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ピーター J. マシウス


ピーター J. マシウス


専門分野 先史学・民族植物学
各個研究 アジア、太平洋地域の民族植物学、先史学

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  • オーストラリア国立大学大学院博士課程修了。科学技術庁特別研究員(農水産省野菜茶業試験場)、日本学術振興会特別研究員(京都大学理学部)を歴任。
  • 1995年より民博。




Asia, Pacific, Mediterranean, ethnobotany, archaeology, plant sciences


History of agriculture and plant domestication, with specific interests in taro (Colocasia esculenta), paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera), and other plants.


Society for Economic Botany, Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, Ancient Starch Research Group


2020 Ahmed, I, PJ Lockhart, EMG Agoo, KW Naing, DV Nguyen, DK Medhi and PJ Matthews. Evolutionary origins of taro (Colocasia esculenta) in Southeast Asia. Ecology and Evolution 10:13530–13543. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6958
2014 Matthews, PJ, On the Trail of Taro: An Exploration of Natural and Cultural History (Senri Ethnological Studies 88) National Museum of Ethnology: Osaka, pp. 429.
2012 M Spriggs, D Addison and Matthews PJ (eds.). Irrigated Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in the Indo-Pacific: Biological, Social and Historical Perspectives. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, pp. 363.
1996 Matthews, PJ, Ethnobotany, and the origins of Broussonetia papyrifera in Polynesia (an essay on tapa prehistory). In JM Davidson, G Irwin, BF Leach, A Pawley, and D Brown (eds.), Oceanic Culture History: Essays in Honour of Roger Green, pp. 117-132. New Zealand Journal of Archaeology, Wellington.


1993 JSPS Visiting Fellowship (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan), at Kyoto University.
1990 Post-doctoral Fellowship, Japan Science and Technology Agency (STA), at National Institute for Vegetables, Ornamental Plants and Tea (NIVIT), Ano, Japan.
1985 PhD Scholarship, Australian National University.
1984 German Academic Exchange Service Scholarship.
1983 Vacation Scholar, Australian National University.
1983 Mappin Fund research grant from the Royal Society of New Zealand.
1981 Senior Anthropology Scholarship, University of Auckland.
1979 TANE Journal Prize for Best Student Paper, University of Auckland.


  • 科研「東南アジアにおけるサトイモの遺伝的多様性のマッピングによる栽培化モデルの検証 (Mapping Genetic Diversity in Taro (C. esculenta) to Test Domestication Models)」 (2017-2020)
  • 科研「南日本・東南アジアの野生サトイモの民族植物学的・遺伝子学的緊急研究(Wild Taro in Southern Japan and Southeast Asia: an Urgently Needed Ethnobotanical and Genetic Survey)」 (2011-2013)
  • 科研「温帯地域におけるサトイモ利用に関する民族考古学的研究:ニュージーランド、東アジアにおけるサトイモの貯蔵、加工過程の変遷の把握による民族考古学的モデルの構築」 (2000-2002)


  • オークランド大学理学部(1981)
  • 同大学院理学研究科修士課程修了(1984)
  • オーストラリア国立大学大学院博士課程修了(1990)
  • 科学技術庁特別研究員(農水産省野菜茶業試験場)(1990)
  • 日本学術振興会特別研究員(京都大学理学部)(1993)
  • 国立民族学博物館助手(1995)
  • 国立民族学博物館助教授(1999)
  • M.Sc(オークランド大学 1984)、Ph.D(オーストラリア国立大学 1990)
  • [学位論文]
  • 1990 Matthews, P. J. The origins, dispersal and domestication of taro. PhD thesis, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University.


  • History of agriculture and plant domestication, with specific interests in taro (Colocasia esculenta), paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera), and other plants.
  • Storage and use of taro in temperate regions (Japan, Mediterranean, and New Zealand), renewal of the Oceania Gallery at Minpaku.
  • I created a non-profit website :
    The Research Cooperative, a meeting place for academic and scientific writers, editors, translators, and others. See :


2021 Richards, R. & Matthews, P. J. “Barkcloth from the Solomon Islands in the George Brown Collection”. In Specht, J., Attenbrow, V. & Allen, J. (eds), From Field to Museum—Studies from Melanesia in Honour of Robin Torrence. Tech. Rep. Aust. Mus. Online, No. 34, pp. 245–258. Sydney: The Australian Museum.
2021 Matthews, PJ “Food in Oceania”. In Nobayashi, A. et al. (eds) Encyclopedia of Food Culture. Maruzen: Tokyo.
2021 Matthews, PJ and ME Ghanem. Perception gaps that may explain the status of taro (Colocasia esculenta) as an “orphan crop”. Plants People Planet 3, 99–112. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10155
2020 Ahmed, I, PJ Lockhart, EMG Agoo, KW Naing, DV Nguyen, DK Medhi and PJ Matthews. Evolutionary origins of taro (Colocasia esculenta) in Southeast Asia. Ecology and Evolution 10:13530–13543. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6958
2020 Abdullah , CL Henriquez, F Mehmood , A Hayat , A Sammad, S Waseem, MT Waheed , P J Matthews, TB. Croat, P Poczai, I Ahmed. Chloroplast genome evolution in the Dracunculus clade (Aroideae, Araceae). Genomics 113:183-192. DOI: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2020.12.016
2019 Prebble, M, PJ Matthews, and 12 others. Early tropical crop production in marginal subtropical and temperate Polynesia Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (18) 8824-8833.
2018 Grimaldi I M, Muthukumaran S, Tozzi G, Nastasi A, Boivin N, Matthews PJ, et al. (2018) Literary evidence for taro in the ancient Mediterranean: A chronology of names and uses in a multilingual world. PLoS ONE 13(6): e0198333.
2018 Bammite, D, PJ Matthews, DY Dagnon, A Agbogan, K Odah, A Dansi, K Tozo, Agro morphological characterization of taro (Colocasia esculenta) and yautia (Xanthosoma mafaffa) in Togo, West Africa, African Journal of Agricultural Research 13(18): 934-945.
2017 Matthews, PJ, Evolution and Domestication of Clonal Crops. In D Hunter, L Guarino, C Spillane, PC McKeown (eds), Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Biodiversity, Chapt. 10. Oxford: Routledge.
2017 Matthews, PJ, PJ Lockhart and I Ahmed, Phylogeography, ethnobotany, and linguistics: Issues arising from research on the natural and cultural history of taro Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott. Man in India 97(1): 353-380.
2016 Nguyen, VD, PJ Matthews, I Ahmed, CS Nguyen, Colocasia yunnanensis (Araceae), a new record for the flora of Vietnam. The Journal of Japanese Botany 91: 223-229.
2016 Penailillo, J, G Olivares, X Moncada, C Payacan, C-S Chang, K-F Chung, PJ Matthews, A Seelenfreund, and D Seelenfreund, Sex distribution of paper mulberry (Broussonetia papyrifera) in the Pacific. PLoS ONE 11(8) e0161148.
2015 Matthews, PJ, VD Nguyen, D Tandang, EM Agoo and DA Madulid, Taxonomy and ethnobotany of Colocasia esculenta and C. formosana (Araceae): implications for evolution, natural range, and domestication of taro. Aroideana Supplement 38E(1): 153-176.
2015 Nguyen VD, VT Tran, T Masuno, and PJ Matthews, Useful aroids and their prospects in Vietnam. Aroideana Supplement 38E(1): 130-142.
2015 (with Dilip MEDHI) Feasibility Study for Field Research: Ethnobotany and Ecology of Wild and Cultivated Aroids in Assam State, Northeast India, Annual Report on Exploration and Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources in FY2013, volume30, pp159-183 PDF [4.3.8MB]
2013 Prehistory in a nutshell: a Lapita-age nut-cracking stone from the Arawe Islands, Papua New Guinea Archaeology in Oceania Volume 48, Issue 3, pages 121-129. abstract / PDF [1.2MB]
2013 (with Harriet V. Hunt, Hannah M. Moots) Genetic data confirms field evidence for natural breeding in a wild taro population (Colocasia esculenta) in northern Queensland, Australia. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution Springer Link
2012 『Irrigated Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in the Indo-Pacific: Biological, Social and Historical Perspectives』2012, National Museum of Ethnology, edited by Matthew Spriggs, David Addison and Peter Matthews
2012 (with Ibrar Ahmed, Patrick J. Biggs, Lesley J. Collins, Michael D. Hendy, and Peter J. Lockhart) Mutational dynamics of aroid chloroplast genomes. Genome Biology and Evolution 4(12):1316-1323. Genome Biology and Evolution
2011 (with Matthew Spriggs) Irrigated Taro in the Indo-Pacific: Multiple Perspectives
2011 (with E. M. G. Agoo, D. N. Tandang and D. A. Madulid) Ethnobotany and Ecology of Wild Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in the Philippines:Implications for Domestication and Dispersal
2011 (Translated by Jee Yan Chu; Introduced by P. J. Matthews) Yu Jing (The Book of Taro) Shengzheng Huang
2010 「旅・いろいろ地球人、オセアニア探検(4)帆にも服にもなる葉」『毎日新聞』8月4日夕刊
2010 An introduction to the history of taro as a food. The Global Diversity of Taro: Ethnobotany and Conservation. Bioversity International: Rome. pp.6-29. Bioversity International
2009 (With T. Denham, et al.) Archaeobotany in Australia and New Guinea: Practice, Potential and Prospects, Australian Archaeology 68: 1–10. Australian Archaeological Association Inc., Australia. ePublications@SUC
2009 Ethnobotany and Ecology of Wild Aroids. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 28: 8–10. National Museum of Ethnology.
2009 「green」国立民族学博物館編『旅いろいろ地球人』p.99, 淡交社。
2009 「危険と楽しみ」国立民族学博物館編『旅いろいろ地球人』p.145, 淡交社。
2008 A Wandering Scholar at a Crossroad in Japan. Kaiho (Club Quarterly Report, Autumn) 218: 9–12. International Science Club of Osaka.
2008 「ピーナッツバター瓶の中のジャングル」『教室の窓』Vol. 24, p.40, 東京書籍
2007 The Great Ocean Voyage: Vaka Moana and Island Life Today. Minpaku Anthropology Newsletter 25: 27–28. National Museum of Ethnology.
2007 「オセアニア大航海展」『朝日新聞』9月13日
2007 「植物の移動経路をたどる―植物学からみたオセアニア文化」国立民族学博物館編『オセアニア―海の人類大移動』pp.46-51,昭和堂
2007 「帆の都市のミュージアム」 『月刊みんぱく』31(5):10-11,国立民族学博物館。
2007 「異文化を学ぶ:海と人(8) ─ 危険と楽しみ」『毎日新聞』7月25日夕刊
2006 マシウス、ピーター・J, 西田泰民著 「残存デンプン分析の先行研究と目的」『新潟県立歴史博物館研究紀要』第7号,pp.1-6, 新潟県立歴史博物館
2006 渋谷綾子,マシウス、ピーター・J, 鈴木忠司著 「旧石器時代石器試料の残存デンプン標本」『新潟県立歴史博物館研究紀要』第7号,pp.17-24, 新潟県立歴史博物館
2006 Plant Trails in Oceania. In K. R. Howe (ed.) Vaka Moana: Voyage of the Ancestors, pp.94–97. Auckland, New Zealand: David Bateman Ltd.
2006 Written Records of Taro in the Eastern Meditteranean. In Z. Fusun Ertug (ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress of Ethnobotany (ICEB 2005), Istanbul-Turkey, pp.419–426, 21–26 August, 2005, Yayinlari, Istanbul.
2006 「異文化を学ぶ:色(2) ─ green」『毎日新聞』10月11日夕刊
2006 (With H. Barton) Taphonomy. In R. Torrence and H. Barton (eds.) Ancient Starch Research, pp.75–94, Walnut Creek, California, U.S.A.: Left Coast Press.
2006 The Domestication of Nutrient Cycles: A Unifying Principle for Thinking about the Origins of Agriculture? In T. Osada and M. Witzel (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th ESCA Harvard-Kyoto Roundtable, Ethnogenesis of South and Central Asia, pp.80–95, 6–8 June, 2005, Kyoto: Research Institute for Humanity and Nature.
2006 How and When Did Taro Become the Most Widespread Starchy Food Crop in the World? In R. Torrence and H. Barton (eds.) Ancient Starch Research, pp.22–23, Walnut Creek, California, U.S.A.: Left Coast Press.
2005 「イモ言葉いろいろ」マシウス、ピーター・J著,山中由里子訳 『月刊みんぱく』29(7):14,国立民族学博物館。
2005 (With P. Joseph K. and W. Naing) Notes on the Provenance and Providence of Wildtype Taros (Colocasia esculenta) in Myanmar. 『国立民族学博物館研究報告』29(4): 587-615,国立民族学博物館。
2004 P. J. Matthews and J. Akamine (eds.) Research Writing in Japan: Cultural, Personal and Practical Perspectives. Senri Ethnological Reports 49. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
2004 Taro. Encyclopedia of World Environmental History 3: 1185–1186, London: Routledge.
2004 Genetic Diversity in Taro, and the Preservation of Culinary Knowledge. Ethnobotany Research and Applications 2: 57–71. University of Hawaii at Manoa.
2004 「ニュージーランドの食文化」 『世界の食文化7 オーストラリア・ニュージーランド』農山漁村文化協会 pp.219-250
2004 (With J. Akamine) Preface. Research Writing in Japan: Cultural, Personal and Practical Perspectives, i-iii. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
2004 Taro. In S. Krech III, J. R. McNeill and C. Merchant (eds.) Encyclopedia of World Environmental History, Volume 3, pp. 1185–1186. New York and London: Routledge.
2004 Research Writing in Japan: The Bottleneck and Imperatives for a Conference Series. In P. J. Matthews and J. Akamine (eds.) Research Writing in Japan: Cultural, Personal and Practical Perspectives, pp.179–191. Osaka, National Museum of Ethnology.
2003 Taro planthoppers (Tarophagus spp) in Australia and the Origins of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) in Oceania. Archaeology in Oceania 38: 192–202.
2003 Identification of Benincasa Hispida (wax gourd) from the Kana Archaeological Site, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. Archaeology in Oceania 38: 186–191.
2002 (With M. Matsuda, and Y. Ochiai) Comments on the Classification and Naming of Root Crops and Other Crop Categories. In S. Yoshida and P. J. Matthews (eds.) Vegeculture in Eastern Asia and Oceania (JCAS Symposium Series No. 16), pp.331–335. The Japan Center for Area Studies, Osaka.
2002 Taro Storage Systems. In S. Yoshida and P. J. Matthews (eds.) Vegeculture in Eastern Asia and Oceania (JCAS Symposium Series No. 16), pp.135–163. The Japan Center for Area Studies, Osaka.
2002 P. J. Matthews and S. Yoshida (eds.) Vegeculture in Eastern Asia and Oceania (JCAS Symposium Series No. 16), pp.335. The Japan Center for Area Studies, Osaka.
2002 An Introduction to the History of Taro as a Food. Paper presented at the Twelfth Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC), 10–16 September, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan.
2002 Genetic Diversity in Taro, and the Preservation of Culinary Knowledge. In J. Stevens and W. McClatchey (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference, Building Bridges with Traditional Knowledge II, 28 May–1 June, 2001, Honolulu.
1999 (With J. Tanaka and S. Koyama) The Eighth International Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHAGS 8). Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology 23: 809–813.
1999 Satoimo ka shokubutsu no riyo to denpa (Use and dispersal of Aroids). (in Japanese). In T. Akimichi and T. Obayashi (eds.) Ethnobiology of the Austronesians, pp.153–190. Tokyo: Heibonsha.
1999 How Do People Use Taro in the Eastern Mediterranean? (in Japanese) Gekkan Minpaku Editorial Committee (ed.) 100 Questions, 100 Answers: The Life of Peoples of the World. Tokyo: Kawade-shobo-shinsha.
1998 Wildtype Taro, and the Recent History of Cultivated Taro in Cyprus and Hawaii. In AFRC (ed.) Proceedings of 1998 TASAE (Tsukuba Asian Seminar on Agricultural Extension): Application of Biological Resources for the Innovation of Agricultural and Environmental Education in Asian-Pacific Countries, pp.99–108. Tsukuba: Agricultural and Forestry Research Center, University of Tsukuba.
1998 The Real Face of Cyprus. (in Japanese). Kikan Minzokugaku (Ethnology Quarterly) Autumn 86: 68–74.
1998 Taro in Hawaii: Present Status and Current Research. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 116: 26–29.
1997 (With C. Gosden) Plant Remains from Waterlogged Sites in the Arawe Islands, West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea: Implications for the History of Plant Use and Domestication. Economic Botany 51(2): 121–133.
1997 Research on Taro in Cyprus. (in Japanese). Minpaku Gekkan (April) 21 (4): 15–17.
1997 Field Guide for Wild-type Taro. Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott. Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter 110: 41–48.
1996 Ethnobotany, and the Origins of Broussonetia Papyrifera in Polynesia. (An essay on tapa prehistory). In J. M. Davidson, G. Irwin, B. F. Leach, A. Pawley, and D. Brown (eds.) Oceanic Culture History: Essays in Honour of Roger Green, pp.117–132. Wellington: New Zealand Journal of Archaeology.
1996 Plant Dispersal and Human Movement: Evidence for a Complex History in Polynesia. (In Japanese). Minpaku Tsushin 73: 80–85 (Communications of the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka).
1996 Review: The Other Greeks: The Family Farm and the Agrarian Roots of Western Civilization. Economic Botany 50: 138.
1995 Aroids and the Austronesians. Tropics 4(2): 105–126.
1995 Review: Foraging and Farming in the Eastern Woodlands. In C. M. Scarry (ed.)Economic Botany 49(1) 108.
1995 Review: Plants in Hawaiian Culture. In B. H. Krauss (ed.) Man and Culture in Oceania 11: 125–128.
1995 Sadayuki Katayama of Ikeda. New Zealand Camellia Bulletin 19(2): 41–43.
1994 (With R. Terauchi) The Genetics of Agriculture: DNA Variation in Taro and Yam. In J. G. Hather (ed.) Tropical Archaeobotany: Applications and new developments, pp.251–270. London and New York: Routledge.
1994 Ethnobiologist Receives Award. Man and Culture in Oceania 11: 131–132.
1992 (With E. Takei and T. Kawahara) Colocasia esculenta var. aquatilis on Okinawa Island, Southern Japan: The Distribution and Possible Origins of a Wild Diploid Taro. Man and Culture in Oceania 8: 19–34.
1992 (With Y. Matsushita, T. Sato, and M. Hirai) Ribosomal and Mitochondrial DNA Variation in Japanese Taro. (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott). Japanese Journal of Breeding 42: 825–833.
1991 (With Y. Sakata and T. Nishio) Chloroplast DNA Analysis of Eggplant (Solanum Melongena) and Related Species for Their Taxonomic Affinity. Euphytica 55: 21–26.
1991 A Possible Tropical Wildtype Taro: Colocasia esculenta var. aquatilis. Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Bulletin 11: 69–81.
1987 Wild Taro and the Context of Cultivation. Aroideana 10: 9–13.
1985 Nga taro o Aotearoa. Journal of the Polynesian Society 94: 253–272.
1982 Taro in the Bay of Islands. New Zealand Archaeological Society Newsletter 25(4): 230–239.
1980 Patterns of Feeding on Dysoxylum and Planchonella Fruits. Tane 28: 79–82.
1979 Archaeological Site Survey on Ponui Island, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. Tane 25: 23–33.
2020 “Plant Exploration as an Iterative Process: Routine and Serendipity”, presented for the webinar: “Field Explorations in Botany: Internationalization, Documentation, Value Addition and Conservation”. 19.- 20. August 2020. Hosted by Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose College, University of Calcutta. Organisers: D. Saha, S. Khan, and S. Khasnobis (20th Aug., 2020).
2020 “Recent Research on the Origins and Domestication of Taro (Colocasia esculenta): From the Forests of Southeast Asia to Cities of the World”, at Dept of Forest Biology, School of Forestry, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Organiser: Dr Duangchai Sookchaloem (15th Jan. 2020).
2019 “Recent Research on the Origins and Domestication of Taro (Colocasia esculenta)”, at Faculty of Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Organiser: Dr Mhd A. Hossain (7. Nov., 2019).
2019 “Going With the Flow: Food and Water in Mobile Landscapes”. For workshop: Seeing the Knowledge: Environmental experience and the humanities, RIHN, Kyoto 21-22 Oct. 2019. Organizer: Dr Daniel Niles. (22. Oct., 2019).
2019 “Recent Research on the Origins and Domestication of Taro (Colocasia esculenta)”, at Central National Herbarium, Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Indian Botanical Garden, Howrah, Kolkata, India. Organiser: Dr V. P. Prasad, Botanical Survey of India (19. Sept., 2019).
2019 “Bark culture, ancient to modern: Bark-cloth, beaten-bark paper, and paper”. For workshop, Archaeology of Boundaries, Ecole Nationale des Chartes, Paris, France. Organiser: Prof. Nathan Schlanger (28. August 2019).
2017 “Recent research on taro”, 5th annual Hutton Lecture at the Kohima Institute, Kohima, Nagaland, India (host: Michael Heneise). (2nd December, 2017)
2017 “Recent research on taro” at the Centre for Karbi Anglong Studies, at Diphu, Karbi Anglong (host: Dr Dharamsing Teron). (6th December, 2017)
2007 開館30周年記念特別展「オセアニア大航海展:ヴァカ モアナ、海の人類大移動」実行委員長(9.13~12.11)