformations in the Japanese Archipelago and the Brazilian Amazon William Balée
2.Trends for Ethnoecology in the French-Speaking Tropics and Beyond: Origins and Evolution Serge Bahuchet, Mathilde Bognon
3.“Back to the Trees!”: Historical Ecology in Amazonia Stéphen Rostain
4.Changing Mountain Landscapes in Japan: Wild Bear–Human Interactions in the Short Term Kazunobu Ikeya
Ethnozoology Over Time in Monsoon Asia
5.Undoing Monkey Attraction to the Village: A Food-and-Threat Response to Wildlife Crop-Raiding in Rural Japan John Knight
6.Rearing Wild Boar in Okinawa: Thinking About Their Domestication Yaetsu Kurosawa
7.Adaptive Strategies of Cormorant Fishers in Response to Decreased Fishing Area: A Case Study of Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China Shuhei Uda
8.Gayal–Human Relationships in the Forests of Bangladesh M. O. Faruque, M. F. Rahaman, A. Omar, Mohammad Kamrul Islam, J. L. Han, T. Torji et al.
Ethnobotany Over Time in Monsoon Asia
9.Bamboo Culture in Monsoon Asia: From a Case of the Hmong Farmer in Northern Thailand Shinsuke Nakai
10.Use and Knowledge of Sago Palms in Borneo: A Case of the Penan Hunter-Gatherers Miyako Koizumi
11.Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in Asia and the Pacific: Models for Domestication as a Food and Fodder Crop Peter J. Matthews
Indigenous History and Global Ethnobiology on Water and Land
12.Historical Changes in Human Relationships with Whales: Historical Ecology of Iñupiat and Bowhead Whales in Alaska, USA Nobuhiro Kishigami
13.Historical Ecology of Sea Turtle Fishing by the Indigenous Lowland Peoples of Eastern Nicaragua: A 40-Year Record Hitoshi Takagi
14.Sweet Cassava, Bananas and Plantains in the Peruvian Amazon: Shipibo Cultivation Methods on the Floodplains Mariko Ohashi
15.The Constructed Biodiversity, Forest Management and Use of Fire in Ancient Amazon: An Archaeological Testimony on the Last 14,000 Years of Indigenous History Laura P. Furquim, Eduardo G. Neves, Myrtle P. Shock, Jennifer Watling
16.Relations Between People, Water, and Domestic Animals in an Ancient Oasis City Hirofumi Teramura